What is your purpose?

Great ? OP. 

To be honest i have no clue man as of now i just work 9-5 for a law firm. I never went to college im 22 and i know its never to late but in all honesty i just cant see myself ever getting up and deciding to go to school.

im just trying to live life and hopefully one day when and if i do have a family i can be there to support to the fullest until than ima just keep working my *** off. 
To work until I am worth something, not neccesarily monetarily, but until I am worth something to myself, idk what that means but I know that's why I am here. 
Get as strong and fast as possible. Get big enough so that if I get shot in the delt during a bank robbery I can still beat up the bank robber word to Rob Bailey
There's no way this is the last stop. 
My purpose in life is to be happy and do as much as I possibly can to help out family and friends in their pursuit of happiness. And what is being happy to me = content with my job, love life, and finances. So far so good! :smokin
To be the best version of myself that I can be and raise respectful and respectable daughters who are ambitious and self-reliant.

When I'm not doing that, I'm just the wise-cracking guy with one-liners at the office. I guess that's my alter-ego when I'm not trying to be super.
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