SMFH. 15 year old girl gets curbstomped in Seattle and bystanders + security dont do A THING.

Originally Posted by CarolCitysFinest

Originally Posted by LetItShine24

Why is every time there is a atrocious crime, it is always african americans. i have nothing against blacks. but its getting ridiculous. i dont want to hear the victim story. its bs, you wonder why SOME of them are treated the way they are treated and perceived in the media as violent people. i have nothing against african americans, but i am against the ridiculous victim explanation.

white,spanish ect. all do the same stuff just gets publicized more when its a minorty imo for what reason i dont know.maybe they get more viewers when "a hoodrat gets curb stomped" then when" a drunk redneck gets curb stomped" idk

Atrocious crimes like the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building....   
Originally Posted by jjsrf

Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Over what she was wearing? SERIOUSLY?![/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Bunch of %*@##!$ savage kids these days. %!@# is pathetic. [/color]

Originally Posted by jjsrf

I hate NT's infatuation with the word 'hoodrat'
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]That's the most important thing to you in this entire situation? [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] [/color]
i rewatched the video a couple of times, i didnt see anyone else touch her but one girl... fights like that happen everyday
Whether it happens frequently or not is irrelevant. That doesn't make it any less severe than it actually was.

That girl could have died because of that hoodrat.
Originally Posted by AlanDutch

Originally Posted by recycledpaper

this is pathetic and disgusting. really sets mankind back.

death penalty to every one of them.

your not serious
really? i didnt even catch that.People forget the bad decisions they make as kids.Im sure most not as bad as this but death penalty?c'mon man
This happened today? I commute everyday and I'm always at the tunnel to catch the bus to campus lol
Originally Posted by Sputnik

Originally Posted by Yen2dro3

Originally Posted by Sputnik

seattle, we go hard. hahaha jk
 I told you that was a bus station lol 
 ? It's both a train and bus station i had to go down there yesterday. 2:5O on the video. Don't act like you don't know what i'm talking about snake.
 Kick rocks. 
How is a 15 year old girl capable of doing this to another human being?

That %%%% is sad
First of all, that's not being curb stomped.

Secondly, the term 'ghetto hoodrat' makes no sense. Is there a such thing as a suburban hoodrat? A middleclass hoodrat? No. The term hoodrat implies that one is from the ghetto.

Lastly, it was a fight between two girls. I don't see what the big deal is.
^ the fact that "security" didn't do anything is a big deal...

if they cant stop !%*$ whats the point? anyone can call for help
real talk though "observe and report" is what a security guard is supposed to do but i couldn't just sit there and watch ole girl get stomped like that
I'm not even going to watch this.

I always get mad whenever I see a female get beat up
they need to get day day up in there. top flight security of the world!!

but really seattle?

from the comments here about security guards, and what they're allowed to do, i can't really blame the security guards that much. BUT still, the three of them could've (should've) definitely done something to intervene.
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