***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Read all about it!
Trump Place Fires The Donald: Mogul No Longer The Manager Of Pricey New York High Rise
I guess this was trumps big news.
Good Riddance
So are we going to ignore Sarah Palin's "shuck and jive" comments? The disrespect is out of control.

And if you don't know the history of the term "shuck and jive" go Google it. I'd add the link but I'm on my phone.
So are we going to ignore Sarah Palin's "shuck and jive" comments? The disrespect is out of control.
And if you don't know the history of the term "shuck and jive" go Google it. I'd add the link but I'm on my phone.
Just googled it quick. Has it's roots in slavery. Disgusting. The amount of shear disrespect people have our president
Switch gears a bit. Watched this a while a go..Thought it was interesting...Mexican Drug Cartels vs. the Stormin' Mormons (The Romney Mormons)
So are we going to ignore Sarah Palin's "shuck and jive" comments? The disrespect is out of control.
And if you don't know the history of the term "shuck and jive" go Google it. I'd add the link but I'm on my phone.
Just googled it quick. Has it's roots in slavery. Disgusting. The amount of shear disrespect people have our president
No offense, but the fact you didn't know that is... 
wonder why they were thinkin about divorce though?

not a big deal to me just wonderin
If you really took a step back and thought about it, people have no respect for the President. 75 years ago, people wouldn't dare bash the president like they are now. I guess we can thank Nixon for that
There is a confusion among minorities in this country struggling to defend Obama for this very reason.

On on hand you want to hold him accountable...but you spend SO MUCH TIME defending this overt racism. 
Romney is against the immigration policies that helped his father get in this country & make a living....
Yeah I think the video also said his father was against those same policies too, that says something about their character :smh:
There is a confusion among minorities in this country struggling to defend Obama for this very reason.

On on hand you want to hold him accountable...but you spend SO MUCH TIME defending this overt racism. 
It's just a shame the shear amount of disrespect people have for the president. Granted I'm fairly young, but I've never seen a president get this much ridicule.I remember my 9th grade Social Studies teacher talking about how back in the day, the media PROTECTED the president. For an example, not many people know that FDR had polio. And that's because the media purposely didn't take or print any photos of him in his wheel chair. And I know the media protected JFK with all his affairs. My point is that it all changed after Nixon and watergate. No president could be trusted after that. The media's attitude toward presidents has changed drastically. I can fully understand holding your leader accountable, but there is a line between holding someone accountable and blatantly disrespecting our Commander in Chief. Makes me sick once you think about.Future or anyone else, feel free to correct me regarding the historical details. That's just what I remembered off the top of my head
No offense, but the fact you didn't know that is... 
I'm not even gonna lie, I haven't heard the term shuck and jive until today my dude lol.And that is the reason why I'm majoring in a science field. Ask me about physics, math, chemistry, cars, sports and sneakers and that's my domain. This stuff, not so much. People who suceed don't walk around like a know-it-all. They have a sense of humility, admit when they don't know something, and try and learn from others who do. I don't know anything about politics or this kind of stuff, but it interests me so I'm trying to learn. Never really cared about politics, the world, and cultures until I got older and realized that it affected my life. With age comes wisdom I guess
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No offense, but the fact you didn't know that is... 
I'm not even gonna lie, I haven't heard the term shuck and jive until today my dude lol.And that is the reason why I'm majoring in a science field. Ask me about physics, math, chemistry, cars, sports and sneakers and that's my domain. This stuff, not so much. People who suceed don't walk around like a know-it-all. They have a sense of humility, admit when they don't know something, and try and learn from others who do. I don't know anything about politics or this kind of stuff, but it interests me so I'm trying to learn. Never really cared about politics, the world, and cultures until I got older and realized that it affected my life. With age comes wisdom I guess
Its not problem. I'm glad you know why its so offensive, but it still bugs me that even little dog-whistle buzzwords like this go over people's heads and they repeat it without knowing what its about. 

Lee Atwater popularized this stuff in the republican party: www.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog-whistle_politics
You start out in 1954 by saying, "******, ******, ******." By 1968, you can't say "******" — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "******, ******."[sup][24][/sup][sup][25][/sup]
It's just a shame the shear amount of disrespect people have for the president. Granted I'm fairly young, but I've never seen a president get this much ridicule.I remember my 9th grade Social Studies teacher talking about how back in the day, the media PROTECTED the president. For an example, not many people know that FDR had polio. And that's because the media purposely didn't take or print any photos of him in his wheel chair. And I know the media protected JFK with all his affairs. My point is that it all changed after Nixon and watergate. No president could be trusted after that. The media's attitude toward presidents has changed drastically. I can fully understand holding your leader accountable, but there is a line between holding someone accountable and blatantly disrespecting our Commander in Chief. Makes me sick once you think about.Future or anyone else, feel free to correct me regarding the historical details. That's just what I remembered off the top of my head

100% agree. Everyone hated bush and i mean liberals and republican a like, but we knew where the line was drawn. Difference with bush and obama is bush was barraged with jokes and petty humor. His constant miss-ups just fueled the fire for more jokes. With obama on the other hand.. it isn't about jokes and games. From Muslim to slave to racial slurs. Where's the humor in that? Now people such as trump are holding news conferences trying to bribe the president for banal information? Just utter disrespect.
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It's just a shame the shear amount of disrespect people have for the president. Granted I'm fairly young, but I've never seen a president get this much ridicule.I remember my 9th grade Social Studies teacher talking about how back in the day, the media PROTECTED the president. For an example, not many people know that FDR had polio. And that's because the media purposely didn't take or print any photos of him in his wheel chair. And I know the media protected JFK with all his affairs. My point is that it all changed after Nixon and watergate. No president could be trusted after that. The media's attitude toward presidents has changed drastically. I can fully understand holding your leader accountable, but there is a line between holding someone accountable and blatantly disrespecting our Commander in Chief. Makes me sick once you think about.Future or anyone else, feel free to correct me regarding the historical details. That's just what I remembered off the top of my head

Were you alive when George W Bush was President? :lol:

Media teared him apart to. It goes both ways.

You're teacher had a point tho, before the Internet, media protected Presidents to a point because media was the only media then.(if you catch my drift)
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Yea I'm not sure there were statesmen calling the George Bush a monkey in government emails :rolleyes
I don't know why you people are surprised. Racism is still everywhere in this country. A lot of this stuff is coming from republicans who cater towards states that are mostly in the south.
heres a video my boss sent me.

Before 2008 i was unsecure about my future as an electrical engineer. Graduated in 09' with a job offering from sharp in their solar department. After a year i became a project manager with a salary increase of almost double what it was before. Obama vowed to bring back the renewable energy regulations set forth by carter that were later killed by reagan--and he did just that. He put forth new regulations that mandated that a certain percent of a states' source of energy come from renewable energy. Every yer that number goes up.

My mother was finally able to get a loan modification under the obama plan for her mortgage. Under bush banks denied her twice because she had equity on the house.

My brother is finally out of iraq and stationed in germany, which he now loves.

Obama ran on a campaign on change in 2008, and contrary to what many may have you believe, he did just that; change. You don't here about these stories though because fear is what is fueling the republican campaign, and it's working like a charm for Romney. But it's kool though, people can pretend like it hasn't gotten better since 2008.
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Hopefully Obama's got this in the bag after owning Mitt the other night.

I really can't believe the sheer HATRED white people have towards Barrack. Not just rednecks, but Jack Welsch, Trump, and other "respected" businessmen.
Before 2008 i was unsecure about my future as an electrical engineer. Graduated in 09' with a job offering from sharp in their solar department. After a year i became a project manager with a salary increase of almost double what it was before. Obama vowed to bring back the renewable energy regulations set forth by carter that were later killed by reagan--and he did just that. He put forth new regulations that mandated that a certain percent of a states' source of energy come from renewable energy. Every yer that number goes up.
My mother was finally able to get a loan modification under the obama plan for her mortgage. Under bush banks denied her twice because she had equity on the house.
My brother is finally out of iraq and stationed in germany, which he now loves.
Obama ran on a campaign on change in 2008, and contrary to what many may have you believe, he did just that; change. You don't here about these stories though because fear is what is fueling the republican campaign, and it's working like a charm for Romney. But it's kool though, people can pretend like it hasn't gotten better since 2008.

He has not done all that he promised. He may have changed things for some people that voted for him. I get your point and he is better for this country than Romney though.
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