Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

It wasn't,

those stories of biblical accounts stealing from

Egyptian mythology are all false debunks.

The events in the New Testament are

already proven to have occurred through

multiple witnesses and outside writings, and the promises

that the Lord has made  have come to pass.

Skeptics will always find reasons not to

believe so I choose not to answer these questions.
Can you show me some stuff where the new testament was proven to be true outside of a christian source.

As far as the egyptian stuff, there's nothing to prove physically because it was an allegory for the soul's evolution. Also, can you explain why similiar stories existed prior to the bible even if they didn't happen?
I really respect that fact you came out and said you don't know. The minute you start knowing is when you stop learning. 

I just pose this one question for you, say this was a bank loan or something like that, and it would require a life long commitment that promised many good things in the end but you you have the questions about it that you mentioned above, would you sign the loan? 
Honestly, yes I would.  Let me preface it with this:  I was not born and raised a Christian.  I made a decision when I was 16 to follow Christ (I'll be 24 in two weeks).  So I was not force fed any of this.

The way I look at it, if nothing else, I don't want to take that chance.  If God is real, and everything that scripture says is true, then I want to go to heaven and experience him.  And if God is not real, and the bible is false, then when I die I can look back and say I lived a good life as a kind person who treated others with respect and made the small chunk of the world around me a better place.  And I'm perfectly okay with that as I rot in the dirt.

EDIT:  I believe Jesus was most likely brown skinned.  Given the region he was born and raised in and the historical context, it's likely he had very tan skin.
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Honestly, yes I would.  Let me preface it with this:  I was not born and raised a Christian.  I made a decision when I was 16 to follow Christ (I'll be 24 in two weeks).  So I was not force fed any of this.

The way I look at it, if nothing else, I don't want to take that chance.  If God is real, and everything that scripture says is true, then I want to go to heaven and experience him.  And if God is not real, and the bible is false, then when I die I can look back and say I lived a good life as a kind person who treated others with respect and made the small chunk of the world around me a better place.  And I'm perfectly okay with that as I rot in the dirt.
I can respect that man, but aren't these things you are inherently capable of? Did it take finding christ to treat others with respect and love? I don't even know you and can tell through the web more likely then not you're a good person who just wants to share your message in a peaceful and positive way. Why did your forefather's see it fit to murder and burn people alive if they didn't agree? just something to think about. 
I can respect that man, but aren't these things you are inherently capable of? Did it take finding christ to treat others with respect and love? I don't even know you and can tell through the web more likely then not you're a good person who just wants to share your message in a peaceful and positive way. Why did your forefather's see it fit to murder and burn people alive if they didn't agree? just something to think about. 
People are absolutely capable of respect, love, peace, etc.  I was more or less the same person before I found Christ, but in finding Christ I'm hoping for salvation in the long haul.  As I said, I don't want to take the chance of not giving my life to God, because if he is real and I didn't then I imagine I'd be quite pissed at myself.  And if he isn't real, then I lived a good life and had something to believe in for the majority of it.

As for the forefather's, all I can really attest that to is the holier than thou approach.  They believed they were better than others and deserved to have what they wanted as a result.  There are always radicals and extremist and they still exist today even in Christianity.  I just ask that you not judge me based on the actions of people who came before me or even other people who happen to share the same beliefs I do (I'm not accusing anyone of judging, I'm just speaking in general).  I'm my own man and just because I happen to be a Christian doesn't mean I am the same as every other Christian.

Lecrae actually had a great piece on this about a year ago I think.  He asked that he be known as a rapper who happens to be a Christian rather than a Christian who happens to rap.  That resonates with me.  Someone's beliefs shouldn't define who they are.
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People are absolutely capable of respect, love, peace, etc.  I was more or less the same person before I found Christ, but in finding Christ I'm hoping for salvation in the long haul.  As I said, I don't want to take the chance of not giving my life to God, because if he is real and I didn't then I imagine I'd be quite pissed at myself.  And if he isn't real, then I lived a good life and had something to believe in for the majority of it.

As for the forefather's, all I can really attest that to is the holier than thou approach.  They believed they were better than others and deserved to have what they wanted as a result.  There are always radicals and extremist and they still exist today even in Christianity.  I just ask that you not judge me based on the actions of people who came before me or even other people who happen to share the same beliefs I do (I'm not accusing anyone of judging, I'm just speaking in general).  I'm my own man and just because I happen to be a Christian doesn't mean I am the same as every other Christian.

Lecrae actually had a great piece on this about a year ago I think.  He asked that he be known as a rapper who happens to be a Christian rather than a Christian who happens to rap.  That resonates with me.  Someone's beliefs shouldn't define who they are.
Again i respect all of the above. The western world has proven we aren't as good as figuring out problems as we think we are. (Name the last time we've cured a disease or found a peaceful resolution to an international conflict) 

My only suggestion is look into the other parts of the world. See what they have to say about the soul's salvation. Shoot do a simple comparison and see if they murdered anyone to get converts. 

I think we all wonder what happens before we're born and after we die. Why just do a one stop pop while getting into these things?

Something else to think about, and not that it matters but jesus is often portrayed as a blonde haired blue eyed man. The origin of caucasian ancestry is the theory that africans were trapped in the mountains during the ice age. Was Jesus caught in the mountains as well? Was he re=imaged so  certain faction could relate to him. Why does the bible say he was bronze skinned and wooly hair? What effects does symbols and pictures have on your subconscious? How do companies use this strategy to advertise? This may seem like tertiary ideas, but when we're taking the salvation of the soul it seems wise that everything should be taken into account.
@hallywoodxo interesting article, I actually read something about the letter "s" and the content behind it, don't remember where or what, but it didn't go that far into detail on language

Real interesting
Okay I'll ask questions that I can never get a good answer to and basically make me shy away from religion. 

You believe in a higher being (God). Do you honestly believe with your heart and brain using your common sense if there is a creator, the creator would only accept one way of worship? There were religions before Christianity. If God wanted people to follow him through Christianity why didn't he implement that system as soon as man came to be and why didn't he implement that system throughout the world, why just the middle east? Why would an ultimate creator want endless worship anyway? And ultimately, do you not see the contradiction within a religion that says do not judge others, yet is based on the idea that if you don't follow it to a T you are going to hell. You honestly believe Buddhists in China, Hindus in India (religions before Christianity) are going to hell because they have different ways of worship. How does that not make you laugh. It makes me laugh because religious people always talk about non-religious people/humans having a huge ego. Do you not see the ego involved in the bible and its ardent followers?
According to the christian narrative, yes. There should only be one way of approach to the creator.  According to the christian narrative all people are given an opportunity to find out about this one way of approach, hence why Jesus told his followers to preach.

Also, the God of the bible has always required a specfic form of worship and not all religions fit into those requirement. Christianity was a mere progression of what was required in the 'old' testament.
24“The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. 25And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. 26From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. 27God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. 28‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’[sup]b[/sup]  As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’[sup]c[/sup]

29“Therefore since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone—an image made by human design and skill. 30In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. 31For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead.”
And I hope Christians can understand how the Christian narrative is somewhat contradictory in itself. Preach acceptance, love, respect, but totally deem other forms of worship illegitimate even if they came before your form of worship and your form of worship took stories/aspects from them. 

And this God the Christians talk about has to be much smarter than that right? He expects people to follow Jesus simply because they heard it from people in a neighboring country or region? Really? Throw away thousands of years of your culture, heritage, etc because a guy came through and showed you the bible? Let's say this whole resurrection thing did happen and it was proof to the people of the middle east that Jesus/Christianity is the way to go. Why didn't God do similar acts throughout the world so everyone could be directly impacted by Christianity. Not through "preachers." On top of all this, what if a person says I don't like that this religion condemns people that don't follow it specifically. I'll stick to my religion since it's my open and accepting of all views/diversity. I'd say that person is what people should strive to be. Understanding of all, while Christianity + other religions does the opposite. 
I really respect that fact you came out and said you don't know. The minute you start knowing is when you stop learning. 

I just pose this one question for you, say this was a bank loan or something like that, and it would require a life long commitment that promised many good things in the end but you you have the questions about it that you mentioned above, would you sign the loan? 
Honestly, yes I would.  Let me preface it with this:  I was not born and raised a Christian.  I made a decision when I was 16 to follow Christ (I'll be 24 in two weeks).  So I was not force fed any of this.

The way I look at it, if nothing else, I don't want to take that chance.  If God is real, and everything that scripture says is true, then I want to go to heaven and experience him.  And if God is not real, and the bible is false, then when I die I can look back and say I lived a good life as a kind person who treated others with respect and made the small chunk of the world around me a better place.  And I'm perfectly okay with that as I rot in the dirt.

EDIT:  I believe Jesus was most likely brown skinned.  Given the region he was born and raised in and the historical context, it's likely he had very tan skin.
The bolded is how a lot of people think and I hope you realize how odd of a thought process that is. You're basically saying hey if this stuff is real, I'm good. If it's not oh well there's no hell so I'm good also. Your God won't know your true intentions? Or does he not mind as long as you believe in him. It's cheap. I can't even really put into words my dislike for a thought process like that, but I'm sure you get what I'm saying. Anyway it's not really logical way to think, since what if Islam is the true religion, you're hell bound. What about Judaism etc. It just shows how illogical it is to say hey believe and you'll be good. Perfect way to get people to follow the religion. 

And you say you chose Christianity unlike a lot of people who are born into it etc. Why Christianity over Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. 
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Question for you. You know more about these things from a historical perspective so I'll ask you. Somewhere in a previous post you talked about Christianity being spread through violence (taking a culture, and using it against the same people it was stolen from etc). I know you spoke on Christianity specifically because of the thread, but weren't the main religions of today spread through violence/sword? 

For example I always hear the claim Islam was not spread through the sword, but then I see other resources that prove otherwise. Same with Hinduism. 

Question for you. You know more about these things from a historical perspective so I'll ask you. Somewhere in a previous post you talked about Christianity being spread through violence (taking a culture, and using it against the same people it was stolen from etc). I know you spoke on Christianity specifically because of the thread, but weren't the main religions of today spread through violence/sword? 

For example I always hear the claim Islam was not spread through the sword, but then I see other resources that prove otherwise. Same with Hinduism. 

In short all the words major religions have a mystery system that at some point were converted from esoteric to exoteric.

Muslim = Sufi
Christianity = Gnostics
Judaism = Qabalistic

I'm not sure what Hinduism is.

But it it's pretty much the same with all of them. They all have a messiah that comes to rescue you. The messiah is symbolic of the soul rescuing your ego and physical body. They manifests a savior in a physical body that's relative to the culture providing vicarious atonement. If you disagree they kill you and purge any ideas that are opposing the ones trying to be presented. They hi-jack the rhetoric of the previous mystery system and say see "look at all the non-believers trying to dispel us" and then eventually if a lie is told enough if becomes the truth.

Open and closed case Johnson.

With that said I consider myself a Christian, Muslim, Hindi, and Buddhist in the most purest sense of the term.
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@jab step

Therein lies the problem. The narrative isn't contradictory. We might make it seem contradictory because of false expectations.

Jesus' message as recorded was very devisive, and intentionally so. He said as much, one of the more famous quotes of his is when he stated that he would cause 'division even within families'.

But, with that being said the narrative is accepting of all persons regardless of their background. However this acceptance is not without requirement. And that is where the logical need for proselytizing comes in, allowing room for people to make their own decisions with what evidence they are given. That seems to have been the early narrative of the early church/congregation. Mind you every member of that early church was technically a preacher, unlike modern churches where you have an appointed pastor...this made it possible for the early christian religion to spread. Mind you this spreading was accomplished at a time when there where all manner of religions and sects in the roman empire, some of them very violent toward the early Christians.
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@SJ45 said, if in the end, God is just a story, he would have lived a good life.

Hmmm...sound's like a controlling "GOD" where you do not have "free will"

You only live they way you Christians live for a chance at heaven.

Ska needs to lock this up.

I'm growing tired of Raspberry shucking and jiving questions and only responding with the same rhetoric he's been trying to throw on the site since he made the thread.

I thought I would get real answers, but he's only giving pre-programmed, trollesque answers.

OH, and the things he can't speak on :rollseyes:

How do you continue to follow so blindly at the expense of your own intelligence?

But why get caught up in so called mystery that in most instances contradicts itself.

You reference Islam for example, islam from a technical and by the letter interpretation should lead people to same God that abraham worshipped. Now this is absolutely incompatible with Hindu thought where all manner of person and living creature is open to being given the attributes of an abrahmic god. So your position is intrinsically flawed based upon the canonical records of the three mentioned religions.
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But why get caught up in so called mystery that in most instances contradicts itself.

You reference Islam for example, islam from a technical and by the letter interpretation should lead people to same God that abraham worshipped. Now this is absolutely incompatible with Hindu thought where all manner of person and living creature is open to being given the attributes of an abrahmic god. So your position is intrinsically flawed based upon the canonical records of the three mentioned religions.

When I say mystery I'm speaking in contemporary terms. @Ben Roethlisberger will vouch for me that all that these religions are speaking about the same things. For example the sun is 92 million miles away from the sun just like Allah has 92 names. Christ was crucified at Calvary( meaning) place of the skull. Moses split the Red Sea just like the nerves at the base of my spine split my blood so the messenger can move up the 33 steps to god aka 33 bones in in my back to reach the king dome of god aka my head.

So much like the context people in here have spoke of, I know the spirit of god is my soul and it's just it's way speaking in allegory how to move out of the physical body.

So I'm not caught up in the human/physical terms of religious dogma on how to get to my souls salvation. Hope that makes sense

Makes sense, to a degree. But I'd say this all religions seem to be singing however it may not Bethe same song and even more the same language?

Makes sense, to a degree. But I'd say this all religions seem to be singing however it may not Bethe same song and even more the same language?

I'd cosign that. However, At some point you realize language is just a pillar used to divide people (tower of Babylon).

Taking it a step further, everything is vibrations/sound/frequencies
Which is why you see horns etc in revelations.

When you speak of the devil a lot of people don't realize that the devil was originally the conscious mind which is always telling you that you can't create. If you're created in the image of the creator you can create just like the creator can. The antithesis would tell you aren't capable of creating just like the conscious mind does aka devil aka de evolution.
what I was trying to get across is that though they seem to be similiar, if you pay close attention they really aren't saying the same thing as you suggested.
If you chose to believe in things without any proof, you rewire the brain to make nonsensical information factual.  I truly believe this has caused humans to devolve in a way.  Funny how close the spelling of devolve and devil are.   I don't think its much of a coincidence.  

Was Yeshua black tho?? 
Christians please help.


Devolve and devil

Where is the I
If you chose to believe in things without any proof, you rewire the brain to make nonsensical information factual.  I truly believe this has caused humans to devolve in a way.  Funny how close the spelling of devolve and devil are.   I don't think its much of a coincidence.  

Was Yeshua black tho?? 
Christians please help.


Devolve and devil

Where is the I
I thought reaching-foul logic was common place in this thread.

btw the last question was serious tho.. 
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You know what really grinds my gears: christians taking quotes from the bible to prove a point when other passages exist that can be used to disprove the same point. Yet the cherry-picking to prove yourself right is just too hard to refuse.
what I was trying to get across is that though they seem to be similiar, if you pay close attention they really aren't saying the same thing as you suggested.

What key differences would you say I'm missing?
Lets say one religion teaches that God is three persons in one, another says that he's a single being. I think that in that instance you are talking about two completely different forms of worship.

Lets give another example, lets say that a religion claims that God tortures people in a fiery hell, and one religion teaches otherwise...then you are teaching two separate things here.

Let's say that a religion teaches that it's okay to kill people who don't believe the same thing as you, and another teaches tolerance...two completely different religions, no?
Lets say one religion teaches that God is three persons in one, another says that he's a single being. I think that in that instance you are talking about two completely different forms of worship.

Lets give another example, lets say that a religion claims that God tortures people in a fiery hell, and one religion teaches otherwise...then you are teaching two separate things here.

Let's say that a religion teaches that it's okay to kill people who don't believe the same thing as you, and another teaches tolerance...two completely different religions, no?

I see what you're saying. If you take it from a literal way then they're all pretty different. From a broader perspective they all discuss how to get in touch with a higher being and the consequence if you don't. So say a Christian says you're going to a hell if you don't adhere to god's law and a Buddhist says you're doomed to constantly reincarnate if you don't reach nirvana. Same concept just a different way to tell the story.

Using the intolerance sentiment, say one is actually speaking of intolerance at a personal level. It's okay for you to metaphorically kill parts of your self that don't want to be a spiritual being. On the flip side one religion could actually be speaking at cultural level and say be tolerant of others because we all have our own spiritual path.

I'd say just reading it in the correct context will show you it's all talking about the same stuff
Lets say one religion teaches that God is three persons in one, another says that he's a single being. I think that in that instance you are talking about two completely different forms of worship.

Lets give another example, lets say that a religion claims that God tortures people in a fiery hell, and one religion teaches otherwise...then you are teaching two separate things here.

Let's say that a religion teaches that it's okay to kill people who don't believe the same thing as you, and another teaches tolerance...two completely different religions, no?
I see what you're saying. If you take it from a literal way then they're all pretty different. From a broader perspective they all discuss how to get in touch with a higher being and the consequence if you don't. So say a Christian says you're going to a hell if you don't adhere to god's law and a Buddhist says you're doomed to constantly reincarnate if you don't reach nirvana. Same concept just a different way to tell the story.

Using the intolerance sentiment, say one is actually speaking of intolerance at a personal level. It's okay for you to metaphorically kill parts of your self that don't want to be a spiritual being. On the flip side one religion could actually be speaking at cultural level and say be tolerant of others because we all have our own spiritual path.

I'd say just reading it in the correct context will show you it's all talking about the same stuff
but reading in the context is what shows that it's different. When you take them out of the context is when you get broad generalizations and misinterpretations.
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