Stand By Me song?

Lollipop (1958, by the Chordettes) and Everyday (1957, by Buddy Holly and the Crickets) are played while the boys are walking on the railroad tracks on Day 1.
Have gun will travel reads the card of a man
A knight without armor in a savage land...
(can't remember, but i think they were singing that on the tracks)

The theme to the western Have Gun, Will Travel

my fave movie
I had a nightmare about leeches on my junk after seeing this movie for the first time.
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Have gun will travel reads the card of a man
A knight without armor in a savage land...
(can't remember, but i think they were singing that on the tracks)

The theme to the western Have Gun, Will Travel

my fave movie

thats it. thanks
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