Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

If trading becomes a thing I wonder if you'll be able to just punch in another trainers name or if you'll need to be within close proximity like pokestops/gyms/everything else in this game lol. 

Also, I really wish they would implement a way to see which gyms I leave my mons at. Not that it's super urgent but there should be a pop up if your guy gets popped when you leave him at a gym... at least a journal notification or something.
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If trading becomes a thing I wonder if you'll be able to just punch in another trainers name or if you'll need to be within close proximity like pokestops/gyms/everything else in this game lol. 

Also, I really wish they would implement a way to see which gyms I leave my mons at. Not that it's super urgent but there should be a pop up if your guy gets popped when you leave him at a gym... at least a journal notification or something.
I bet you'll have to be within the same range as everything else.

I agree about the gyms- that would be a good feature.
Fam, when trading comes in the next update, hook me up with a Dragonite?

Theres literally no Dratini's/Dragonairs near me. I can't even evolve to one. :smh:

Hook a brotha up
Fam, why not just play from the phone? :lol:

Stay safe, fam

Honestly it's easier than looking at an iPhone. My peripheral vision is 20/20 so I can legit focus on the road and still see what's going on on the pad. Everyone has there own method to the madness. It just happens to be easier that way, foe me at least.
If trading becomes a thing I wonder if you'll be able to just punch in another trainers name or if you'll need to be within close proximity like pokestops/gyms/everything else in this game lol. 

Also, I really wish they would implement a way to see which gyms I leave my mons at. Not that it's super urgent but there should be a pop up if your guy gets popped when you leave him at a gym... at least a journal notification or something.

If you go to your Pokemon, the little symbol next to the Mon at the gym will be there. If the symbol is not there any more then it got popped
I haven't even come across them yet. I'm surprised how often I'd find kabuto and omanyte in comparison
If you go to your Pokemon, the little symbol next to the Mon at the gym will be there. If the symbol is not there any more then it got popped
Ya I know that, but I'm saying it would be cool to get a notification. It would be helpful when I'm rushing to smack up 10 gyms to know if my dudes are dropping as fast as I'm placing them. 

Also it would be nice to know where I left them. I've been missing an Arcanine for like a month now 
If you go to your Pokemon, the little symbol next to the Mon at the gym will be there. If the symbol is not there any more then it got popped

The Mons HP being at 0 is also a good way to know that your Mon caught those hands.
So did anyone get the Pokemon Go Plus?

It's going for $100+ on amazon and ebay :x
Gr at canal park he moves around in that area I just use that website and scan all around that area. And yea I'll hook people up with them when we can trade I need hitmonlee lol

Canal Park like off 44th Street kinda by Rivertown Mall? Is that the park your talking about... if so my apartment is RIGHT down the road from there :smokin
For all of you IV experts: I have a Charmander 209 CP, 32 HP, 1000 dust to power up. HP, ATK, DEF all equally the best stat, but team leader states "Its stats don't point to greatness in battle" which I believe indicates a range of 0-7 (based on this chart)
I couldn't get an IV estimate using the calculator I always use. I tried powering him up twice to see if it made a difference, but the IV keeps showing as 0% lol. Is he trash or is he good and just needs to be powered up? 
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For all of you IV experts: I have a Charmander 209 CP, 32 HP, 1000 dust to power up. HP, ATK, DEF all equally the best stat, but team leader states "Its stats don't point to greatness in battle" which I believe indicates a range of 0-7 (based on this chart)
I couldn't get an IV estimate using the calculator I always use. I tried powering him up twice to see if it made a difference, but the IV keeps showing as 0% lol. Is he trash or is he good and just needs to be powered up? 
If they're all equal, it is POSSIBLE that your mon's stats are 0-0-0... sorry bro 

What was the first thing your Team Leader said (before telling you that all three were equally impressive)? That tells you what overall IV % you're looking at.

How you play the game could be different than me, but I would definitely wait for a different Charmander to power up.

To answer your underlying question, IVs are fixed and won't change when you power up (or evolve). Powering up increases his level, which increases his CP, but his IVs won't change, so another Charmander at the same level will be stronger. Another way to look at it is: to get the same CP as another Charmander with better IVs, it will cost more Dust to get him there, and eventually he will max out at a lower CP than the higher IV mon. If you don't have a lot of dust to spare, his max CP might not matter to you because you won't ever get there, anyway.
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This happened in Central Park last night

I do feel bad for the dude but a few things has me calling ducktales.

Central Park is literally loaded with lures all day and all night ( if you ever poke hunt there )

And it look like not a single soul was in the background.
@rollout  repped

So I'll just assume his stats are all equally trash 
 bout to turn him into candy.
Sounds like he is 

I am curious, though- what did Candela (sounds like you're Valor) say before talking about all of his stats being equal? "Overall, your [Pokemon] may not be great in battle, but I still like it!", or something else?
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For all of you IV experts: I have a Charmander 209 CP, 32 HP, 1000 dust to power up. HP, ATK, DEF all equally the best stat, but team leader states "Its stats don't point to greatness in battle" which I believe indicates a range of 0-7 (based on this chart)

I couldn't get an IV estimate using the calculator I always use. I tried powering him up twice to see if it made a difference, but the IV keeps showing as 0% lol. Is he trash or is he good and just needs to be powered up? :nerd:  

Powering up doesnt change IV
Its trash
Always go by what the trainer tells you first
If the trainer tells you its trash then I wouldnt even bother checking out the exact IV, its instant candy
The CP is low anyway so even if the IVs are decent, I wouldnt bother powering it up.
Sounds like he is 

I am curious, though- what did Candela (sounds like you're Valor) say before talking about all of his stats being equal? "Overall, your [Pokemon] may not be great in battle, but I still like it!", or something else?
Yeah she said that same phrase. 

@shatterkneesinc  fasho finna turn him into candy lol
So will this thread be all trading when the update comes? I'm thinking about whether or not I'll want to.
Sounds like he is 

I am curious, though- what did Candela (sounds like you're Valor) say before talking about all of his stats being equal? "Overall, your [Pokemon] may not be great in battle, but I still like it!", or something else?
Yeah she said that same phrase.

@shatterkneesinc  fasho finna turn him into candy lol
That confirms it- his IVs are 0-0-0. It's a good thing you checked before powering him up! 

I use https://pokemon.gameinfo.io/en/tools/iv-calculator by the way.
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