Reports of a "mass casualty" situation @ nightclub in Orlando shooting

I dont know what to make **** up all the time to fit their narrative all the time
I really dont know what to believe on the shooter now man.end of the day its just all around sad and the footage poppin up
closet gay men HATE the gay community. Always sus when someone goes extra hard on lifestyles that don't concern em. Like that feminine pastor a couple pages back.
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Yeah its always weird when dudes go so hard to down the gay community. It's disturbing actually cuz those the dudes who are low down.
I think he was in the closet and envious that these people were brave enough to be themselves.

Whoa...after reading the past page or so, you guys may be on to something.

I give no credence to radicalism or any ISIS ties from this guy.
Yea I didn't say I believed it......need more evidence

But a lot of homophobes on the low funny.......
i feel ya....its just that nowadays all i believe is footage and i wanna think there were cameras in the club or if the cops shot some of them folks, they are definitely gonna deflect
Probably how he got in without getting checked, he was a regular [emoji]129300[/emoji]
Not a fan of fox but this is an interesting read:

Afghan Men Struggle With Sexual Identity, Study Finds
Published January 28, 2010

As if U.S. troops and diplomats didn't have enough to worry about in trying to understand Afghan culture, a new report suggests an entire region in the country is coping with a sexual identity crisis.

An unclassified study from a military research unit in southern Afghanistan details how homosexual behavior is unusually common among men in the large ethnic group known as Pashtuns -- though they seem to be in complete denial about it.

The study, obtained by Fox News, found that Pashtun men commonly have sex with other men, admire other men physically, have sexual relationships with boys and shun women both socially and sexually -- yet they completely reject the label of "homosexual." The research was conducted as part of a longstanding effort to better understand Afghan culture and improve Western interaction with the local people.

The research unit, which was attached to a Marine battalion in southern Afghanistan, acknowledged that the behavior of some Afghan men has left Western forces "frequently confused."

The report details the bizarre interactions a U.S. Army medic and her colleagues had with Afghan men in the southern province of Kandahar.

In one instance, a group of local male interpreters had contracted gonorrhea anally but refused to believe they could have contracted it sexually -- "because they were not homosexuals."

Apparently, according to the report, Pashtun men interpret the Islamic prohibition on homosexuality to mean they cannot "love" another man -- but that doesn't mean they can't use men for "sexual gratification."

The group of interpreters who had contracted gonorrhea joked in the camp that they actually got the disease by "mixing green and black tea." But since they refused to heed the medics' warnings, many of them re-contracted the disease after receiving treatment.

The U.S. army medic also told members of the research unit that she and her colleagues had to explain to a local man how to get his wife pregnant.

The report said: "When it was explained to him what was necessary, he reacted with disgust and asked, 'How could one feel desire to be with a woman, who God has made unclean, when one could be with a man, who is clean? Surely this must be wrong.'"

The Pashtun populations are concentrated in the southern and eastern parts of the country. The Human Terrain Team that conducted the research is part of a military effort to learn more about local populations.

The report also detailed a disturbing practice in which older "men of status" keep young boys on hand for sexual relationships. One of the country's favorite sayings, the report said, is "women are for children, boys are for pleasure."

The report concluded that the widespread homosexual behavior stems from several factors, including the "severe segregation" of women in the society and the "prohibitive" cost of marriage.

Though U.S. troops are commonly taught in training for Afghanistan that the "effeminate characteristics" of Pashtun men are "normal" and not an indicator of homosexuality, the report said U.S. forces should not "dismiss" the unique version of homosexuality that is actually practiced in the region "out of desire to avoid western discomfort."

Otherwise, the report said, Westerners could "risk failing to comprehend an essential social force underlying Pashtun culture."

Can anybody from the service or that works/worked there confirm? I wouldn't be surprised if this guy was molested or something as a kid.
If he aint gay, that was a hell of a plan to frequent the place enough to make them trust you.....seems like too much work but i would guess them dudes scope they targets for a while.
He said Mateen asked him out romantically.

“We went to a few gay bars with him, and I was not out at the time, so I declined his offer,” he said.

He believed Mateen was gay, but not open about it. Mateen was awkward, and for a while the classmate and the rest in the group of friends felt sorry for him.

“He just wanted to fit in and no one liked him,” he said. “He was always socially awkward.”
Self hatred and reaction formation at its finest. I've said it before and I'll say it again, homophobia is a sign of uncomfortable homosexual urges. Men who are the most homophobic tend to have a long history of this inner conflict of their own sexual desires vs. societal expectations. :\

I believe that also.
Never did I buy that ISIS was responsible for this guy. They have no reason NOT to claim him as one of their own because it revs up the American propaganda machine while strengthening recruiting.

This man was a disturbed individual whose self hatred ran deep and decided to act upon it. Nothing more.

FOH with the religion ******** too. Let's not kick a community of marginalized citizens who are already down.
If dude did this cause of his sexual preference... :smh:

then again no reason for him doing this is acceptable anyways, dudes a terrorist either way.

and for some reason I have a feeling the club wont change the name or management.
Man who the hell are ya'll even talking to that's banning guns?

Bruh it doesn't matter at this point :lol:

It happens every time.

People call for restrictions and regulations, one person uses the word ban, all hell breaks loose on the 2nd and why your not takin my guns :lol:

It's actually amazing.
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