Thanksgiving vol. where you going?

Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert


My doors are always open Rav.

Her sisters are a little wild though.
Wild brazilian chicks sounds like a win waiting to happen!
going to my aunts house.. gonna see my uncle who i haven't seen in years, his daughter and her sons.. really looking forward to it.. me and my ma bringingthe cannolis
park to play football in the AM, moms house(like 3 blocks away from mine for dinner)
I will be having relatives come over to my house. Which is best for me because the in between time I can spend playing video games or watching movies in myroom with my cousins.
playing flag football in the morning and then going to my grandma's in the afternoon...

Wednesday Night:: Heading to the city with a group of people for some fun.

Thanksgiving:: Chill out with my family over by my aunt house. Giants will be on at 8:20 so I will want to be left alone around 8:15.

Black Friday:: Working....
Flying to Cancun Thanksgiving day, hopefully the hotel has some type of a dinner/feast planned. Deep sea fishing on black friday, sister's wedding onSaturday.
--Live in San Diego, but goin up to L.A. to visit grandma and the rest of the fam for a relaxing day before working on Black Friday.
flying down to Florida...small lil family dinner consisting of 5 us since my big family barely talks anymore.
This will be my 2nd Thanksgiving away from home. But I'll be with my husband's family this year. Should be a good time
Working in the morning
then dinner at my pad with probably a couple of my aunts, cousins, etc
I wanna drive out to jersey to see my girl

but I'm 100 percent sure this AAA gas calculator is wrong

96 dollars roundtrip from columbus ohio to roselle new jersey?

with premium gas?

I dunno about those things....
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

This will be my 2nd Thanksgiving away from home. But I'll be with my husband's family this year. Should be a good time

same place she's going.
Playing some football and basketball in the afternoon, then having a huge dinner with the fam at night
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