What is your purpose?

Oct 7, 2012
Why do you get up in the morning and what do you hope to accomplish at the end of your life?

I'm asking this because I feel that I have no purpose to my life at all, like im just a waste of space. I don't know what I want to do after I graduate from high school and it really worries me. Do any of you guys ever feel the same way? And when you guys were in high school did you know what you wanted to do with your life?
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http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=wet dinner

Wet Din? 
I dont have one. Going through the motions every day. Its whatever though.
i wrote a long spiel about what you should do, what i did, and all this other bs and erased it

to sum it up in a short sentence..

pursue your passion.
Be the best I can be. Be the best writer in the world. Change the world by spreading the importance of peace and love. Helping those in need. I live to love the beauty this planet offers and I smile at the fact that I've been blessed with the opportunity of life. Sometimes the sun doesn't shine as bright in my life as I'd love, but those are the days I understand the importance of balance and keep on living because I know how important we all are to each other.

Your purpose, at its core, is to be the best you can be and enjoy the journey to whichever mountain you desire climbing. You're young, understand that, be patient, have faith, and everything will come together in due time. Just be aware of what makes you smile and what really matters. Don't let yourself be absorbed by the frivolousness that comes with life on Earth.
In college still trying to find my calling. Torn between a life of certainty or a life of uncertainty. If I keep pursuing that electrical engineering degree ill be set. Already have a paid internship lined up with a guaranteed job. But despite that my passion is in helping others and psychology. To which are both uncertain for my future if I purse them. Also I'm trying to find me as a person so that doesn't help
Chanellge myself everyday, Be the best person in my life, give back to my family be an independent man not Rely on mom and dad for money. Accomplish Goals and Dreams. Praise god. Life's not that bad if u make it that bad then that's wat happens positive attitude and thinking.
Op I feel the exact same way

I'd go to college but idk what I wanna be and I'm terrible at academics :smh:
I felt the same way all through my senior year or high school and beginning of college. Even to this day I'm not exactly sure what it is, I like to think to myself that its to become an engineer but we have to wait and see. 
i still do not know what i want to do and have yet to find my passion. i'm working but i am unsure if its something i actually enjoy. i was on the same boat as you when i was your age OP and in a lot of ways, i still am. rub your chest and your arms will take care of themselves
My purpose is mainly to be someone whose contributions are valued in the community, in this world, and in history. I really want to be a positive influence to other people and get them to realize that they can do the same thing for others regardless of the backgrounds & life experiences we come from. Other than that, my only other purpose is to keep a level-conscious and maintain my well-being.
Graduate high school with a 3.2+ GPA, go to NYC, attend John Jay, rise through NYPD (hate me if you want), become a Detective, bring honor to the badge once again. Have the big man above guiding/with me every step of the way. :nthat:
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