Post a sports headline that will never happen

Roger Federer Wins French Open.

"Eddie DeBartolo Buys Back 49ers From Brother-in-Law John York; Denise DeBartolo Ecstatic"

"Jose Canseco Reveals All Allegations of Steroid Using Players Was a Lie"

"2006 NBA Finals Revisited: Referees Admit to Helping D-Whistle"

"A Look Back at the 2002 Western Conference Finals Game 6: Kings DID Get Screwed"

"Kobe Bryant's Rape Accuser Is Actually Part Asian"

"Lost Footage of Wilt Chamberlain Scoring 100...FOUND!"

"1919 Chicago Black Sox: They DIDN'T Throw the World Series"

"Ben Johnson DIDN'T Use Steroids at 1988 Olympic Games"

"Marion Jones Wins the Lottery!"
got em! ( i guess not )

"Marlins regular season game sold out!"
"ESPN stops slurping Lebron"
kevin durant passes the ball

kobe and ray take bruce bowen out for his bday

kwame brown makes the allstar team, wins mvp and leads his team to a title

more to come.....
"Michael Vick volunteers at a local animal shelter"
"The Giants play a game that doesn't make their fans shed years off their lives"
"Mike Hampton finishes a season"

"The giants win the supe........ nevermind
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

"Sam Cassell to be on cover of GQ"

"LeBron James traded to the New York Knicks"

"Tyler Hansborough named NBA Rookie of the Year"

"Tavaris Jackson breaks Tom Brady's TD record"

"Bill Belichick wins director of the year"
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