Roommate issues

Never in my life has man put hands on my food.

I honestly dont know how i would react in such a situation.
look bruh, him trying to take your whataburger was reason enough to fight. point blank. but you kept your cool. respect.

you're getting screwed on the rent. a fellow NT'er had this happen to him once upon a time.

in college said NT'er was rooming with 2 other folks. they were looking for a new apt and the 2 other folks decided, let's look for a 2 bedroom and basically proposed that NT'er pays half the total rent, and the other 2 gentlemen would share the 2nd room and split the cost of the room.

when you have more people living in a place than there are bedrooms, you have to realize that you're not only paying rent for your bedroom, but common spaces as well (living room, kitchen).
reminds me of how in high school my fat friend would get two things of fries from the lunch line. people at the table would ask him for one fry and he would hit them with the, "I bought two things of fries, because I wanted to eat two things of no."
At this I can fell that. One of my boys try to get some of my fries after we left the food spot. I tell them dude I could have bought u something instead of I picking off my stuff
Sounds like you guys were drunk munching and you got upset about him wanting to take some of your food. You put him in his place, which is fine. Then he complained and you took it a step to far, that's probably a sober conversation that you have the next day.
     Roommates can be horrible sometimes, especially in financial aspects.

Sometimes if you are an *******/ become severely agitated it is possible to get them right back.

    My arrangement with my roommate was for me to pay electric bills/utilities  and for him to pay the $30 internet/TV bill. Once I would pay the FULL electric bills/utilities I was supposed to  get HALF that amount from him minus my $15 share of the internet TV bill, within 2-3 days after I paid them myself.

    This guy found any excuse to delay giving me the money in an appropriate period of time. I would total all the $$ up, send him pictures of the bills so he could confirm for himself, and then round the total he owed me DOWN and ask him for the $$. The first few months we roomed together he would take like two weeks after me giving him the info to pay me the amount he owed. Sometimes he would pay a partial amount because thats all "he had on him cash" and pay the rest later. These first few months, I got every penny owed to me- don't get me wrong, but the lack of courtesy was pissing me the **** off. 

    My solution? After addressing him about the issue civilly, and it not working, I said **** it. I started altering the electric bill statements as well as utility statements by providing forged screenshots of what my bank account was charged/electric confirmation emails. If the electric was, lets say $70, I would bump it up to $130 for the **** of it- and the utility from like $40 to $60 for example. That way he was paying me $35-50 extra every month without even knowing it, so I could give a **** if it was on time or not LOL. We would have these stupid discussions on why the electric was so high, I would be like "bro you need to make sure your fan is off and your lights as well when you leave to go to work." I took special advantage in the wintertime and jacked that electric bill up real nice.

   Call me an *******, but this guy really didn't understand UNSPOKEN courtesy- never emptied the trash or put it outside, took too long to wash his dishes and so on. So I did some grimy ****, not exactly proud of it but hey- it worked for me. If it makes you feel better, consider the money I added onto his bill as a "late fee."
so he was paying u all he owed u just didnt like the way he went about it and felt the need to steal from him?
Sounds like you're tired of combing his chest hairs 

All of that over a burger and fries though? Damn. Those feelings you had must have been bottled up for a while for you to explode in that manner.

Personally couldn't deal with roommates as a working adult.

His brother should have never been sleeping in the living room as long as he was though. As stated that's a common area.
     Roommates can be horrible sometimes, especially in financial aspects.
Sometimes if you are an *******/ become severely agitated it is possible to get them right back.
    My arrangement with my roommate was for me to pay electric bills/utilities  and for him to pay the $30 internet/TV bill. Once I would pay the FULL electric bills/utilities I was supposed to  get HALF that amount from him minus my $15 share of the internet TV bill, within 2-3 days after I paid them myself.
    This guy found any excuse to delay giving me the money in an appropriate period of time. I would total all the $$ up, send him pictures of the bills so he could confirm for himself, and then round the total he owed me DOWN and ask him for the $$. The first few months we roomed together he would take like two weeks after me giving him the info to pay me the amount he owed. Sometimes he would pay a partial amount because thats all "he had on him cash" and pay the rest later. These first few months, I got every penny owed to me- don't get me wrong, but the lack of courtesy was pissing me the **** off. 
    My solution? After addressing him about the issue civilly, and it not working, I said **** it. I started altering the electric bill statements as well as utility statements by providing forged screenshots of what my bank account was charged/electric confirmation emails. If the electric was, lets say $70, I would bump it up to $130 for the **** of it- and the utility from like $40 to $60 for example. That way he was paying me $35-50 extra every month without even knowing it, so I could give a **** if it was on time or not LOL. We would have these stupid discussions on why the electric was so high, I would be like "bro you need to make sure your fan is off and your lights as well when you leave to go to work." I took special advantage in the wintertime and jacked that electric bill up real nice.
   Call me an *******, but this guy really didn't understand UNSPOKEN courtesy- never emptied the trash or put it outside, took too long to wash his dishes and so on. So I did some grimy ****, not exactly proud of it but hey- it worked for me. If it makes you feel better, consider the money I added onto his bill as a "late fee."
One Introductory paragraph, three body, and a conclusion. Very nice.
Nobody has ever reached on my plate and tried to take fries. What kinda person would do that lol
Dude tried to grab a piece of your SANDWICH?

In what world do people do this :rofl: . I dont mind if my boys grab some fries since they know i never finish em :lol:
When it comes to financials, and in a roommate situation it is about financials and rules, NEVER rely on uspoken rules and then complain about courtesy.

People are raised differently and common courtesy is subjective as hell.

You want things to be a certain way, lay that ******g **** out.

Never had issues with roommates, in fact, my old roommate is now my landlord. Everything has always been legit, we even agreed to sign a lease. Most of you young pups would say: "He's my boy, we have an understanding". In the end we are adults, and the lease protects him and also protects me so everything is in writing... no "he said, she said". Bills we split, it's all sent electronically, via Chase Quickpay so we can track it. No cash ever changes hands, including rent.

Entering a roommate situation, you have to see it as a business decision. Business is cutthroat, if you don't have it in writing, then words mean little.

Since you guys never discussed what would happen if the brother started paying rent and he was complying to the initial agreement. Then you have no gripe. You also agreed to extending his stay. The unecessary whining makes you look even worse, grow a ******g back bone.

If people ask, I'll let people grab some fries, but hands off my ************* sammich. Not negotiable.

Even then, this was straight female status, where a mountain is made out of a mole hill, :lol:
Ok, let me preface...I am 26, and I still have a roommate. Believe me, I understand that is my first mistake. It was financially motivated!

Tonight, we go out, enjoy ourselves VIP and party the night away with a fun crowd. At the end of the night, we go to whataburger in the middle of downtown and eat inside. No bunz.

My roommate gets his food first, and finishes. I get mine a few minutes after, and this guy stars reaching over and grabbing fries and tries to grab a piece of my sandwich. -_-

I check him, he gets kinda butt hurt, and I remind him that we aren't 15 anymore; that type of behavior is disrespectful and childish.

Fast forward: on the way home we are all driving to get dropped off and he makes a comment abt me *****ing abt him grabbing my food and I explode.

I remind him that his little bro stayed with us in the living room for a few months and that I overheard him saying they split his half of the rent. (Original agreement was his little bro split utilities only)

He denies at first, then acknowledges his arrangement, and I tell him I will not renew and will break the lease if his bro stays any longer without covering my portion too.

He immediately coughed up $240 to compensate, but that doesn't cover prior months...should I make a fuss or let it go?

He seems to realize that he has been exposed; his apologies fell on dead ears, and I made sure any future months, his bro will pay on both our portions of rent.

Sounds like passive aggressive behavior and poor interpersonal communication skills and conflict resolution.

The sandwich was just the surface trigger for deeper underlying issues.

Speak about it next time......sober and in advance.
You say your decision to get a roommate was financially motivated (makes sense).
But then you guys are going out VIP, eating burgers and fries together.

It needs to be one way or the other. Either this is a business relationship and you only talk about finances and things dealing with your living space, OR you guys are friends that live together. If you're friends things like him taking some fries off your plate and his brother crashing on the couch wouldn't matter/bother you.

It cant be both.
I've blown up on my roomate once before. It happens man. Especially when you and your roomate are boys. It's natural to go out, party, have fun, and perfectly normal for you each to do little things that piss each other off, like all friends do, but at the end of the day you keep it moving.

Little by little, over time, these little things accumulate, and then one silly thing like dude eating your sandwich triggers an explosion. 

Happened to me a few months ago. What I've learned now is whenever the little things come up, I lay that **** out right there. None of that, "we partying right now,your my boy and i dont wanna go there and kill the vibe" type stuff. Since we are both in a friendship/business relationship it's a must that we are 100% transparent, 100% of the time. Because once you bottle in stuff, it's bound to get out. 
You say your decision to get a roommate was financially motivated (makes sense).
But then you guys are going out VIP, eating burgers and fries together.

It needs to be one way or the other. Either this is a business relationship and you only talk about finances and things dealing with your living space, OR you guys are friends that live together. If you're friends things like him taking some fries off your plate and his brother crashing on the couch wouldn't matter/bother you.

It cant be both.

Doesn't make sense. I have friends and I wouldn't take food off their plates
You say your decision to get a roommate was financially motivated (makes sense).
But then you guys are going out VIP, eating burgers and fries together.

It needs to be one way or the other. Either this is a business relationship and you only talk about finances and things dealing with your living space, OR you guys are friends that live together. If you're friends things like him taking some fries off your plate and his brother crashing on the couch wouldn't matter/bother you.

It cant be both.

Doesn't make sense. I have friends and I wouldn't take food off their plates
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