Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

People wanna know the truth. Whether the came to pash the bible or not they're gonna naturally gravitate towards inquisitions about who we are and how we came to be. Whether people agree or disagree with anything I've posted no one has been able to post an opposing argument that holds up historically and logically.

John 8:32
And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
But how do the things you posted hold up historically?  I won't address logically because your logic and my logic conflict with one another.  What you see as logical, I don't and I'm assuming you feel the same way towards my logic.  
To keep it in the realm of the thread.

That the people who are known for founding christianity were corrupt people.

There is no historical depictions of jesus.

There is no historical proof of an exodus.

No one has yet to part a Red Sea.

No one can pick up a stick and turn into a snake.

Europeans of old are known to steal and pass things off as as their own once they've been white washed.

Most african Americans have ancestors who didn't not want to convert to christianity so it was beat into them etc
To keep it in the realm of the thread.

That the people who are known for founding christianity were corrupt people.

There is no historical depictions of jesus.

There is no historical proof of an exodus.

No one has yet to part a Red Sea.

No one can pick up a stick and turn into a snake.

Europeans of old are known to steal and pass things off as as their own once they've been white washed.

Most african Americans have ancestors who didn't not want to convert to christianity so it was beat into them etc
So how do you know that literature you use to support your beliefs have not been corrupted?  How do you know they are true?  Do you have the originals?
Explain why you posted this.  

You asked what I thought happened when someone mastered the reincarnation cycle.

Ponder this for a sec and say I'm right about the pineal gland being an integral part of the soul. Why is it that fluoride which is known to calcify the pineal gland, and has never been fda approved nor been unamiousky accepted to have medical benefits used to treat the water supply and put in toothpaste.
So how do you know that literature you use to support your beliefs have not been corrupted?  How do you know they are true?  Do you have the originals?

I keep answering this. They're not stories to be taken literal. They're allegories. I can look up in the sky and the sun has 12 zodiacs around it just like jesus had 12 disciples following him.
I believe that if anyone who does not accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior they will spend eternity in Hell.  Not because I say so, but because the Bible says so.  The Bible says that not everyone that calls themself a Christian will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  According to the Bible, none of us deserve to go to Heaven on our own because we are all sinners.  So, we need a sin bearer.  That's where Jesus comes in.  

And you should do some more research on major world religions.  The do not all basically teach the same thing.  Especially Christianity.  As a matter of fact, they all contradict one another.  

And I choose to believe the Bible because it is a collection of historical documents written by eyewitness during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses.  They report supernatural events that took place in fulfillment of specific prophecies, and they claim to be divine rather than human in origin.
You never answered

1) Why were you specifically chosen into the right "team" but the majority of the world isn't? 

2) A person who grew up around another religion, family is another religion, neighborhood is another religion, etc etc, is going to hell? Even if that person is overall a "better" person than you. I put it in quotations because better is subjective. But I mean better as in more caring, less materialistic, humble, etc. 

3) How are religions overall different. You totally disregarded my comment that said they overall teach the same things. I don't see how that is inaccurate at all. They all teach the same basic principles. These principles in my opinion come to us as we grow older, but some people need religion to solidify them, such as treating others well, being a good person etc. 

4) If this god wanted us to worship in one manner (Christianity) and as you say people needed a sin bearer why was all this done in one specific portion of the world? Why wasn't there sin bearers in regions with already established religions? Or a way to directly send this Christian message to other regions in a divine manner? Food for thought right?  Hey some guy who created the entire universe would be much smarter in making Christianity the way to worship him, yet it seemed like he didn't do it in a efficient/common sense manner at all......

@hallywoodxo  Why'd you decide to drop everything and just do some soul searching? What exactly were you searching for? God, meaning of life, history of your ancestors (which you are really into), etc? That's cool, I respect it. I really have so little desire in caring about these things, but they do come to my mind here and there, so it's cool to see a person at the total opposite spectrum who got engulfed into all this stuff. I'm so wrapped around pursing my career goal, gradually building a family, etc (cookie cutter stuff) which is something you totally threw away, which I find so foreign (and intriguing 
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I keep answering this. They're not stories to be taken literal. They're allegories. I can look up in the sky and the sun has 12 zodiacs around it just like jesus had 12 disciples following him.
I don't know everything that you have posted, but from what I have seen it is the same claims that are made in that Zeitgeist movie smh.  Most of the so called "facts" you have posted have been proven to be corrupted and false.  

2 Timothy 4:3

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions.

So how do you know that literature you use to support your beliefs have not been corrupted?  How do you know they are true?  Do you have the originals?

And just another example, the Dogon of west Africa said they came from a God called emme Ya (the great mother). They also said it was symbolic of the star system that they came from called sirius B. Mind you sirius is the brightest star in the sky. At the time they said no such star exists. They went back and discovered that there was a white dwarf star named sirius b that was unknown to the western world at the time.

Mind you, these are indigenous people at africa that the western world would consider primitive that have a vast understanding of quantum physics and astrology.

Just another example.
I don't know everything that you have posted, but from what I have seen it is the same claims that are made in that Zeitgeist movie smh.  Most of the so called "facts" you have posted have been proven to be corrupted and false.  

2 Timothy 4:3
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions.


Not gonna let this slide. My understanding is far past that of a zeitgeist. But if you wanna prove anything I'm saying not to be true, please go ahead.

I've shown you who the leaders of christianity were. I've shown you there's no depiction of what you're saviour looks like even in your own book.

So if you wanna conceed that your knowledge is too small to continue that's on you.

I asked if the OP would change the title of the thread id leave it alone. My offer still stands.
You never answered

1) Why were you specifically chosen into the right "team" but the majority of the world isn't? 

I can't answer why God chooses some and not other to a certain "team."  But almost every person has an opportunity to accept Christ in their life. 

2) A person who grew up around another religion, family is another religion, neighborhood is another religion, etc etc, is going to hell? Even if that person is overall a "better" person than you. I put it in quotations because better is subjective. But I mean better as in more caring, less materialistic, humble, etc.

Like you said, "better" is subjective.  God has a perfect standard.  All men have sinned.  No one is perfect.  The Bible claims that if someone has broken one law, you have broken them all.  We are not justified by our works, but by our faith.  You or I may see someone as more caring, less materialistic or humble, but that's just the outside.  God judges our hearts.    

3) How are religions overall different. You totally disregarded my comment that said they overall teach the same things. I don't see how that is inaccurate at all. They all teach the same basic principles. These principles in my opinion come to us as we grow older, but some people need religion to solidify them, such as treating others well, being a good person etc. 

I didn't disregard what you said, but all religions don't teach the same thing.  They all have different Gods, different ways to salvation, they all claim that only their teachings are correct.  I just asked you to do some research on your own about what the different major world religions actually teach.   

4) If this god wanted us to worship in one manner (Christianity) and as you say people needed a sin bearer why was all this done in one specific portion of the world? Why wasn't there sin bearers in regions with already established religions? Or a way to directly send this Christian message to other regions in a divine manner? Food for thought right?  Hey some guy who created the entire universe would be much smarter in making Christianity the way to worship him, yet it seemed like he didn't do it in a efficient/common sense manner at all......

What regions have not heard about Jesus?  I'm not saying worship Him, but at least have heard the name of Jesus and who people claim Him to be?  

@hallywoodxo  Why'd you decide to drop everything and just do some soul searching? What exactly were you searching for? God, meaning of life, history of your ancestors (which you are really into), etc? That's cool, I respect it. I really have so little desire in caring about these things, but they do come to my mind here and there, so it's cool to see a person at the total opposite spectrum who got engulfed into all this stuff. I'm so wrapped around pursing my career goal, gradually building a family, etc (cookie cutter stuff) which is something you totally threw away, which I find so foreign (and intriguing 
Not gonna let this slide. My understanding is far past that of a zeitgeist. But if you wanna prove anything I'm saying not to be true, please go ahead.

I've shown you who the leaders of christianity were. I've shown you there's no depiction of what you're saviour looks like even in your own book.

So if you wanna conceed that your knowledge is too small to continue that's on you.

I asked if the OP would change the title of the thread id leave it alone. My offer still stands.
You look to the zodiac as truth right?  
And one thing I have not seen posted yet are the Specific prophecies that are in the Bible...approximately 2500 of them appear in the text. And almost 2000 have been fulfilled.  Have any of the Bible critics researched this?  What are your views?  
what specific prophecies came to be? Key word is specific.
3) How are religions overall different. You totally disregarded my comment that said they overall teach the same things. I don't see how that is inaccurate at all. They all teach the same basic principles. These principles in my opinion come to us as we grow older, but some people need religion to solidify them, such as treating others well, being a good person etc. 

I didn't disregard what you said, but all religions don't teach the same thing.  They all have different Gods, different ways to salvation, they all claim that only their teachings are correct.  I just asked you to do some research on your own about what the different major world religions actually teach.   

That's ironic. You tell me to research on my own about other religions, yet you say something utterly false about other religions. There are religions that specifically state all religions are right, just different paths to the same destination. There are specific religions that accept every religion out there. There are specific religious buildings that support one specific religion that have symbols of all the major religion in the world to show the unity of the different faiths. So no you are wrong. There are religions that do not claim that their religion is only correct. 

4) If this god wanted us to worship in one manner (Christianity) and as you say people needed a sin bearer why was all this done in one specific portion of the world? Why wasn't there sin bearers in regions with already established religions? Or a way to directly send this Christian message to other regions in a divine manner? Food for thought right?  Hey some guy who created the entire universe would be much smarter in making Christianity the way to worship him, yet it seemed like he didn't do it in a efficient/common sense manner at all......

What regions have not heard about Jesus?  I'm not saying worship Him, but at least have heard the name of Jesus and who people claim Him to be?  

I'm not talking about specifically hearing about Jesus. I meant Jesus was sent down to one specific area correct? The bible word of god was created in one specific area. Why wasn't other messengers or saviors or whatever you want to call them sent to other regions of the world. Specifically regions with religions that predated Christianity? Wouldn't this god want to prove to people following the wrong religion that Jesus is who they must follow? Why is it that the one specific region had tangible proof of Jesus with their eyes (hypothetical), while other people of other regions had to trust the word of strangers coming into their land? 
I was on the path to becoming an officer in the miltary. I got hip to the military industrial complex and realized that pretty much every war fought was on behalf of the international bankers.

The more I studied myself, I realized everything I did was a suggestion and I was living life according to a bunch of suggestions that I had never really looked into and took for face value.

I just wanted to know the truth and where we come from. I don't have all the answers, but I have a lot of if stuff that were told to be true isn't.

One pattern I noticed emerging was vicarious atonement. We're not good enough to do anything for ourselves.
Can't teach ourselves, gotta go to college.
Can't grow our own food, gotta go to the grocery store.
Can find out the essence of our soul gotta go through jesus.
More or less just constant programming that were not good enough to do anything ourselves and we always have to be at someone's mercy.

One day just decided to give it all lup and make my life a willing testament that people can do anything and to get their locks off they soul. We don't have to be what anyone tells us to be besides ourself. In the process try to leave as much evidenNew International Version
The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my ce behind as possible that lends credence to the truth of love and peace.
You look to the zodiac as truth right?  

The truth as far as?

My thoughts are on the zodiac is this.

The soul is nothig but light. Anything the mind can conceive the soul can accomplish.

To symbolically tell the story of the soul we used the sun because its the brightest thing in the sky and everything manifests because of it in this physical reality.

As far as the zodiacs I believe that they have effects on our personality most of us aren't aware of. Just like when there's a full moon there's more crime, and also how the moon regulates a womens menustral cycle.

To bring it full circle I think the main message in the christ and disciples thing (sun/zodiacs)
Is to be yourself and not a follower. Be the light of the world and don't let outside influences draw you from who we really are.
I was on the path to becoming an officer in the miltary. I got hip to the military industrial complex and realized that pretty much every war fought was on behalf of the international bankers.

The more I studied myself, I realized everything I did was a suggestion and I was living life according to a bunch of suggestions that I had never really looked into and took for face value.

I just wanted to know the truth and where we come from. I don't have all the answers, but I have a lot of if stuff that were told to be true isn't.

One pattern I noticed emerging was vicarious atonement. We're not good enough to do anything for ourselves.
Can't teach ourselves, gotta go to college.
Can't grow our own food, gotta go to the grocery store.
Can find out the essence of our soul gotta go through jesus.
More or less just constant programming that were not good enough to do anything ourselves and we always have to be at someone's mercy.

One day just decided to give it all lup and make my life a willing testament that people can do anything and to get their locks off they soul. We don't have to be what anyone tells us to be besides ourself. In the process try to leave as much evidenNew International Version
The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my ce behind as possible that lends credence to the truth of love and peace.
Why is it that you continuously quote certain passages of the Bible to support your beliefs, yet when I quote the Bible to support mine, you tell me that what I have quoted is corrupted or stolen?  

And the 12 zodiacs you speak about, what about the 12 tribes of Isreal that predate the zodiac?  
Why is it that you continuously quote certain passages of the Bible to support your beliefs, yet when I quote the Bible to support mine, you tell me that what I have quoted is corrupted or stolen?  

And the 12 zodiacs you speak about, what about the 12 tribes of Isreal that predate the zodiac?  

I don't think I've ever said that you quoting the bible was corrupt. If I did it wasn't directed towards you directly.

What I will say is that the people teaching it have corrupted it. On top of that its stolen knowledge. The thief is never smarter then the person he's stealing from which is why he's stealing in the first place.

To give you an example a lot of the holy sites and ancient places were built on a specific longitude to stabilize the earths magnetic field and remove the wobble. With all the metal from sky scrapers and other miscellaneous buildings the natural order of things have gone to hell. They took the knowledge from master masons not having 360 degrees of knowledge started building things. By the way there's a reason the highest degree in masonry you can go is 33 degrees.

The starts predate anything on the earth. But to keep it in terms of the bible, in genesis it tells God created the heavens and earth before he creates anything else.
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That's cool hallywood, wish you the best of luck. Do you know what you want to do with your life since you ultimately didn't want to be a military officer? That's a scary thing to just throw away everything (comfort) for a total unknown. Also, you got some different takes on these things so ultimately where do you think humans came from. I'm assuming you don't believe in evolution etc. I think you talked about this, but I didn't quite get it/catch it. 
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Hollywood I'm sorry, but after reading all that you've posted I've come to the conclusion that all you've done is related completely different things due to unrelated similarities. The zodiac uses the number 12,
So I guess anything that uses the number 12 some how holds the secrets of life. The bible starts with the letter B, B is also the for letter for beast, beast is another word for the devil, so I guess the devil wrote the bible. Cmon man. You've discredited other sources yet proceed to cosign whatever you use. You've dismised myth and inserted your own.
Hollywood I'm sorry, but after reading all that you've posted I've come to the conclusion that all you've done is related completely different things due to unrelated similarities. The zodiac uses the number 12,
So I guess anything that uses the number 12 some how holds the secrets of life. The bible starts with the letter B, B is also the for letter for beast, beast is another word for the devil, so I guess the devil wrote the bible. Cmon man. You've discredited other sources yet proceed to cosign whatever you use. You've dismised myth and inserted your own.

That's on you. If you really like for me to break down the passages and show you exactly what they mean.

Keep in mind christianity is a conglomerate of other religions, so if I'm pulling from what seems thin air it's because most people aren't familiar with the information it's being pulled from.

As far as the numbers.
The bible uses specific numbers for a reason.
12 tribes of Israel
12 brother of Joseph
12 disciples
12 cranial nerves in the brain
12 zodiacs
12 systems of the body

This isn't a coincidence. Like I said it was book a stolen with people who had no real idea what they were stealing.
 Yes and no. If only one person has a gun(bible) in the universe and they're the lone manufacturer because they burned down and killed all the other manufacturers, then yes it's unfair. 

However, look at all the technology wrapped in a gun. Gun powder, metal, heat, physics etc

Same with the bible. If they let loose the blueprints of it i guarantee you people would be amazed and all the technology/science/wisdom in it humanity could benefit from.

But going back to gun analogy, if all you've seen your whole life in one person in control of it and they use it to murder and pillage where ever they go, the rational mind is gonna want nothing to do with it because the negative memories they have associated with it. That in it's essence is the dichotomy of the problem we face with christianity today. It either robs you of all your critical thinking skills, or those who still do possess the faculties such as @BLASTERCOMBO  or @Phuzzy Badpheet  stear clear of it as much as possbile because of how much bull crap it's been covered with on the top layers.
It was about the bible argument, but it applies to all religious books and tenets, whether it's the Q'uran, the book of Mormon or The book of the dead.

They and their followers all have a very convenient and intrinsically tailored way of deflecting any criticism towards them.

As for the blueprints, they're basically just a 101 of how to build a society... there's nothing really amazing about them in the sense you're talking about. Sure they were a noble attempt for the time and yeah there are of course things they got right... because it was impossible to get wrong, we wouldn't be here without the basics.

But retrospectively connecting the dots after the fact doesn't count as proof that they got it right way back when.

Also to me, by mere definition, ALL religion robs you of critical thinking, not just Christianity.
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I just got a problem that you make claims that certain people corrupted the Bible from it's original text, yet haven't shown any evidence. You pointed to Constantine and King James yet you never showed what THEY changed or had changed or what they inserted. You dismissed all of my claims of how it would have been impossible for those same two people to have changed all 6000 current manuscripts that we currently have the exact same way. All you showed were some pictures of Catholic art and it's similarities to the art of ancient culture. Which I admit some of their works look similar, but, you have yet to address what I stated about what Jesus really looks like. Those art pieces look nothing like the Jesus the Bible describes which is what I hold to. You also compare ancient writing to the Bible and say the Bible stole them, but never explain how? How are you sure it is not the other way around? You 12 zodiacs equals 12 disciples is clever yet holds no weight, because the 12 disciples are believed correlate to the 12 tribes of Israel which pre date the zodiac. Who is to say mystics didn't steal from the Hebrews to create astrology? You post about archeological finds but have yet to address that there has are no archeological evidence to disprove the Bible or the fact of the numerous archeological finds that support the people, places and things spoken about in the Bible. My biggest issue is that you quote certain Bible passages you like and admit you believe and or like the close to 2500 prophecies that the Bible states and that almost 2000 that have been fulfilled to support your own agenda. Sounds like you are doing the same thing you accuse the Europeans for doing. You use the parts of the Bible/other religious text to support your own ideology and dismiss/discredit those that contradict it.
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