Sneaker Store Associates are the worst VOL " You talking bout dem red white jordans?"

Originally Posted by mrdieselfuel09

Originally Posted by Clevereddie

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

<----- Sales associate at Finish Line.
Customers are just as bad.
*brings a customer the last shoe*
*customer tries it on*
Customer: Alright, I'll buy it.
Me: Cool. *grabs them the display shoe*
Customer: Oh, I gotta buy the display shoe?
Me: Yes, it's the last one.
Customer: Do I get a discount?
Me: Um, no...???
Customer: But a buncha people have touched it!
Me: You ever buy produce at a supermarket? A buncha people touch those too, and you have no choice but to buy that! On top of that, you eat that, too.
i dont ever ask for a discount, but i do think that one is warranted for this situation.
if you're buying something at a store, its supposed to be brand new. once you take a shoe out and put it on display, where its probably been for weeks and has collected dust. you cant sell that at full price.

If thats the case,  everything at Macys or clothing store should be on sale.  I understand why people get mad, but how are you going to know which items is for sale at the store if they put everything in a box and not display the item

Meh not the same thing, shoes are kept in the box and if the display shows any signs of being dirty, or slightly discolored, a customer has the right to ask for a discount. I worked in a sneaker store when I was 14-15, and if the display was not MINT the stored offered 10% off.
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by West Coast Avenger

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

<----- Sales associate at Finish Line.

Customers are just as bad.

*brings a customer the last shoe*

*customer tries it on*

Customer: Alright, I'll buy it.

Me: Cool. *grabs them the display shoe*

Customer: Oh, I gotta buy the display shoe?

Me: Yes, it's the last one.

Customer: Do I get a discount?

Me: Um, no...???

Customer: But a buncha people have touched it!

Me: You ever buy produce at a supermarket? A buncha people touch those too, and you have no choice but to buy that! On top of that, you eat that, too.

But most of the time the display shoe is faded from the lights in the store.....thats why I dont buy display shoes
Dude is working in a reputable shoe store, this aint no indoor swapmeet where lil old grumpy asian dude has yellowed retros from 06-07 in kids sizes.

Please........this happens at almost every atheltic shoe store.......aint no need to even argue about it.......
Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

<----- Sales associate at Finish Line.

Customers are just as bad.

*brings a customer the last shoe*

*customer tries it on*

Customer: Alright, I'll buy it.

Me: Cool. *grabs them the display shoe*

Customer: Oh, I gotta buy the display shoe?

Me: Yes, it's the last one.

Customer: Do I get a discount?

Me: Um, no...???

Customer: But a buncha people have touched it!

Me: You ever buy produce at a supermarket? A buncha people touch those too, and you have no choice but to buy that! On top of that, you eat that, too.
lmao, thats waaaaaaay different, im washing my produce and not spending 100+ on a pear so fall back with that smart alick comment b

Oh, you can wash produce, huh? Okay.[emoji]174[/emoji]-Deodorant-Disinfectant/dp/B000QCOF1M/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_topd
The truth is, unless you're buying a release date shoe or a shoe that JUST came from shipment, if you're buying from a shoe store, the shoes aren't going to be 100% DS. I can guarantee you at least 80% of the shoes at my store have been tried on one form or another.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Meh not the same thing, shoes are kept in the box and if the display shows any signs of being dirty, or slightly discolored, a customer has the right to ask for a discount. I worked in a sneaker store when I was 14-15, and if the display was not MINT the stored offered 10% off.

Originally Posted by West Coast Avenger

Please........this happens at almost every atheltic shoe store.......aint no need to even argue about it.......

Do you guys really think that a shoe store is going to keep a shoe that's so messed up that a discount is warranted?
In a situation like that, they'll just damage it out.
lmao at dudes expecting these sneaker store employees to be knowledgable.

if the employee knows their stuff and is helpful then great but it's a minimum wage job with no real skills required. it's an at will job and employees come and go as their expendable and replaceable. it's inevitable the employee quality is going to be minimal at best.

it sucks but it is what it is, i don't expect some 18-19 year old kid making minimum wage to know every single release and what have you. if i have a question about a shoe or something coming in i'll just ask to speak to a manager since it's more of a priority for them to be on top of things then a regular sales associate.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

<----- Sales associate at Finish Line.

Customers are just as bad.

*brings a customer the last shoe*

*customer tries it on*

Customer: Alright, I'll buy it.

Me: Cool. *grabs them the display shoe*

Customer: Oh, I gotta buy the display shoe?

Me: Yes, it's the last one.

Customer: Do I get a discount?

Me: Um, no...???

Customer: But a buncha people have touched it!

Me: You ever buy produce at a supermarket? A buncha people touch those too, and you have no choice but to buy that! On top of that, you eat that, too.
lmao, thats waaaaaaay different, im washing my produce and not spending 100+ on a pear so fall back with that smart alick comment b

Oh, you can wash produce, huh? Okay.[emoji]174[/emoji]-Deodorant-Disinfectant/dp/B000QCOF1M/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_topd
The truth is, unless you're buying a release date shoe or a shoe that JUST came from shipment, if you're buying from a shoe store, the shoes aren't going to be 100% DS. I can guarantee you at least 80% of the shoes at my store have been tried on one form or another.
This yall crying for a couple dollars you dont know who tried on the shoe with no socks before you came to buy it so relax
yes, we have the shoe you are looking for. yes, we have it in your size; however we are not allowed to release/sell it until Xday.

*OP creates thread to cry
Shoe knowledge also depends on the store. If it's just a store where it's just, "Hey, can you grab this for me in a size 10?" "Sure!" Then whatever.
My store is a technical running store, so you HAVE to know your +%%*. You will have customers coming in asking what shoe is best for what activity and find the right shoe for them.
But there's also a Finish Line in my area that is just like the store I described above, so it really depends.
Originally Posted by BOMB SQUAD RECORDS

You guys need to stop having the i know more then you attitude when dealing with people who work at sneaker spots. I know a lot of these cats do their best when it comes to product knowledge. You have to remember it's just a job for most people. Don't expect someone who works at footlocker to surf NT all day just because they sell shoes. Just get what you came for and bounce. No need to try and drop info on em bout release dates or any other useless crap. Nobody cares how much you know about J's.
So I guess its fine that the person who answered the phone at a PLACE OF BUSINESS said "Who dis"
display shoes deserve discount

everyones finger oils staining the *+$*, its not like food, or macys...cause a display can be picked up about 20 times a day for just a regular shoe, if its a hot shoe everyone who walks in grabs it

you'll have on one dingy shoe and one shiny brand new shoe
Me: Do you guys have the Infrared AM90's
Salesman: I think so lemme ask my Co-Worker. (To Saleswoman) Yo do we have these Infrared AM90's

Saleswoman: No, Nike only made 700 pairs

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

display shoes deserve discount

everyones finger oils staining the @@+@, its not like food, or macys...cause a display can be picked up about 20 times a day for just a regular shoe, if its a hot shoe everyone who walks in grabs it

you'll have on one dingy shoe and one shiny brand new shoe

And produce doesn't get picked up about 20 times a day???

If a store were to give a discount for every display shoe, that means half the store's inventory would be discounted. You know what happens once the display shoe has been sold? We go to the back, grab another one of the shoe from a box, and put it back on the wall. It's not like a TV where if it's gone, it's gone.
I can also guarantee you that there's a good chance a shoe from the back has also been tried on at least 10 times by 10 different people.
I also bet a lotta germophobes are gonna think twice about buying from shoe stores now that I told them this.
Oh yeah even I know more about shoes then most of them do and I never even really got into shoes
Originally Posted by Lubu1

I mean the associates dont even know how to answer the freaking phone.

*Call Pentagon City finishline

*They Answer

Associate: "Who Dis"
Me: "Hello, I'm looking for Red diamond turf II"
Associate: "Yeah, what about them?"
Me: "I was wondering if you have them for sale right now"
Associate: "Yeah we got dem"
Me: "Is it possible to check to see if you have a sz 11?"
Associate: "Aight, wait one MINUTES(MINUTES, WAIT ONE MINUTES? )"
*WAIT 5 minutes
Associate: " Yeah we got sz 11".
Me: "Ok, possible to hold a pair?"
Associate: "yeah, but we aint selling them till friday, you gonna have to wait."
Me: " But you just said you had them"
Associate: "Yeah we got them but we aint selling them now"
Me: " So what was the point of you telling me you got them, but you aint selling them, then you put me on hold for 5 minutes to just tell you got them, but you not selling till friday?"
Associate: " laugh, sorry but I can't sell it "
ME: "W/E thanks for a waste of time
How is the employee wrong here?  You asked for a pair of shoes, he told you to wait 1 minute (which took 5, which is susceptible depending on the customer), you asked him to hold a pair, which he gladly obliged and you got mad b/c he couldn't sell them that same day but gave you a specific time frame when to purchase?  Then you ask what's the point?  Maybe release date perhaps?  If you want to get technical, you didn't even state you wanted to purchase them, merely an inquiry.
You just received world class customer service for the price of $7.50/hr regardless of the negative connotations of illiteracy you perceived the employee to have.  He did everything you asked for so I don't see how that's NOT great customer service.

Expectations vs reality.
When I was working at Finish Line, if the shoe had yellowed from the lights(it usually happens with the top row shoes) then they would probably get a discount. If it's just a dusty shoe, go ahead and get the cleaner, wipe it off and throw it in the box.
customers are 100000x worse....

yall got dem all white nikes wit da swoosh

yall got dem black jordans

8.5 too big 8 too small

i never wore them....okay wore em inside once.....okay outside a few times

wore them for 6 months and already falling apart

etc etc etc
Most of the cars at the champs and footlocker round my way are pretty solid

Not to thread Jack but I watched the manager of my local champs Spazz the $%!@ out on a kid for possibly wearing fake foams a few weeks ago thought they was gunna catch the fade cuz he was violating this dudes existence.
Originally Posted by artysm

Originally Posted by Lubu1

I mean the associates dont even know how to answer the freaking phone.

*Call Pentagon City finishline

*They Answer

Associate: "Who Dis"
Me: "Hello, I'm looking for Red diamond turf II"
Associate: "Yeah, what about them?"
Me: "I was wondering if you have them for sale right now"
Associate: "Yeah we got dem"
Me: "Is it possible to check to see if you have a sz 11?"
Associate: "Aight, wait one MINUTES(MINUTES, WAIT ONE MINUTES? )"
*WAIT 5 minutes
Associate: " Yeah we got sz 11".
Me: "Ok, possible to hold a pair?"
Associate: "yeah, but we aint selling them till friday, you gonna have to wait."
Me: " But you just said you had them"
Associate: "Yeah we got them but we aint selling them now"
Me: " So what was the point of you telling me you got them, but you aint selling them, then you put me on hold for 5 minutes to just tell you got them, but you not selling till friday?"
Associate: " laugh, sorry but I can't sell it "
ME: "W/E thanks for a waste of time
How is the employee wrong here?  You asked for a pair of shoes, he told you to wait 1 minute (which took 5, which is susceptible depending on the customer), you asked him to hold a pair, which he gladly obliged and you got mad b/c he couldn't sell them that same day but gave you a specific time frame when to purchase?  Then you ask what's the point?  Maybe release date perhaps?  If you want to get technical, you didn't even state you wanted to purchase them, merely an inquiry.
You just received world class customer service for the price of $7.50/hr regardless of the negative connotations of illiteracy you perceived the employee to have.  He did everything you asked for so I don't see how that's NOT great customer service.

Expectations vs reality.

basically... u asked if they had em and he told you, plus gave you the release date. He could of been an +@% and not even mentioned that they are not for sale yet
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