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hey, so im trying to buy my boyfriend some sole savers and was wondering do I need to buy the sole saver first then the traction sheet after or is the traction $6 the exact same as the $20 thing? please let me know. thanks and have a good day.
Wow.. some of the stuff they come up with these days to try and make money.. Novel concept, but still a rip off and scam to me..
Ha - this is too much.  I wore my Concords in the snow over the weekend.  Required a little bit of cleaning afterwards but hey - they're just shoes.   Outsole protector?  That's over the top man.  SMH
sounds perfect for people who "rent" sneakers for one night then sell em as "9.999999/10, pass as DS, only worn once to take 30 steps to retrieve the mail."
Interesting. Do these have any adverse effects on clear soles? Does it halt the yellowing process when you wear your shoes? I wonder.
This post is literally years old.... But whatever I'll say it anyways. I use Official Sole Savers on all of my shoes and I love it. Love the product and love that the guys behind it are honest and aren't trying to scam or get one over on anyone. I had them on electrolime Foamposites, wore for about 4 months ALMOST EVERY DAY, wore them IN THE WOODS, and when I peeled them off the soles looked DS. The residue on foams is way to get off, but yes, it's annoying on other shoes and takes practice to get rid of. I highly recommend it. If for some reason they're defective or fall off during your first wear they'll send another pair out your way. (Keep in mind applying it well takes much practice.) I highly recommend these if you're anal about protecting your soles.
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