Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Declaring that I have only read up to book 3.  That white walker's sword falls to the ground and doesn't burst like he does.  Can humans use those weapons?  
It's literally just a big *** icicle on a stick b.

Anybody can use icicles as weapons
You know nothing Master Zik, it shatters normal weapons unless it is obsidian or valyrian steel.
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Declaring that I have only read up to book 3.  That white walker's sword falls to the ground and doesn't burst like he does.  Can humans use those weapons?  
It's literally just a big *** icicle on a stick b.

Anybody can use icicles as weapons :lol:
You know nothing Master Zik, it shatters normal weapons unless it is obsidian or valyrian steel.
That's cuz all of the white walkers got magical ice powers.

I highly doubt if a human picked it up they'd be turned in to ice or be able to use it and shatter others in to ice.
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Maaan Stannis is as cold as ice B. You can't sacrifice your daughter for some gaddamn shadow coochie that's throwing it at every person who has even an inkling of power.

I thought my baby Missandei was fine for. Dany with the scumbag exit though. Great episode.
The scene the actors are talking about thats gonna "break the internet" hasn't happened yet
Yeah I looked again and Podrick said ep 10, the finale.

I got an idea. Not necessarily super gruesome but definitely along the lines of the RW where spoiler/book readers will be filming non-spoiler/book readers reactions for sure :lol: :smh:

Can't wait to see Cersi naked though. I want her dead but I'd bang Lena til her hip broke.
I hope to god they don't leave the season on a damb cliffhanger of any kind.

But I'm pretty sure they will.
 im not as worried about a cliffhanger as much as im worried the finale is just going to suck.

we got 2 really solid action packed episodes back to back.

as a thrones fan id be dumb to expect a 3rd.
I hope to god they don't leave the season on a damb cliffhanger of any kind.

But I'm pretty sure they will.
 im not as worried about a cliffhanger as much as im worried the finale is just going to suck.

we got 2 really solid action packed episodes back to back.

as a thrones fan id be dumb to expect a 3rd.

Don't even worry man,best believe GRRM and D&D are gonna have some surprises in store for the is GoT afterall :lol:
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I hope to god they don't leave the season on a damb cliffhanger of any kind.

But I'm pretty sure they will.
 im not as worried about a cliffhanger as much as im worried the finale is just going to suck.

we got 2 really solid action packed episodes back to back.

as a thrones fan id be dumb to expect a 3rd.
This show isn't all action though.

And I wouldn't necessarily say it has to be action packed for deaths to happen or worse.
I hope to god they don't leave the season on a damb cliffhanger of any kind.

But I'm pretty sure they will.
 im not as worried about a cliffhanger as much as im worried the finale is just going to suck.

we got 2 really solid action packed episodes back to back.

as a thrones fan id be dumb to expect a 3rd.

Don't even worry man,best believe GRRM and D&D are gonna have some surprises in store for the is GoT afterall :lol:
It'd be funny as hell if GRRM gave them a few scenes for the finale that spoils the book this time around.

Book readers would be pretty pissed :lol: Especially since the book probably won't be out until next year.
Book readers can correct me if need be but in the show some of the people of Westeros and Esssos have implied they believe it's transmitted by contact

Full body grey scale people can spread it, but I believe it has to be like a scratch or something. it has to break skin. so no he won't give dany that herpscale

...but what happens if the red witch is wrong like "ehhhh my bad visions been a little foggy"
The show isn't showing everything, she hasnt been wrong about anything really, everything has happened pretty much how she predicted.
Also in the book, the people stannis has left in his Army ride for Melisandre more than they ride for stannis. Example Davos Son. Was all about the Lord or light..
so yea some were worried about her burning the girl but a lot more believe in her

Yes exactly he is pursing to save the world/westeros, from the destruction that's it's going through. A lot of her predictions also has to do with protecting the world from the real threat. She believes only he will be the one to unite the people and deliver the world from such evil. ..
He's not being played honestly. he knows/thinks he should be King. if anything she's stuck on him and loyal to stannis. she has never steered him wrong. or lied to him.

The unsullied again are out numbered and not really in a setting where they can flourish fighting on top of steps. and a crowded stadium.

The show has always had it set up that she was connected to her dragons. from season 2 til now. Even in the episode where she was on the roof in deep thought and drogon came through.
although book wise he came because he heard the commotion and was hungry.. I don' believe she was ever in trouble in the book.

She only bought 8000 unsullied, remember daario called her out.. she has second sons. (probably a little under 5k) and she has some Dothraki so she probably has a total of under 15000 (that's be generous if you add some of the slaves
but also remember not all the unsullied are veteran fighters, some of them were just boys still in training...
she doesn't have the biggest army in the show. I think technically the tyrells do right now. as it stands without the dragons she sort of doesn't stand a chance in Westeros by herself.

i didnt read the books but i feel like jamie was such a wasted character.

Naw he has one of the most redeming stories in the entire book. when they start giving him chapters you're like... my dude is finally redeeming himself.
Jamie a wasted character? What? Dude is THE most redeeming character in the show. Good guy King Slayer. :pimp:
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She believes only he will be the one to unite the people and deliver the world from such evil.
I do not believe at all that she believes he is truly the one to save the world. I feel like she's appeased, pacified and brainwashed him just enough to use him as a means to an end. Telling him he is the one true king and all that good **** to do what's currently needed.

I feel when the time is right she's going to end up sacrificing Stannis for whoever she (who the lord of the light chooses) truly wants to lead.

I mean just going off where her religion started, where she's from, and where Stannis from you'd think she'd be looking for a Taragreyon and not a Baratheon who's brother took the throne form the mad king.

He's not being played honestly. he knows/thinks he should be King. if anything she's stuck on him and loyal to stannis. she has never steered him wrong. or lied to him.
It's a long con.

The unsullied again are out numbered and not really in a setting where they can flourish fighting on top of steps. and a crowded stadium.
If your soldiers can't handle assassins rocking gold masks in the fighting pit then they are what they are.

I'm not ignoring this was in a sense another ambush and they probably never thought such a bold attempt would be made hence them not needing a lot of the unsullied but from what we saw before they got surrounded the unsullied don't even look like good fighters individually. More like a strength in numbers group.

She only bought 8000 unsullied
Bought? I thought she freed them all and then they all chose to willingly serve as her army?
but also remember not all the unsullied are veteran fighters, some of them were just boys still in training...
I would expect the young ones are still in training and aren't forced to be on the front lines in dangerous situations like that.

she doesn't have the biggest army in the show. I think technically the tyrells do right now.
It's been a while. Granted they never had to use their army but I don't really remember the Tyrells having the biggest army but given other armies have taken losses that probably is the case
as it stands without the dragons she sort of doesn't stand a chance in Westeros by herself.
That been clear to me. I've been implying that by pointing how soft the unsullied have gotten.

What Dany needs is better war council. Jorah gonna die, other dude already dead. Tyrion right now is basically an adviser on everything (politics, society, money, army) but she's going to need a specialist and I don't think that's Daario.

She need to get that Redbeard wildling to bend the knee.
Jamie a wasted character? What? Dude is THE most redeeming character in the show. Good guy King Slayer. :pimp:
Still can't wait until he dies.

I want to see him beaten and bloody in front of Rickon, Sansa, Arya, and Bran confessing his sins and begging for forgiveness right before Bran says "the North remembers" and sentences him to torture where he loses his legs. Actually no, I hope their wolves take his legs. Then they rename him Stumpy the Kingslayer. Then when reunited with Tyrion somebody cracks a joke about Tyrion being taller.

I say this knowing nothing of the future but just with the fact that GRRM vilified him to start then slowly redeemed him over time to the point ppl actually like this dude a lot. I want it to reach that peak point right before they take it all away from Jamie and he gets what he deserves.
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im still mad the dirk nowitzki sized broad took the hounds lunch money

if son only got that infection properly looked at 

he aint dead tho, im holding onto that. Brianne about to catch this righteous L from Ramsay too 
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It's not like she told him he is Rhollor himself.

Targs only believed in themselves... some believed in the seven.

She can tell him to do whatever she wants. ... yes this is true. but with him being king and having a rightful claim to it. this makes it easier to get mroe people to follow the religion. so yes I do believe she wants him to be King so she can spread her religion, but I don't think she wants to or plans to kill him.

assassin vs. soldier doesn't make the soldier superior, Think of Bronn, Daario and all sell swords as assassins, not so much soldiers. I think they would beat unsullied one on one.
with that said in this situation you got SoH come out the wood works sneak attacking and over powering yes I do believe even unsullied would get murked.

when would the young ones have had extra time to train??
(You know what I meant by bought, freed/ whatever she acquired 8000)

it may not be the tyrells. but I remember them doing number counts... in season 2.. maybe it is lannisters... but with banner man and freys... ( i think the freys alone are OVER 9000 :tongue::tongue::tongue::tongue::tongue:)
im still mad the dirk nowitzki sized broad took the hounds lunch money

if son only got that infection properly looked at 

he aint dead tho, im holding onto that. Brianne about to catch this righteous L from Ramsay too 
If they fight this season it will be some CapnMericaVsBatman level boss fight, pulling all the dirty tricks and weapons till Sansa murks him for all the **** he put her thru... and I haven't read the books, just going from what I would like to see.

It's not like she told him he is Rhollor himself.

Targs only believed in themselves... some believed in the seven.

She can tell him to do whatever she wants. ... yes this is true. but with him being king and having a rightful claim to it. this makes it easier to get mroe people to follow the religion. so yes I do believe she wants him to be King so she can spread her religion, but I don't think she wants to or plans to kill him.
I'm pretty sure when Stannis is in a situation where he is no longer being followed like that she'll ditch him.

assassin vs. soldier doesn't make the soldier superior, Think of Bronn, Daario and all sell swords as assassins, not so much soldiers. I think they would beat unsullied one on one.
with that said in this situation you got SoH come out the wood works sneak attacking and over powering yes I do believe even unsullied would get murked.
This isn't really my argument.

All I'm pointing out is that the unsullied are soft and when put in a situation where it's one on one or where they have to fend for themselves they are in fact inferior to a bunch of high class assassins.
when would the young ones have had extra time to train??
What do you mean extra time?

If the young ones did not complete their training they should not be in uniform or given any sort of job. They should spend their time training. The entire time they were in the last city to the time they got to Mereen they should spend their time training. Nothing else.

You do not give untrained ppl soldier duties.

it may not be the tyrells. but I remember them doing number counts... in season 2.. maybe it is lannisters... but with banner man and freys... ( i think the freys alone are OVER 9000 :tongue::tongue::tongue::tongue::tongue:)
Whoever it is have a shook one for a leader.
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