The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Originally Posted by Shoryuken

Recommend me a good free editing software please? 
Adobe CS5, if you know how to get it for free
...Or there's gimp but I haven't tried that ever.
Originally Posted by deceptikk0n

Originally Posted by solemunchies

We have one for the day, dope shots everybody:


bro, this is a beautiful shot. There's bit of a HDRish feel to it.

Thanks and yeah, that's sorta what I was going for. 
another one from the same roll. 6x6 is a little different when it comes to composition. I think it's a little harder. But I love the square format..

Originally Posted by 165kicks

2 days ago I picked up a Hasselblad 500 C/M with a Carl Zeiss Planar 80mm/f2.8

And today I just developed my first film!

Pardon the bad quality I don't have a scanner yet...


You sir are very lucky. I would love to get into film and shooting with a Hasselblad but honestly, I think I am too lazy to do all the film processing. How much did that sucker run you?
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by 165kicks

2 days ago I picked up a Hasselblad 500 C/M with a Carl Zeiss Planar 80mm/f2.8

And today I just developed my first film!

Pardon the bad quality I don't have a scanner yet...


You sir are very lucky. I would love to get into film and shooting with a Hasselblad but honestly, I think I am too lazy to do all the film processing. How much did that sucker run you?
Hey thanks man

Honestly I feel very very lucky for buying this piece. I've been wanting to have one for a long time..
I got it from a store to ensure that everything works ok and to have a warranty (3 months), and I paid 10000 SEK for the body, 6x6 film backpiece, 80mm/f.2.8 lens, light meter and some rolls of film.
Its equivalent to appr $1,500 USD.
I also thought for a long time that it's more convenient to let a lab develop the film for me. But - after I did it once I realized it's actually very exciting and not hard at all... Plus I can shoot more film because it's cheap to do it yourself.
That is actually a pretty decent price considering I have seen Hasselblads go for more. It's just nuts that film cameras go for that much, or maybe I just don't know any better. Can't wait to see some more stuff. A scanner will do wonders on your pics though.
Speaking of scanners.. For the above pics I just took photos of the negs with my 5D and 50/f1.8 lens... not a very good option but its what I have at the moment
I am looking to get a scanner asap. Not being able to see all details in the picture sucks.
has anyone tried shooting with any of the low-cost fisheye's? ex: rokinon or bower? a fisheye is not something i'm prepared to drop lots of cash on unless it's absolutely worth it. thoughts?
Originally Posted by eeBS7eez

has anyone tried shooting with any of the low-cost fisheye's? ex: rokinon or bower? a fisheye is not something i'm prepared to drop lots of cash on unless it's absolutely worth it. thoughts?

I heard Rokinons are pretty good. Apparently they are produced under different names such as Samyang, vivitar, etc. Check the flickr group out for images. Im with you, I cant drop alot of cash on a fish eye when I can use that money for an L lens.
^i'm new but have the same d90 kit lens and am pretty happy to keep it, at least for now. too many people seem too eager to just get rid of their stock lens, even when they're may be very nice units
Originally Posted by eeBS7eez

has anyone tried shooting with any of the low-cost fisheye's? ex: rokinon or bower? a fisheye is not something i'm prepared to drop lots of cash on unless it's absolutely worth it. thoughts?

My friend had a rokinon and it was terrible, 
iAllan wrote:
Anyone know any good photography tumblrs to follow? shameless plug
looking to sell my's hardly been used and shows no sign of much do u guys think i can sell it for?
Looking in to getting a T3i tomorrow.. Don't know about the swivel lcd, though. Just seems flimsy. But I need sumthin special for this trip.
this page needs pics.

some photos i have fav'd, for some reason or another, from other flickr members:









That Mario Kart one is great!

Originally Posted by LilSciurid08

Originally Posted by LilSciurid08

NT do u think i should sell the stock 18-105 Lens i got w/ my D90 and used the $$$ to cop the Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 ? Good Idea ?[h3]

I have a D90 and a kit and I hate the stock lens and would almost assume the Sigma is a better lens just with the apeture alone. I am sure people are content with the lens but I would rather go with primes or something that is faster.
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