Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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vrai1 vrai1

They held hands like 'Hey? Fall to our death once or let Ramsay dice us over and over? Yeah me too'

Just, damn :lol:
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stannis definitely lost his damn mind a long time ago. Talking about it's his destiny malarky so he goes and sacrifices his daughter just to take a major L from the bolton troops. Plus my bae Melisandre ditched him before the fight even started.
:lol: @ anyone believing Theon & Sansa are dead.

I'm not even sure Stannis is gone. When GoT disposes of a character, they don't shy away from showing you that the deed has been done.

Yeah... Brien is mad bipolar and ocd... I could definitely see him staying alive... I legit thought he was dead after Black Water just to show right back up :lol:...
Looking on my timeline, seems like people are legit mad. Cursing and talking about how they're done with the show. Such liars. Being mad at a show for being gully is stupid.
Stannis killed his brother via Melisandre, and then his wife took her own life because his daughter was sacrificed for the "lord of light", via again Melisandre and the cloud she had over him.

Girl swooped in, took everything he had, and then left before the battle. At that point he realized he had basically just pushed his whole family in the pot for a hoax. He's dead btw, y'all are ridiculous. :lol: Whether Remley deserved the throne or not he still killed his own brother, and the screen cutting before she did it didn't convince me that Brean, who is all about serving, traveled that far to let him go.
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I hope Jamie immediately turns that boat around and cuts off the heads of ellaria and the sand snakes. Except for tyene though. Damn that girl is the goods. Her scene in he prison was my favorite this season.

Anyone else think that Jon's friend from the watch looks like he could be Bronn's bastard son? He looks so similar to him. Same hair and facial hair.
Looking on my timeline, seems like people are legit mad. Cursing and talking about how they're done with the show. Such liars. Being mad at a show for being gully is stupid.

You know a show is good when it causes such legit emotion...

When I read all the crazy parts in the books that gave me the feels the only way I could react was to stare at the wall and say wtf to myself.
did not see that coming :smh:

what is life? |I

i'm legit mad lol
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Man they didn't technically show Ned's death.

Stannis is done and so is Jon.

Sansa and Reek still alive though.
They showed his head detached right after though 
I legit loathe Olly more than Jeoffrey. At least Jeoffrey was entertaining with the trolling.

Bran or Arya better murk this punk *** :smh:
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