Teen Racially Profiled By Barneys, NYPD After Buying $300 Belt

Makes me want to go buy some expensive strip of leather, get profiled, get booked, sue, profit, quit my job, buy dirt cheap land in PR and learn Spanish on Wednesdays. [emoji]128526[/emoji]
They should have arrested both of them for spending money foolishly.

Hood Rich Felony.

Not your money. Why are you mad?

Kid is in college with a part time job, probably solely for spending money. Making those outlandish purchases is apart of learning money management skills.
They should have arrested both of them for spending money foolishly.

Hood Rich Felony.
engineering student buying an expensive belt= hood rich...

Not student rich... Or college rich... But hood rich

Got it..

Like how you left out detained. You think the pig uncuffed him and let him ride shotgun down to the precinct? They had my guy in the back shackled like he was a common criminal. All for what? Buying a belt while black?
BaBWB... :smh:

Dude thought the cop was letting him text in the backseat while listening to some ASAP rocky...

Have you ever been detained by a law dog (I already know you're going to day yes and that's why you can speak on this kid's experience)

In case you haven't, it's no fun Sir...
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A previous poster said it best....this **** is vile.

In NYC I wouldn't think it would be that uncommon for an ethnic youth to go into a high end type store like Barney's to buy a really expensive accessory. Especially in this day and age.

Urban youths been known to do that in NYC for some time now.

******g cops asking the kid "how can you afford this".....the audacity of that statement....it's called "i'm young and I got disposable income" they need to stop looking at what people buy with the money they EARNED through THEIR hard work.....none of their ******g business how me,you, or someone else gets our money to buy things. You didn't catch us doing something illegal in getting this money so **** off.

Hope this kid gets some major guap off this. May not happen but the increased awareness of this situation and Barney's losing some customers is a good start.
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As a person from ny, this isn't surprising at all. I myself have gone through something similar. Not at Barney's tho.

This is just what it is like being black in America. It's not surprising regardless of region. Racism and discrimination based in skin color is everywhere in our country.
i buy sneakers for $350.00 and up and that's foolish enough but a belt

me myself i dont need that high end euro crap (expect an mcm belt)

if Oprah Winfrey was profiled in Europe what do you expect from the nypd scooping out black people coming out a store in this part of town
it's terrible but i saw this before & terrible policing

stop and frisk went from bed sty to 5 ave

let's see if the same thing happens to bill de blasio kids
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How do you think someone is scamming when they use a debit card and provided a state ID? Wow those employees are real idiots and probably can't afford anything in there.

Well, in the case of one of these individuals, there was no name on the card being used. How do you get a match in that case? Also, debit cards can often be run as credit. If they were like "can I run it as credit?" AND there's no name on the card? Come on. That has fraud written all over it. The SA can't do much about it though, other than alert security to possible fraudulent activity.
You own or got stock in Barney? You telling me all the money they have they don't or shouldn't know that BOA temp cards that say temp card or something like that? I've used that card many times and never been accused of fraud or stopped either using credit/debit. Never thought of it being a fraud risk but I guess current/former department store workers like you would know better than me on that.
hmm. i say we all shop for dumb expensive things at Barneys and see who can replicate this deal.
it's like playing the lottery! you gotta pay to play!
I wouldn't shop at a store that doesn't cater to me to begin with like Barney's.

Was the sales clerk wrong for tipping off the police? Definitely. After the sale cleared, if nothing suspicious came up when the card was swiped they should have just moved on.

However, I do understand the suspicions the person had. Probably caught a few people using bogus CCs before and led them to tip off the cops again. For those that don't know, there is a LOT of credit card fraud in NYC, Brooklyn in particular. A few of my friends from middle school do this on the regular and are draped down in luxury brands in every Facebook photo they're in.

Was spending $350 on a belt stupid especially if you're on Work Study? Yes, but who am I to tell someone what to do with their money.
I highly doubt Jay-Z will end his business with them.

He's already proven to give no dambs about the petty squabbles of us common black folk.

EDIT: Before the typical NT argument starters look for something to reach on, im talking after this incident. Im fully aware of the fact the deal was struck before this all happened.
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lol @ People acting like hov knew when he signed that deal months ago that they was profiling people. 
Jay can't just up and cancel the line lol. He's in contract with Barney's and the brands. By the way this collection was announced 1-2 months ago. Most he could do is say aye don't go buy this or not promote it.( but in his contract he probably has to do a certain amount of promotion)
Jay can't just up and cancel the line lol. He's in contract with Barney's and the brands. By the way this collection was announced 1-2 months ago. Most he could do is say aye don't go buy this or not promote it.( but in his contract he probably has to do a certain amount of promotion)
Exactly. Cats on twitter acting like jay signed the deal after dude got profiled. lol
Reading about this second person who's come forward with a similar complaint. She used a card that didn't have her name on it. That's an automatic red flag. But good job, news outlets, burying a very important part of the story. Not saying the police handled it well on their end, but I don't blame a sales associate at Barney's for reporting that to LP.

Edit: although, what you're supposed to do is just tell the customer you're going to call it in to verify the person's identity. If it's a scammer, they'll grab the card and run.

All they had to do was either call the bank to verify who it belonged to assuming she had ID, otherwise tell her sorry we can't accept this card because it doesn't have your name on it. If they are so concerned about being scammed why let the transaction go through? That makes no sense.

People are stupid, we really gonna act like Jayz probably didn't sign a deal with Barney's BEFORE this incident.

And wth is this kid doing buying a 350 dollar belt with work study money.

Doesn't matter when he inked the deal, he is Hov. He can body that contract with one bar. You think Barney's will go against him? Go ask X5, and Crystal.

It's his money he can do whatever he wants with it. That isn't the issue here, and we shouldn't distract ourselves from the real issue by commenting on how he spends his money.

How do you think someone is scamming when they use a debit card and provided a state ID? Wow those employees are real idiots and probably can't afford anything in there.

Exactly, and if you are that suspicious then don't go through with the transaction until you can verify it isn't fraud. The employees their are really suspect for this.

Well, in the case of one of these individuals, there was no name on the card being used. How do you get a match in that case? Also, debit cards can often be run as credit. If they were like "can I run it as credit?" AND there's no name on the card? Come on. That has fraud written all over it. The SA can't do much about it though, other than alert security to possible fraudulent activity.

They can decline the purchase based off the fact their is no name on the card. WHo can argue against that? Instead they let the transaction go through, makes no sense.

:lol: @ anyone who thinks Jay-Z has YOUR or anyone else's best interest in mind.

QFT, he can give a F. If anything he will stand up for PR purposes otherwise he aint hurting off this.

ironic how they thought dude scammed them when they just sold him a 300 dollar belt

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Well on the positive side dude was spending behind his means on a tacky belt so at least he got his money back to waste on something more useful and maybe even come up from using the store.

I don't even know why ppl even shop there. You should be able to get the item cheaper elsewhere
Do you know him? How do you it was beyond his means? He's in college and has a job, what financial responsibilities at 20 would he have that would make this purchase beyond his means?

Well, in the case of one of these individuals, there was no name on the card being used. How do you get a match in that case? Also, debit cards can often be run as credit. If they were like "can I run it as credit?" AND there's no name on the card? Come on. That has fraud written all over it. The SA can't do much about it though, other than alert security to possible fraudulent activity.

Every company has a verification / fraud department and it doesn't involve police until the fraud is proven.

i buy sneakers for $350.00 and up and that's foolish enough but a belt

me myself i dont need that high end euro crap (expect an mcm belt)
so you think your $350 sneakers are better than a $300 belt? Why? :lol:
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