Simple Enjoyments

Originally Posted by NYVictory45

Realizing one day that the crap that used to piss you off about your parents has all dissolved and that you actually have a lot in common
not a "simple" pleasure, but definitely appreciated
people watching
crisp winter air
sneak attack hugs
"that's what she said"
good naps in random places
free food
waking up right before the alarm goes off
playing catch
writing with a good pen
puttin on brand new socks
the first spoonful of cereal with ice-cold milk
inside jokes
driving at night, windows down, moonroof open (especially driving stick
receiving packages
conversations with customer service reps
conversations with little kids even when you're pretty sure they have no idea what you're talking about
purple flowers
eating cinnamon toast crunch while medicated
hearin from ppl i aint talked to in hella long
bay area weather
chill music
hooking up car stereos
skateboarding with my youngest brother
random trips
genuinely fun parties
the feeling of having a fresh lineup or haircut
discovering samples to random songs (word to
witnessing cool things happen that make me wish i had a camcorder on me
getting some after a drought
people watching
learning random facts
wearing clothes fresh out the dryer when im cold
First cigarette of the day
Drinking cold water on a cold day
Winter air
The feeling of a new relationship
Winning in something where you are the huge underdog
Feeling massive amounts of pressure and pulling off the L.
Single-malt scotch.
Listening to music
Getting lifted
Staying in and reading a book, especially on a rainy day
Looking at old pictures and reminiscing
Missing someone

Loving a Girl

Sick Play In Basketball, Football

Being Underestimated, Then Proving Everyone Wrong

Sick Looking Sky

Driving Slow At Night With Some Deep Music

Waking Up In A Warm Bed, And Going Back To Sleep

A Good Hug
Hahaha I remeber this dude. Sun of knowledge, hope you been good brother.NYC. You're deep, and I honestly feel you bro. He was making posts aboutspiritual *$%% before I left. Ain't been back to NYC til about 3 years ago. He knows what he's talking about.
-Taking a deep breath and just taking a long exhale
-A sense of sensibly
-A spoon of peanut butter
-The smell of
-Watching the movement of water
-A nice long sleep
-A good massage/Stretch
-Good laughs
-A nice warm, heated up bed
-Being honest to someone about something, and getting that feeling of knowing you meant it and wouldn't have said it any other way.
-Seeing really old people smile
-Home-cooked food
-A good hug
-A sweet kiss
-A nice comeback
-Good music
Playing "Impulse" by An Endless Sporadic on Guitar Hero III
Silently watching my son play with toys/things
Christmas music ANYtime of year
New shoe smell
Talking to my ex on the phone (
Play fighting with my son
Layin on the couch watching movies with wifey
cleaning the house with my ipod
heavy snow fall and heavy rain fall
The peacefulness of an empty home
Good sex
A great work out that shocks me the next day how sore I am
Just relaxing with a special person and seeing them smiling and that making you smile .
1. Praying
2. Listening to music when i get home from work while starring at my ceiling in bed...
3. Talking to my co-worker.. Tam Tam
4. Basketball
Somebody made a thread about it. For me it's sitting back, knocking back a couple of brews, and enjoying BBQ, without any hassle of work. I don't careif it's at a lake or my backyard, but nothing feels better to me then having company that you enjoy, good vibes only.
Originally Posted by dnycemodel

Play fighting with my son
Layin on the couch watching movies with wifey
cleaning the house with my ipod
heavy snow fall and heavy rain fall
That sounds so nice, I can't wait for that day to come for me, hopefully.
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