Reports of a "mass casualty" situation @ nightclub in Orlando shooting

That's why I'm not singling out muslims, but religion had a lot to do with it. Religion is part of the reason why this guy was tormented about being himself.

Son was probably in the Mosque like....

Claiming religion has something to do with it further marginalizes Muslims. Can't rock with that sentiment.
Claiming religion has something to do with it further marginalizes Muslims. Can't rock with that sentiment.

Did we not see the video of the Muslim preaching a couple pages back? Anton and other NTers aren't saying all muslims believe this. The same way Westboro, KKK, and others don't speak for all Christians. We understand groups such as ISIS, Boko, doesn't speak for all of Islam. Unfortunately, their allegiance is to their said religion(in their eyes).
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So ISIS supports a closeted gay man attacking openly gay people?
This story is going to levels I have never seen before.

The ignoramus' official response to the orlando shooting 

A full on attack toward Muslims, innocent women and children refugees, the president, and a full disregard for current statistics, trends, and most importantly factual based information...this guy will spin anything and repeat key phrases over and over again until he thinks people will buy it as factual, its a mind game and a form of psychological conditioning he's very good at
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So ISIS supports a closeted gay man attacking openly gay people?
This story is going to levels I have never seen before.

Either they revoke their support once they hear this news or say the U.S gov planted that story.
I vote for the latter

ISIS takes the L anyway and all the closeted gays in ISIS gonna try to bend back straight so they don't get their heads chopped off

Lol chill

I'm just making a joke

Sorry I just realized, this thread has a lot of ignorant people sometimes I don't get the sarcasm. :lol:  

But yea, ISIS is about to recant their endorsement once they find out Omar had a gay lover that dumped him. 
It's all good
Rampant toxic masculinity? I ain't buying it Lion. Always a crunchy chick writing this bs

I don't have the slightest clue on the stats but something tells me, there aren't many female mass shooters.

Which is true, but with that logic we can blame rampant toxic masculinity for all kinds of things women don't do. Are Ponzi schemes a masculinity issue? Car theft? Drug trafficking? I think men just happen to commit these kinds of crimes more than women

Rampant toxic masculinity? I ain't buying it Lion

Before I shut you down....Why not?

Calm down, I'm not a fan of blaming masculinity for these terrible acts. I feel like that's oversimplifying the issue.
MONDAY, JUN 13, 2016 12:16 PM EDT

[h1]Overcompensation Nation: It’s time to admit that toxic masculinity drives gun violence [/h1]

[h2]Our national attachment to dominance models of manhood is a major reason why we have so much violence [/h2]




Omar Mateen  (Credit: AP/Balkis Press)

In the wake of the horrific shooting in Orlando that left 50 dead, a political struggle is forming on whether to define this act as an anti-gay crime or an act of radical Islamic terrorism.

The answer, it’s quickly starting to seem, is both of these, and more. A picture is quickly starting to form of who Omar Mateen, the shooter, was. His ex-wife describes a man who was controlling and abusive
A colleague says he
 was always using racial and sexual slurs and “talked about killing people all the time.” Both his ex-wife and his father describe him as homophobic, with his father saying he spun into a rage at the sight of two men kissing. He was clearly fond of guns, having not one, but two concealed carry licenses
. He worked at a security firm, a career that can be attractive to men with dominance and control issues. He was investigated by the FBI in 2013 for making threats to a coworker.

There is a common theme here: Toxic masculinity.

Every time feminists talk about toxic masculinity, there is a chorus of whiny dudes who will immediately assume — or pretend to assume — that feminists are condemning all
 masculinity, even though the modifier “toxic” inherently suggests that there are forms of masculinity that are not toxic.

So, to be excruciatingly clear, toxic masculinity is a specific model of manhood, geared towards dominance and control. It’s a manhood that views women and LGBT people as inferior, sees sex as an act not of affection but domination, and which valorizes violence as the way to prove one’s self to the world.

For obvious political reasons, conservatives are hustling as fast as they can to make this about “radical Islam,”  which is to say they are trying to imply that there’s something inherent to Islam and not Christianity that causes such violence. This, of course, is hoary nonsense, as there is a long and ignoble history of Christian-identified men, caught up in the cult of toxic masculinity, sowing discord and causing violence in our country: The gun-toting militiamen that caused a showdown in Oregon, the self-appointed border patrol called the Minutemen that recently made news again
 as their founder was convicted of child molestation, men who attack abortion clinics and providers.

Toxic masculinity aspires to toughness but is, in fact, an ideology of living in fear: The fear of ever seeming soft, tender, weak, or somehow less than manly. This insecurity is perhaps the most stalwart defining feature of toxic masculinity.

The examples are endless: Donald Trump flipping out when someone teases him about his small fingers. (Or about anything, really.) The ludicrously long and shaggy beards on “Duck Dynasty,” meant to stave off any association with the dreaded feminine with a thicket of hair. The emergence of the term “****servative
,” flung around by hardline right wingers to suggest that insufficient racism is somwho emasculating. Conservatives absolutely melting down
 about an Obamacare ad that suggested that, gasp, sometimes men wear pajamas

(This ad traumatized them so much that many conservative pundits are still freaking out, years after the fact
, that the Obama administration dared suggest the emasculating fabric of flannel pajamas, ever touched the skin of the American male. Indeed, it’s probably emasculating to suggest men have skin at all, since “skin” is such a ladified concept in our culture, what with the moisturizers and stuff.)

If toxic masculinity was just about men posturing around each other in a comical fashion, that would be one thing, but this persistent pressure to constantly be proving manhood and warding off anything considered feminine or emasculating is the main reason why we have so many damn shootings in the United States. Whether it’s Islamic terrorism or Columbine-style shootings or, as is the case with some of the most common but least covered mass shootings, an act of domestic violence
 by a man who would rather kill his family than lose control, the common theme is this toxic masculinity, a desire on the part of the shooter to show off how much power and control he has, to take male dominance to the level of exerting control over life and death itself.

This wont get the attention it deserves because its a male dominated world. This was discussed a lot in my psychology courses
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Are Ponzi schemes a masculinity issue? Car theft? Drug trafficking? I think men just happen to commit these kinds of crimes more than women

A firearm is a masculine tool though. Using a firearm to display the amount of gratuitous violence one can perform is a masculine act(from their perspective). Which is why the shooter fits the awkward outcast stereotype more often than not.
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Oh, so we're just gonna make up a phrase for punk to push another agenda [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] FOH

It's all about human nature guys

Men are prone to doing these actions due to sexual frustration and being outcasts
View media item 2067629

Most -isms stem from male insecurity

-Racism-Some negro is going to steal my girl

-Misogyny-God needs to control these women before they sleep with other religions...and cover up your bodies before lion blood see you

-Homophobia-I like men but I don't want to be treated like a woman, it's uncomfortable

Bigotry is a sign of human weakness
I think it also really depends on person's rational thinking and adaptation when dealing with bigotry

Like we all face certain bigotry in life as minorities. The ones that succeed against the bigotry tend to realize the labels are meaningless and do whatever they can to make life as smooth as possible.

Unfortunately, there are people like the terrorist who react against bigotry in an unhealthy manner due to how they are wired and the environment just adding more fuel to the fire. But that's life. Not everyone will be free from the mental prisons that societies have placed on us.

Long story short the mentally strong survive.
Masculinity isn't the direct cause of this. It's part of a bigger issue that should be addressed.

Address it because I don't see it.

If you feel some sort of way like your not man enough thats on you.

That's not energy most men put off.

Thats a insecurity you need to deal with.

Also considered feminine IMO.

So blame feminism.
Wait, so we're blaming masculinity on this?

Doesn't he show all the traits of feminism?
I don't think it's masculinity or feminism, the dude just was confused about what he is. Having a religious ****oo father who is practically against his closet lifestyle did not help his confusion either.
Long story short the mentally strong survive.

Until the mentally weak want to show the world how "tough" they are.
And this is why there are more male mass shooter than female.
Our male human nature relies on brute aggression when we feel threatened while the female human nature rely on verbal assaults or passive aggressive stunts when threatened.
There's nothing wrong with being masculine, we cheer on those that use it in the right way, i.e. Muhammad Ali

But the terrorist did it the wrong way and killed people who were happy with their own identity
If anything, he was a coward
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