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Anyone play I am setsuna? Just watched a vid of some gameplay and it looks :smokin

Eventally but I don't wanna pay full price. Is this digital only? SE should have spread their releases out better. This, FFXV, WoFF, rise of tomb raider and KH collection is too much in 6 months. Can't see myself paying full price for more than 2, the rest have to wait.
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Dark Souls 3 is driving me nuts
You can summon people willing to help here.

This boss...
^Eff him, his movements are way too hard to avoid. Still haven't beat him. Him and the lothric prince and lorian fight are probably the two most annoying fights in all of the souls series.

And ftr I prefer Bloodborne but DS3 imo was harder and longer if your not counting the chalice dungeons.
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You were right. No spoilers.

Trophies equate to "Do all the **** you can do and don't die while doing it".

Here I was thinking they'd be a bit more.....descriptive. 

"Meet the X alien race"

"Reach the center of X galaxies"

"Reach the center of the universe"

"Discover a space whale"

Things like that
ill either be on overwatch or playing banner saga
I don't see the appeal with Overwatch. I watched a few of @shottadru streams and it just doesn't click with me. Hopefully y'all get over this phase and ready yourselves for Gears 4 and Battlefield 1 come this Fall :smokin

How's Banmer Saga? Funny PS+ gives you Banner Saga 1 and then GwG gives you Banner Saga 2. I'd prefer to have them on the same system :lol:

Overwatch is not fun at all to watch. Even at high level play right now. It is however, extremely fun to play.

What's Shottadru's competitive rank?
man i never beat BB but i still have it. I want to play DS3 but yall saying its harder than BB :smh:

Based Jesus Based Jesus

Bruh im going to be looking forward for your post about NMS after you start playing
Yeah DS3 is harder than BB.. I didn't have too much trouble with 80-90% of BB.. But DS3 is giving me anger issues :lol:
man i will wait until it gets a little cheaper. i dont want to pay 40 and be frustrated

i need something new to play going to BB in the morning to look
Yo is Gravity Rush worth the 30 on the PS4 store? It looks interesting. Never played it on the Vita but Kat was fire in Playstation All Stars lol
you seem to enjoyed Gravity Rush seems like its worth $30. But I never played.

what would you guys redbox first

DS3 or Doom?
Copped BB roughly 3 months ago and havent even opened it. Don't think I'll have enough time to get good enough to beat the game while breaking a few controllers in the process. :lol:
Copped BB roughly 3 months ago and havent even opened it. Don't think I'll have enough time to get good enough to beat the game while breaking a few controllers in the process. :lol:

It's really not that hard once you get the movement down and a feel for how the enemies work. It's a great game, DS3 though.. :lol:

I think I'm going to buy I am sestsuna soon.. it looks so amazing :nerd:
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No Man's Sky being streamed on Twitch

From the looks of things, I'll definitely be passing on this :lol:
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