Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

I don't have much time now, but I will address a lot of the things you have posted. First, who are these gods you mentioned? Is there evidence of their existence? And I don't mean the idols ancient people worshiped, but actual historical or archeological evidence that these gods existed?

Plus that verse you posted in John. Who is the speaker? Who is the speakers's audience? What is the context of the statement?
They're the same gods you worship in the bible. An allegory for the start of the material universe. They didn't have to lie about literal people. The stories were science based and they have no problem admitting that. The funny thing is most african's understanding of astrology and quantuam physics still exceeds the moden western worlds today.

But theres a lot of ways you can take the bible passage.

You can take it the elementary literal route, and think that there was a person named jesus who was talking to the pharisees of the temple 


You can understand that its an allegory for you soul not being able to be rationalized through the material brain so it attempts to come up with logical juxtapositions that would bring about the demise and understanding of the soul


You can take it from the perspective of the black collective consciousness speaking through prophecy. Telling the collective white conscious (not calling all white people liars) that their history is a lie and always has been. Since their inception they've gone around lying, raping, murdering and stealing what ever they set their eyes on. We've told them the truth that everyone comes from a black person and they still dont want to believe us. They've traveled the whole world destroying it trying to find their origins of antiquity. Since they can't find it here(on earth) they've settled for trying to go to space and making up lies about the rest of the solar system. Are black people lying when we say we're the original people. Are we lying when we said the same melanin that flows through our skin and nervous system (that they use terms like dark energy to trick us) can be found in almost all of the known universe? Yet we say these things and no one believes us even though you like in the sky and its black as night...

Those are just a few ways to look at it, but you probably are gonna go with the first one im assuming.
I just wanna know what he looks like man. For someone you have an intimate relationship with, and died on the cross for you there should at least be some visual representation. And even from a historical point, for someone who was doing these miraculous things you dont think at least one person wouldnt have wanted to capture his image so he could reference while spreading the stories? 
Who is God telling them not to bow down to?
Hmmm like usual you can take it the literal way 

or get into the science of it .

The sun (the self proclaimed god of the universe) is used in another astrological allegory where it's symbolic that it's the only sun of the solar system. Why travel to other planets through out the solar system that lack all the other necessities for life, when it provides us with everything we need to sustain or physical bodies.
@GirlThatsBlanco  That's fine. But I ask that you be rational and be willing to concede that there is a possibility where jesus only exists in the bible. And for someone of his stature and importance it's odd that there is no physical image of what he looks like, and even odder that the images we have now are similar to that of those who practice the oppression of black people.

Also, for some reason this gets dodged constantly. What did your ancestors believe in religion wise before chrsitianity. Knowing they believed something else, why do you choose christianity over that? Did the ancestors worship the devil?
Absolutely spot on, really this should be /thread every time...
 Yes and no. If only one person has a gun(bible) in the universe and they're the lone manufacturer because they burned down and killed all the other manufacturers, then yes it's unfair. 

However, look at all the technology wrapped in a gun. Gun powder, metal, heat, physics etc

Same with the bible. If they let loose the blueprints of it i guarantee you people would be amazed and all the technology/science/wisdom in it humanity could benefit from.

But going back to gun analogy, if all you've seen your whole life in one person in control of it and they use it to murder and pillage where ever they go, the rational mind is gonna want nothing to do with it because the negative memories they have associated with it. That in it's essence is the dichotomy of the problem we face with christianity today. It either robs you of all your critical thinking skills, or those who still do possess the faculties such as @BLASTERCOMBO  or @Phuzzy Badpheet  stear clear of it as much as possbile because of how much bull crap it's been covered with on the top layers.
What do all the believers think of the tales of Jesus visiting Japan?
Dont know about Japan, their society had been incredibly isolationist for a while. But I know a lot of people think he went to China and India and studied there in the twenty years that he disappeared. Very plausible.
I thought Jesus went to Egypt... a place where he could hide without being noticed...    
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@GirlThatsBlanco  That's fine. But I ask that you be rational and be willing to concede that there is a possibility where jesus only exists in the bible. And for someone of his stature and importance it's odd that there is no physical image of what he looks like, and even odder that the images we have now are similar to that of those who practice the oppression of black people.

Also, for some reason this gets dodged constantly. What did your ancestors believe in religion wise before chrsitianity. Knowing they believed something else, why do you choose christianity over that? Did the ancestors worship the devil?

 Yes and no. If only one person has a gun(bible) in the universe and they're the lone manufacturer because they burned down and killed all the other manufacturers, then yes it's unfair. 

However, look at all the technology wrapped in a gun. Gun powder, metal, heat, physics etc

Same with the bible. If they let loose the blueprints of it i guarantee you people would be amazed and all the technology/science/wisdom in it humanity could benefit from.

But going back to gun analogy, if all you've seen your whole life in one person in control of it and they use it to murder and pillage where ever they go, the rational mind is gonna want nothing to do with it because the negative memories they have associated with it. That in it's essence is the dichotomy of the problem we face with christianity today. It either robs you of all your critical thinking skills, or those who still do possess the faculties such as @BLASTERCOMBO  or @Phuzzy Badpheet  stear clear of it as much as possbile because of how much bull crap it's been covered with on the top layers.
The Bible never gives any physical description of Christ while he was on earth. The closest thing we get to a description is in Isaiah 53:2, “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him.” So it sounds like Jesus’ appearance was just like any other man's.  You could say He was ordinary-looking. Isaiah was here prophesying that the coming suffering Servant would arise in lowly conditions and wear none of the usual emblems of royalty, making His true identity visible only to the discerning eye of faith.  Isaiah further describes the appearance of Christ as He would appear as He was being scourged prior to His crucifixion. “His appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man and his form marred beyond human likeness” (Isaiah 53:14).  
Most of the images we have of Jesus today, just like the ones you posted are probably not accurate according to the text of the Bible.   The Bible says Jesus was a Jew, so He likely had dark skin, dark eyes, and dark hair. This is waaaaay different from the blond-haired, blue-eyed, fair-skinned Jesus in many modern pictures. One thing is clear though.  If it were important for us to know what He really did look like, Matthew, Peter and John, who spent three years with Him, would certainly be able to give us an accurate description, as would His own brothers, James and Jude. Yet, these New Testament writers offer no details about His physical attributes.  They focus more on His teachings/sermons, the miracles He performed, His divine nature and deity and obviously Him bearing the world's  sin to be our Saviour.  Please keep in mind I have only written about what Jesus looked like on earth.  If we go to the book of Revelation we will see a description of what the appearance of the Coming Christ.  You know, the Christ that will come from in the clouds during the end of days.   

Revelation 1:12-16

I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands,  13 and among the lampstands was someone like a son of man, dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest.14 The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire.  15 His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.  16 In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.

This is the Jesus that matters.  This is what Jesus looks like now.  This is what Jesus will look like when He comes back.  This is the Jesus people will see in Heaven.  So this is MY view on the appearance of Christ because this is the way the Bible describes His appearance.  Artist can draw or paint all the pictures they want of Jesus, but if it doesn't match the description of Him in Revelation, then it is not accurate.  So those pictures you posted are false representations.  Possibly even stolen from the ancient cultures you claim they originated in.  I'm not debating that.  I can clearly see how one could draw that conclusion.  I think you are saying they are false as well.  Maybe, for different reasons, but they are false.  Plus most of those pictures are the Catholics view of Christ.   Which we can discuss as well because even though most consider them to be Christians, they have some clear differences in their teachings vs what the Bible says concerning different matters.  But I don't want to get to off track with that discussion, but I you want to we can.  

But I will say it again, those pictures are not a representation of the Christ that the Bible describes.  Please remember my stance on that when addressing any more questions or presenting any more info concerning his appearance towards me and the other followers of Christ and the Bible.  

Now concerning what my ancestors religion was is a difficult question to answer for a few reasons.  First, what ancestors do you mean and how far back should I go?  I ask that because I have ancestors that are African, Native American, Irish and Scottish.  I'm sure if we go far enough back they all had different gods, religions, ways to salvation ect. vs what I believe in.  Although I consider and identify myself as being a black man.  I have told you why I believe in the Bible and why I believe it to be true.  I am not for sure what gods my African ancestors believed.  If they believed in/worshipped the ancient gods you posted, then they were wrong.  Those are gods of African mythology.  They never have or never will exist.  

Do you believe any of those gods you posted existed?  If so, why?  What evidence is there?  Any ancient text?  

And I think it is pretty clear what I believe and why I believe it (go back a few pages, I got a long post from yesterday stating why), but I'm not sure what you believe yet.  Can you tell me what that is and how you came to believe those beliefs are true?   
Originally Posted by BLASTERCOMBO  

Bible says this and that....... The real argument is if the bible is even a credible source. The thing has been edited more than a wiki page over thousands of years. THAT is a fact.

Originally Posted by Phuzzy Badpheet  

No doubt.

Edited so that people can understand it better.

These are some bold claims.  But I'm sure you have evidence to support these claims right?  Can you answer these questions for me.  How do you know the Bible is edited?  How many times was it edited?  Who edited it?  What parts were edited?  Can you point to some differences from the original text vs what we have now?  

Just a random question I'm curious about and you may know the answer. How was Islam spread to Africa. The upper portion of Africa is typically Islamic, while the bottom half is Christian. Specific reason for this?

I just thought of this randomly because there is a warranted anger/displeasure (if I'm wrong my bad) from you with the spread of Christianity to Africa. So I was wondering was the spread of Islam not through violence as well? Are you not upset about its spread to Africa? Maybe you are and just aren't focusing on it because this is a thread about Christ 

And one thing I have not seen posted yet are the Specific prophecies that are in the Bible...approximately 2500 of them appear in the text. And almost 2000 have been fulfilled.  Have any of the Bible critics researched this?  What are your views?  
And one thing I have not seen posted yet are the Specific prophecies that are in the Bible...approximately 2500 of them appear in the text. And almost 2000 have been fulfilled.  Have any of the Bible critics researched this?  What are your views? 
Haven't really followed much of this thread, because I find these things pointless honestly. No offense to you all 

But another random question, but this time directed at you. 

Do you seriously believe deep down, a person who grew up and follows Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc etc is going to hell? Just because he was born into the wrong "team"? You do know all these religions basically teach the same tenants. Basic human morality. So some random kid in China who grew up in a Buddhist culture is damned or better yet a kid who grew up in an agnostic/godless household is damned? Why are you one of the lucky ones to be born into the right religion, while the majority of the world isn't?

And if god wanted you to worship him in one manner (Christianity) why did he send his message to one small specific area in the middle east and not directly to the rest of the world that follow other religions?  

Oh yea and you said one of your previous posts explains why you specifically believe in Christianity. Could you link me to that post. My bad this thing is so many pages I don't know what specifically you would be talking about. 
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Nah, I don't think any of those gods existed.

I believe they were allegories to explain the nature of the soul. They use symbols and things of nature that were infallible to convey messages.

For example, horus a christ figure that predated jesus has a hawk head. That symbolizes beint the most hight and everything else beneath it. The soul is in control of everything and everything else is subsequent to it.

I believe jesus is the exact same thing. There's no pictures of him because he didn't exist. Like you said it's his teachings that were important.

When you quoted his description in revelation it said he had 7 lamp stands. 7 sources of light. It's talking about the 7 chakras. Same thing with Noah and the covenant. The bible is a book about/the soul and the soul is light. Holy bible comes from "Helios Biblios"
Literally translating to book of light.

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I touched on it a little earlier. God is an infinite being with no limits. It brought about limits to better understand itself due to its infinite nature. We are all mini gods running around trying to remember who we are.

Psalms 82:6
I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most high. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.

I came to believe what I have by dedicating my life to this and researching it everyday for the past 5 years. Dropping out of school being homeless, and traveling the world. I've had a few other experiences that I put myself through that most would call crazy.

I'm not trying to put myself on a pedestal cause anyone can do what I did. However, I'm confident when I say I know what is not the truth. If I knew the whole truth there would be no purpose for any of us to be here. The ways most people could start their path on truth are illegal and not acceptable to the dominant society.

I don't really like saying I'm a certain denomination cause soon as you do you're boxing yourself in. One of the "Devils" main tricks is divide and conquer. The issue is trying to make things literal and of this world. Any religion will tell you there looking for something not of this reality to bring them atonement.

So in all honesty, I have no issues with christianity or any of the religions. It's when they misinterpret and claim it as the gospel with nothing to prove it.
And one thing I have not seen posted yet are the Specific prophecies that are in the Bible...approximately 2500 of them appear in the text. And almost 2000 have been fulfilled.  Have any of the Bible critics researched this?  What are your views?  

That is the part I do believe. It was written as a book of prophecy and not something to be read in the past, but rather something that's happening now.

Just a random question I'm curious about and you may know the answer. How was Islam spread to Africa. The upper portion of Africa is typically Islamic, while the bottom half is Christian. Specific reason for this?

I just thought of this randomly because there is a warranted anger/displeasure (if I'm wrong my bad) from you with the spread of Christianity to Africa. So I was wondering was the spread of Islam not through violence as well? Are you not upset about its spread to Africa? Maybe you are and just aren't focusing on it because this is a thread about Christ :lol:


It's a political front. Most of them adopted it because they became the minority. While they said they were practicing islam and stuff like that, they were still doing their indigenous stuff on the side. If you're interested in that researching the moors are a good place to start.

If you research any modern religions they have a "mystic" origin. For islam it was Sufism, christians were gnostic and judism had the quabalah.
Haven't really followed much of this thread, because I find these things pointless honestly. No offense to you all 

But another random question, but this time directed at you. 

Do you seriously believe deep down, a person who grew up and follows Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc etc is going to hell? Just because he was born into the wrong "team"? You do know all these religions basically teach the same tenants. Basic human morality. So some random kid in China who grew up in a Buddhist culture is damned or better yet a kid who grew up in an agnostic/godless household is damned? Why are you one of the lucky ones to be born into the right religion, while the majority of the world isn't?

And if god wanted you to worship him in one manner (Christianity) why did he send his message to one small specific area in the middle east and not directly to the rest of the world that follow other religions?  

Oh yea and you said one of your previous posts explains why you specifically believe in Christianity. Could you link me to that post. My bad this thing is so many pages I don't know what specifically you would be talking about. 
I believe that if anyone who does not accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior they will spend eternity in Hell.  Not because I say so, but because the Bible says so.  The Bible says that not everyone that calls themself a Christian will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  According to the Bible, none of us deserve to go to Heaven on our own because we are all sinners.  So, we need a sin bearer.  That's where Jesus comes in.  

And you should do some more research on major world religions.  The do not all basically teach the same thing.  Especially Christianity.  As a matter of fact, they all contradict one another.  

And I choose to believe the Bible because it is a collection of historical documents written by eyewitness during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses.  They report supernatural events that took place in fulfillment of specific prophecies, and they claim to be divine rather than human in origin.
And one thing I have not seen posted yet are the Specific prophecies that are in the Bible...approximately 2500 of them appear in the text. And almost 2000 have been fulfilled.  Have any of the Bible critics researched this?  What are your views? 
Haven't really followed much of this thread, because I find these things pointless honestly. No offense to you all :lol:

But another random question, but this time directed at you. 

Do you seriously believe deep down, a person who grew up and follows Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc etc is going to hell? Just because he was born into the wrong "team"? You do know all these religions basically teach the same tenants. Basic human morality. So some random kid in China who grew up in a Buddhist culture is damned or better yet a kid who grew up in an agnostic/godless household is damned? Why are you one of the lucky ones to be born into the right religion, while the majority of the world isn't?

And if god wanted you to worship him in one manner (Christianity) why did he send his message to one small specific area in the middle east and not directly to the rest of the world that follow other religions?  

Oh yea and you said one of your previous posts explains why you specifically believe in Christianity. Could you link me to that post. My bad this thing is so many pages I don't know what specifically you would be talking about. 

I specifically have a hard time wrapping my mind around this. I grew up in a super conservative baptist home which kind of turned me off from the though of organized structured religion, but I love the idea of god. However half of my family comes from a south asian country with a population made up of almost only Muslims. It pisses me off thinking that some of my friends that are non Christian are supposedly going to hell. We're talking about people who come from countries where Christianity isn't the least bit mainstream and is punishable by death regardless of age or sex. Like Christian women coming out of convinence stores with their children and getting gasoline poured on them and then being lot on fire. So it's just like, how in any sense can I even compartmentalize people going to hell with all these sub structures of issues and "sin".
I believe that if anyone who does not accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior they will spend eternity in Hell.  Not because I say so, but because the Bible says so.  The Bible says that not everyone that calls themself a Christian will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  According to the Bible, none of us deserve to go to Heaven on our own because we are all sinners.  So, we need a sin bearer.  That's where Jesus comes in.  
And you should do some more research on major world religions.  The do not all basically teach the same thing.  Especially Christianity.  As a matter of fact, they all contradict one another.  

And I choose to believe the Bible because it is a collection of historical documents written by eyewitness during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses.  They report supernatural events that took place in fulfillment of specific prophecies, and they claim to be divine rather than human in origin.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nah, I don't think any of those gods existed.

I believe they were allegories to explain the nature of the soul. They use symbols and things of nature that were infallible to convey messages.

For example, horus a christ figure that predated jesus has a hawk head. That symbolizes beint the most hight and everything else beneath it. The soul is in control of everything and everything else is subsequent to it.

I believe jesus is the exact same thing. There's no pictures of him because he didn't exist. Like you said it's his teachings that were important.

When you quoted his description in revelation it said he had 7 lamp stands. 7 sources of light. It's talking about the 7 chakras. Same thing with Noah and the covenant. The bible is a book about/the soul and the soul is light. Holy bible comes from "Helios Biblios"
Literally translating to book of light.

I touched on it a little earlier. God is an infinite being with no limits. It brought about limits to better understand itself due to its infinite nature. We are all mini gods running around trying to remember who we are.

Psalms 82:6
I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most high. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.

I came to believe what I have by dedicating my life to this and researching it everyday for the past 5 years. Dropping out of school being homeless, and traveling the world. I've had a few other experiences that I put myself through that most would call crazy.

I'm not trying to put myself on a pedestal cause anyone can do what I did. However, I'm confident when I say I know what is not the truth. If I knew the whole truth there would be no purpose for any of us to be here. The ways most people could start their path on truth are illegal and not acceptable to the dominant society.

I don't really like saying I'm a certain denomination cause soon as you do you're boxing yourself in. One of the "Devils" main tricks is divide and conquer. The issue is trying to make things literal and of this world. Any religion will tell you there looking for something not of this reality to bring them atonement.

So in all honesty, I have no issues with christianity or any of the religions. It's when they misinterpret and claim it as the gospel with nothing to prove it.
What is your view on the afterlife?  Do you believe in one?  If so, how does one get there?  
Hell is earth. Ain't no spook place underground or anything like that.

Going back to what I said earlier using the head allegory. Heaven is in your heart and mind. It's not a physical place to strive for.

Luke 17:21
Nor will people say, "here it is!" Or "There it is!" Because the kingdom of heaven is in your midst.
Hell is earth. Ain't no spook place underground or anything like that.

Going back to what I said earlier using the head allegory. Heaven is in your heart and mind. It's not a physical place to strive for.

Luke 17:21
Nor will people say, "here it is!" Or "There it is!" Because the kingdom of heaven is in your midst.
So what do you believe happens when a person dies?
What is your view on the afterlife?  Do you believe in one?  If so, how does one get there?  

"Death is but the next great adventure."

The soul is nothing but light. Pure energy. Physics will tell you energy can't be created or destroyed. We all have free will. We forget why we came here and get lost in the material desires. After we pass and reflect on our life most reincarnate and try to do it again. Because we don't accept our soul/christ while we're here, we get trapped in infinite reincarnation loop that most call hell.
This thread done entered another dimesion.

People wanna know the truth. Whether the came to pash the bible or not they're gonna naturally gravitate towards inquisitions about who we are and how we came to be. Whether people agree or disagree with anything I've posted no one has been able to post an opposing argument that holds up historically and logically.

John 8:32
And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
"Death is but the next great adventure."

The soul is nothing but light. Pure energy. Physics will tell you energy can't be created or destroyed. We all have free will. We forget why we came here and get lost in the material desires. After we pass and reflect on our life most reincarnate and try to do it again. Because we don't accept our soul/christ while we're here, we get trapped in infinite reincarnation loop that most call hell.
So you believe in reincarnation? And you said most reincarnate, what happens to others?  
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