the thread about nothing...


*Bartholin gland is used to create female lubrication
*the bone marrow to sperm claim is from a scientific study on lab experiments by using women stem cells

I googled the claims in less than five minutes and there’s someone I know that actually believes this. :lol:

*Bartholin gland is used to create female lubrication
*the bone marrow to sperm claim is from a scientific study on lab experiments by using women stem cells

I googled the claims in less than five minutes and there’s someone I know that actually believes this. :lol:
This sounds like something made up on Impractical Jokers :lol:

*Bartholin gland is used to create female lubrication
*the bone marrow to sperm claim is from a scientific study on lab experiments by using women stem cells

I googled the claims in less than five minutes and there’s someone I know that actually believes this. :lol:

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