Roommate issues

Mar 4, 2006
Ok, let me preface...I am 26, and I still have a roommate. Believe me, I understand that is my first mistake. It was financially motivated!

Tonight, we go out, enjoy ourselves VIP and party the night away with a fun crowd. At the end of the night, we go to whataburger in the middle of downtown and eat inside. No bunz.

My roommate gets his food first, and finishes. I get mine a few minutes after, and this guy stars reaching over and grabbing fries and tries to grab a piece of my sandwich. -_-

I check him, he gets kinda butt hurt, and I remind him that we aren't 15 anymore; that type of behavior is disrespectful and childish.

Fast forward: on the way home we are all driving to get dropped off and he makes a comment abt me *****ing abt him grabbing my food and I explode.

I remind him that his little bro stayed with us in the living room for a few months and that I overheard him saying they split his half of the rent. (Original agreement was his little bro split utilities only)

He denies at first, then acknowledges his arrangement, and I tell him I will not renew and will break the lease if his bro stays any longer without covering my portion too.

He immediately coughed up $240 to compensate, but that doesn't cover prior months...should I make a fuss or let it go?

He seems to realize that he has been exposed; his apologies fell on dead ears, and I made sure any future months, his bro will pay on both our portions of rent.
I'm confused about the arrangement with the little brother. Did how ever much he paid mean that you had to pay more because it wasn't what ya'll agreed upon?
I'm confused about the arrangement with the little brother. Did how ever much he paid mean that you had to pay more because it wasn't what ya'll agreed upon?

I got confused about that too.. OP mad that he got to paid half the rent by himself and the two brothers got to pay the other half?
It's a situation of being taken advantage of.

The little bro was to stay 3 months max, and once he got a job and started making commission, then he would move out.

The little brother stayed about 4 months; it took him 2 months to start making commission, so he payed 1/3 of utilities for the first two months, and he paid 1/3 utilities and 1/2 of my roommates portions for the next 3 months.

Basically, it was wrong for a friend for 10 years to secretly arrange to have half his rent paid for when I agreed to open our doors to his little brother and ask for only 1/3 utilities. I believe some of his rent should have went to my portion as well. We almost fought over it tonight
Aside from the little brother paying more than you and your roommate(his older brother) agreed upon it doesn't really seem like there's that much of an issue concerning you. Not a financial one anyway, a moral one I can see. At most it shows the your roommate is shady.

I'm curious, how was the amount of money that would need to be pay everything conveyed to the little brother? Was it something said with all three of you present?
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@mangudai: you are correct in your first statement; the arrangement between them shows that my roommate is shady.

In addition, your concerns hit the nail on the head.

The expectation was that he would stay for 2-3 months max, pay 1/3 utilities, and move out. The reality was he stayed a bit longer, and continued to pay 1/3 utilities, but also paid 1/2 my roommate's share.

I let it all go...I really didn't want something like this to be an issue, but my roommate asked if his little bro can stay again for 1 month (after his little brother moved out months ago), af I agreed. As you can see from my post above, I vocalized my concerns and brought up his prior arrangement and made sure that this time around would be fair.

My roommate was apologetic and acted as if he didn't know he was in the wrong.

I guess you can say I feel more betrayed and pissed at an old friend that he would take my kindness for a weakness. I should have charged a chunk of rent in the beginning, and made sure to do so for the month his brother is staying now.
I see where you're coming from. You were trying to help his lil bro out and your roommate essentially capitalized on the situation by charging his little bro more.

If you do end up allowing the lil bro to stay again all three of you should sit down and make the terms and whats expected clear so everyone is on the same page.
I'll never understand people's needs to find justifications in their actions.

If you feel like you did what had
To be done, then fine.

If not, that's on you.
@mangudai: you are correct in your first statement; the arrangement between them shows that my roommate is shady.

In addition, your concerns hit the nail on the head.

The expectation was that he would stay for 2-3 months max, pay 1/3 utilities, and move out. The reality was he stayed a bit longer, and continued to pay 1/3 utilities, but also paid 1/2 my roommate's share.

I let it all go...I really didn't want something like this to be an issue, but my roommate asked if his little bro can stay again for 1 month (after his little brother moved out months ago), af I agreed. As you can see from my post above, I vocalized my concerns and brought up his prior arrangement and made sure that this time around would be fair.

My roommate was apologetic and acted as if he didn't know he was in the wrong.

I guess you can say I feel more betrayed and pissed at an old friend that he would take my kindness for a weakness. I should have charged a chunk of rent in the beginning, and made sure to do so for the month his brother is staying now.

First off, you seem kind of insecure about the fact that you have a roommate in teh first place - your I only have roommate for financial reasons comment. I imagine this is resulting in some resentment of the roommate.

SEcond, you should never hash out real issues while you're drunk. Sit down with him at some point when you both are sober and have free time. Have a discussion about ground rules for your place. Dont make the convo solely about the brother but discuss that stuff. I know it seems lame since yall are friends coming in but if you lay out groundrules in writing in advance you all will enjoy living together a lot more.
Who touches another mans food tho?

That's been an unwritten law since cavemen lol
reminds me of how in high school my fat friend would get two things of fries from the lunch line. people at the table would ask him for one fry and he would hit them with the, "I bought two things of fries, because I wanted to eat two things of no."
Initially I thiught you sounded like an idiot for complaining about a house guest contributing more momey,, but now that I think about it, I see where you're coming from. Right now its basically a three-roomate situation and you're upset because you're dropping 50% while they're dropping 25%. On one hand, this comes off as shady if they purposely did it behind your back. On the other hand the older brother could be in a tough financial situation and his bro is just helping him out. If he's your brothers temporary guest, it's kiiiiiinda not your business where the other half of the money comes from. That's possibly their rationale.

And you sound like a bird for exploding over the food. I would've checked him, no doubt b/c I don't like that myself, but I would not have exploded. He sounds more like a bird for bringing back up in the car. I'll tell him that myself.
Where does the brother stay? Living room? Couch?

First, I wouldn't have agreed for the brother to stay for more than 2 weeks if it's on the couch. Sorry, the living room is a common area. If the brother shared the brothers room, then the initial agreement is fine. If the little brother broke the big brother with some bread because they were sharing a room, that's between them.

Sounds like you're tired of being a push over.
Still confused as to what happened. :lol:
But my dude you live in Texas where rent is hella cheap( even though I spend way to much for rent but wifey gets the utilities and phone bills), I don't understand the need for a roommate. Did you make poor financial decisions or is this more of a mutual thing so it benefits the both of you..
But if I read this correctly I think I get you are upset because of the " principalities" of the situation which is understandable ..
That's grimy though, lettling your little bro pay as much as you do just to crash on the couch. Yeah you must've been a pushover, I ain't met the grown man yet that would be comfy with another enough to reach for his food like you're his jail *****.
I can understand you feel cheated in the rent situation but would you have never brought it up if he didn't touch your food?
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