SMFH. 15 year old girl gets curbstomped in Seattle and bystanders + security dont do A THING.


Dec 3, 2009
happened here in seattle today, a group of ghetto hoodrats curbstomped a 15 year old girl.  The argument was over what she was wearing....

after the girl got stomped out, those dudes took her purse and ran off. SMH. what's worse is the security guards on patrol stand witness this and stand there like wooden statues. how are u a grown #@@ man and ure gonna just watch a thin petite girl stomp someone out??? if you were a human with any heart you would do your job and get the attacker off the victim.

humanity today
. i hope those guards lose their jobs and the group of juveniles get charged with a record for life.
Originally Posted by brandonroy3

how are u a grown #@@ man and ure gonna just watch a thin petite girl stomp someone out???

if they did, maybe the thread would have been "group of savages kill 3 security guards"

you saw that mob escalating.. $8/hr isn't enough to get involved with a group of people that haven't been raised correctly

their job is to "observe and report", that's what they did...
if they put their hands out and one of them fell, you know their hoodrat parents would have sued
Originally Posted by jjsrf

I hate NT's infatuation with the word 'hoodrat'
word. and her friend just boogied on her

and why is this lady talking for? she did the same thing the security guards were
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Over what she was wearing? SERIOUSLY?![/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Bunch of %*@##!$ savage kids these days. %!@# is pathetic. [/color]

Originally Posted by jjsrf

I hate NT's infatuation with the word 'hoodrat'
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]That's the most important thing to you in this entire situation? [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] [/color]
Originally Posted by jjsrf

I hate NT's infatuation with the word 'hoodrat'

I do too.

However there is really no other word to describe the girl in that video. In this case, the term was appropriate.
I saw this video on Sean Hannity and judging from the tone of their conversation, there are probably worse words that many people would rather use. And for the record, I'm not a regular watcher of the show but I do like to hear all sides of the political spectrum.

The security guards are probably not allowed to do anything other than observe and report. As a result, these guys jobs = USELESS expense on the balance sheet.
Honestly, there is more to life then your $12/hour paycheck. Even if stopping the girls from fighting is beyond your job duties, I feel that as a human being  with the power to stop someone from being beaten unconscious you have a moral obligation to do so.
Well according to the narrator it says the guards werent trained to break up fights or something along those lines... Its part of their contract to just observe and report problems...
Disgusting. See I hate those little ghettos !%@+!$$ like the one who was stomping the girl out. You have to watch them because they move quick.
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Over what she was wearing? SERIOUSLY?![/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Bunch of %*@##!$ savage kids these days. %!@# is pathetic. [/color]
Well according to the narrator it says the guards werent trained tobreak up fights or something along those lines... Its part of theircontract to just observe and report problems...
You don't need to be trained in anything to stop a fight. You have to grow a pair and say "Hey, this girl is getting kicked in the face repeatedly, I should probably go over there and do something since it says 'Security' on my yellow vest!"

Why put Security at all then? Why not just put "Passive Lookout" on their backs and call it like it is?
I was there just today if thats the westlake station... smh. Those security guards in the neon yellow jackets never looked like real security guards in the first place.
security is $$%!% made.
i swear, on everything, if i was there just standing by watching, i would have stepped in a whooped ol' girls !*%. i dont even care if she was a female, her little $$%!% made male friends would have gotten some too.

%**! like this pisses me off beyond belief. the world is a beautiful place, but there are some horrible ugly and disgusting people that we share it with.
yeah with how the court system works these days those rent a cops cant do anything.My brother was a security guard at a mall,2 chicks 15-18 got into a fight he stopped the fight and the one girl had a cut on her cheek.The girls parents threatened to sue the mall if they didnt fire my brother.With how everything is these days you do your job and you get caught up in something stupid, if you dont do anything then people want to ask why you didnt do anything.
working security you see a lot of things, i once zoomed in on a bum injecting crack

dudes getting bossed up by crack #%#@, bum fights, crack deals, big bunns, dude playing tennis by himself
at 3am in the loading dock
, but your main job is to observe and report  
They're not allowed to intervene, because you know if said "hoodrat's" momma finds out her little baby devil spawn was touched by a grown man, she's filing a lawsuit against the city.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by jjsrf

I hate NT's infatuation with the word 'hoodrat'
Honestly, there is more to life then your $12/hour paycheck. Even if stopping the girls from fighting is beyond your job duties, I feel that as a human being  with the power to stop someone from being beaten unconscious you have a moral obligation to do so.

i feel the exact same way..  seems like the folks on duty just go to work and collect their paychecks and that's the extent of it.  that one security guard was at least 6'2, there was 4 of them too and none of them did %#!#. 
I wonder if they post up around the McDonalds in 3rd & Pine...
Stupid hoodrat. Take that barbaric behavior somewhere else, sheesh.

They just aren't normal human beings.
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