Thanksgiving vol. where you going?

Staying at home watching football
I'm  a bit jealous/disappointed

My cousin is having a quincinera on saturday, and people are either leaving today or tomorrow, because they are also going to spend thanksgiving with them

And its not jsut some small party, EVERYONE is going, including people flying in from mexico, 300+  people will be at the party

and her grandparents are paying for it, and their mad rich, so it will be pretty fancy

my brother and I are the only ones staying because of our mom felt bad so she's baking us a turkey tomorrow

gf will be out of town too
...its going to be a lonely day
My parents are going on vacation for thanksgiving.  I work for Target so I have to be up in the middle of the night for Black Friday
I will spend the first half of the day with my girlfriend and her family... then she's going to come at night to my house and my family. Too bad my middle brother and his family decided to extend their Canada trip until Saturday. Sucks we won't be complete for Thanksgiving for the first time ever. I guess it's fair, his wife has family up there.
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

thanksgiving is always at my house.. it's gonna be type wack for me though because my lil brother got a restrainin' order against my older brother sohe can't come to the crib this year

^ Damn. Awkward! As for me, I'll be at Henz0's house with my ski mask
Boston Market. Family is goin to NY but I have work the day before and after Thanksgiving and I didn't feel doing a turn and burn.
Flying home to Central Cali to spend it with family for the 1st time in 6 years. Then hopefully going to the Bears v. Raiders game on Sunday.
first half of the day will be at my sisters house. second half of the day i will be at the Cowboys game
Gotta work Friday morning, didnt feel like going home for a day. I`m prob going to cop a steak and call it a day. Haven't been home for Thanksgiving in 3 years.
Planned on going to the VA, then had a change of plans... now nowhere.

I'm spending Thanksgiving alone.
To the park in the early morning for football. Then to Grandma's house to eat plentiful and right after I will be heading to the mall to wait in line for Black Friday
I'll be celebrating at my cousins house. I don't care too much for the meal itself, but I'll eat like a pig anyway 
, probably lapse myself into a food coma by the time San Fran/Ravens play.
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