Thoughts on Getting a Vasectomy at age 23 ------ Yes, I'm Serious.

Jan 4, 2011
Half serious.
I just turned 23....I already have a 7 month old son who I love more than life itself.....and I just don't know if I want another child for  few reasons.

1. I am not going to marry the girl I have my son with.

2. Idk if I could possibly love another child as much as I love my son I have now

2a. Okay, I know I could.....but I just like the thought of having one son.

3. I don't want to have one or two more kids with another woman and have my son have a half brother or sister.

4 - ?

I know if I meet the woman of my dreams I will more than likely want to have a child with maybe I hold off for a few years......but man this Team Raw %*@$ might get me in trouble in the meantime.
Wouldn't do it... Unless you can maybe save your sperm. But who wants to go through that process so young?
Don't do it man. Life's long and you'll never know what will happen in future. You might really regret doing this.
just thinking about getting a vasectomy gives me goosebumps. would never go through with it. don't do it OP, just be responsible.
Like others said, you'll wish you hadnt later down the road. Just dont do stupid things
Just wrap it up. No need for something that drastic just because you slipped up and had one.
So i thought this procedure was reversible, but it is not easily done. That is crazy you wouldn't be able to have kids anymore and you're only 23. I wouldn't do it.
Originally Posted by CampbellSoup

Half serious.
I just turned 23....I already have a 7 month old son who I love more than life itself.....and I just don't know if I want another child for  few reasons.

1. I am not going to marry the girl I have my son with.

2. Idk if I could possibly love another child as much as I love my son I have now

2a. Okay, I know I could.....but I just like the thought of having one son.

3. I don't want to have one or two more kids with another woman and have my son have a half brother or sister.

4 - ?

1 and 3 are the same thing.
2 and 2a aren't reasons.
4 is a question mark.

Whats wrong with half siblings? I have 2 myself and i love those kids to death. Never bothered me that they have a different father.
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