***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'd actually prefer to talk about policy stuff. Stuff people can respectably disagree on. Its just everyone is discussing the legal emails on the news right now.
I'd actually prefer to talk about policy stuff. Stuff people can respectably disagree on. Its just everyone is discussing the legal emails on the news right now.
Then talk policy stuff 
 It's a free thread b

Most here are college educated if I recall correctly. Rusty has an economics degree, as does Rexanglorum if I recall correctly. Pretty sure he also has a PhD but I'm not sure in what.
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Dudes in here reaffirming why bipartisan conversation has become pointless. They parrot Fox News talking points which are designed to derail.

The whole administration can go up in flames and they still wouldn't take the L, they'd blame it on the liberal media and the democrats having no platform so they just obstruct because they couldn't "win the electoral college."

They will never admit to an L.

Look how embarrassingly quick they're willing to abandon the democratic ideals of our NATO allies in favor of an authoritarian regime. They want free speech for their hate speech and then support being allies with a government that kills dissenters and suppresses said free speech.
I do. Do you? Do you think CNN qualifies? What about Fox News?
CNN is a trash corporation that treats politics like sports. All they care about is ratings. 

And Fox News is a straight up rightwing media organization. There's not even a hint of "fair and balanced" on there.

This is the same network who tried to make scandals out of Obama eating Dijon mustard, wearing a tan suit and "terrorist fistbumps"
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CNN is a trash corporation that treats politics like sports. All they care about is ratings. 
And Fox News is a straight up rightwing media organization. There's not even a hint of "fair and balanced" on there.
This is the same network who tried to make scandals out of Obama eating Dijon mustard, wearing a tan suit and "terrorist fistbumps"

This much we can agree on
Off topic, but what other forums do you guys checkout for political talk?
I check out r/politics occasionally but if anything is a libbie echo-chamber it's that subreddit. I occasionally browse r/the_donald to see what they're up to.

Anyway it seems I lost track of time in this thread and it's 4AM already 
 So I'm off to sleep
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​what is this, amateur night? If you need somebody on NT to explain to you current events maybe this isn't the thread for you. No offense. If you're sincerely asking the question I suggest you run a few websearches. If that comment is your defense to trump then its not even worth a reply.
I know what happened, I just want NT'ers to explain in their own words what happened.

Leaked emails

Circulated large amount of literal fake news on social media in specific states

Attempted to hack voting software days before the election

One successful attempt at altering voter information

Theft of thousands of voter records containing private info (partial social security #s)

The fact that private data was stolen from states is separately providing investigators a previously unreported line of inquiry in the probes into Russian attempts to influence the election. In Illinois, more than 90% of the nearly 90,000 records stolen by Russian state actors contained drivers license numbers, and a quarter contained the last four digits of voters’ Social Security numbers, according to Ken Menzel, the General Counsel of the State Board of Elections.


Russia tried and failed to hack the French elections as well

In this instance, however, the hacking scheme didn’t work; Macron won the election in a landslide, largely because the message failed to generate an anti-Macron narrative that dominated coverage. Nimmo told us:

What we saw on Saturday [6 May 2017] was that the hashtag #MacronLeaks did trend, but that an increasing proportion of the traffic, and the most popular tweets, either mocked the leaks or criticized the alt-right for trying to spread them. By Saturday afternoon, there were strong narratives on Twitter that the US alt-right was trying to interfere in the election, and that Russian hackers had been implicated.

The hashtag campaign did spread the hashtag successfully, but it failed to establish a dominant anti-Macron narrative outside the alt-right / far-right echo chamber. Instead, it saw an increasing pushback and led to significant mainstream coverage of alt-right attempts to interfere in the election, and to further questions about Russian hacking.

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Dead *** the forum that can be abbreviated as SF should be censored from this board. I jokingly said it in that post I deleted but realized I'm not even trying to acknowledge that wasteland and direct an impressionable lurker there
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This news really must have scared dudes if they came in here parroting Trump surrogate talking points

every time there's a big story the fools rush in and it's always the same schtick. "explain to me what evidence there is we landed on the moon?" "why the outrage? did trump bring down the towers?"

Man I don't know how some people get through life with such low level critical thinking skills. It's to a point I don't know if they're in here trolling or not.

they've learned from the coal gang and surpassed us. :smh:
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Damb you too famb. I be all up on that joint too; I use a incognito window and Soros don't eem know it

I can't even open that site on a Belgian IP :lol: Blocked by government. Easy to bypass with a proxy or vpn of course
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