Thanks for the years, NT.

Op stay safe. I love you. We love you. You got the NT community who is here for you. Please respond to twitter or here. Just to let us know your ok.
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If he's turning down help then let the man do what he set out to do, If killing yourself what OP want to do then so be it,who are we to stop him
Dudes just jumped to the worst case scenario...

I took it like he was leaving NT like Nomad...NT turning soft 
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Lets be realistic dude probably wanted a break from social media and completely cut himself off.

With that said, life sucks at times for everyone, one man can't see or feel another mans suffering or pain.
Can we start a poll for meth to change his name to WhatsWinningLike?....that has to be a step towards the positive...if I was in his area is try to link up with him....let homie know he's not alone....
As minor as it is, I like this idea.
Dudes are weak these days.
Yeah like the dudes who pick on people who are contemplating suicide
Dudes just jumped to the worse case scenario...:smh:

I took it like he was leaving NT like Nomad 

...He's also deleting his twitter and not answering calls/texts from one of his ___'s in real life. I'd rather jump to the worst case scenario and be wrong than assume it's nothing off the bat and be wrong. If he really wants to take himself out of here, then we indeed can't stop him.

However, he's in school, gets yambs, doesn't seem to have a terminal illness, can produce, etc; so I'd rather someone try to reason with him that things can't be THAT bad/he still has unfulfilled goals before I let a dude probably not even a full year my senior call it a wrap here.
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I know over the years we have had a few fallen members and a slew of those going through all kinds of struggles from all types of backgrounds and walks of life.

Maybe Meth can get some sort of Member Relief/Support Group/Fund going?
life can be stressful and difficult at times, but don't do anything that you may regret.

my inbox is always open to anyone feeling down.
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