What makes a girl...grown woman lame?


haha that's new...

Besides the 2 straight answers you already got, still being stuck on dumb **** like clothing brands, Instagram thirst, or celebrities as a major facet of life. *****, did your mind graduate high school? Please acquire your life.


Oh butt-**** no hahahah
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you try to be upfront with guys and they can't handle it. you may think this is a thread backfire, but I'm loling at the responses so far. Not surprised in the least, but since sillyputty kind of took over NT... I hate to admit but the site seemed to mature a little on the discussion front. I guess we can't have nice things tho, huh? & you wonder why the few females disappear off the face of the earth on this site. not mad tho, i'll still keep watch for the serious answers that sprinkle their way in eventually
Eff it, I'll entertain.
Friends zoning, attention whoring.
Why does a female have to string a dude along, that likes you, just for attention and/or conversation?? Do you not have any friends?

And to add on to this, social media whoring, and a lack of intellect/ambition.
Imma just chop da snake off at da head right now...

You know WHY we know you full of ****? Cuz if you were truly

A chick then you would know what makes another chick lame..nothing is more

Spiteful & full of hate against women then other women.

Men? We'll smash but unless u tryin to mess wit our paper we wont

Judge ya..women? Pssh da tear down is ALWAYS bad.

Look at ri-ri vs Chris brown...you know who CB's biggest supporters after

He spanked this west indian floozy? Women. You know who was da biggest

Rihanna haters AFTER Breezy laid da smackdown swizz beatz in that lambo?


Try again b. Uless u really are...then you gotta reveal how u found NT.
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*asks what guys don't like... Makes screen name about what guys like... Gets mad when guys don't take her serious*

That makes women lame right there...

Do you expect high amounts of respect with a screen name.like big bootyhoor?

I hate when chicks seek attention and is surprisedwhen.someone acknowledges that their seeking attention...

I also hate stunters... Biggest sign of disrespect in my.eyes...

If you a dark skinned cutiewith that rump... I'lllet youget away with some things...

Stuntingis not one of them.
haha that's new...
Besides the 2 straight answers you already got, still being stuck on dumb **** like clothing brands, Instagram thirst, celebrities as a major facet of life. *****, did your mind graduate high school? Please acquire your life.
See I love this response. Reason I made this thread was because I was having a quarter-life crisis myself and feelin real stagnant. I read Misc too (lol) and one of 'em made a thread about most women being boring as ****. No internalized misogyny here tho because it's honestly true for a lot of females. A lot of us lack purpose beyond being a hole, it's the honest truth (and c'mon we already know this). Look at the way you talk about women here...your future wives and daughters (CRINGE). Anyways, I have a lot going for myself, but it's still not enough in my eyes. As I get older, I realize the more and more--the women I have to mostly communicate with (let's be real, you guys make it damn near impossible to have serious discussions with, without being harrassed) have little to nothing going for themselves beyond a degree, job, and family. That **** is exhausting to try and entertain, amiright? Both women and men suffer from this tho, but women really seem to lack the desire or courage to explore. Correction, there are not ENOUGH women and it's affecting everyone. That's when I questioned what was going on in my life and how i need to be a more interesting, experienced person in general. I don't rely on these narcissistic outlets that most ppl turn to and i never want to be. I hate that most women and younger seem to turn to that because that's all they become. Then they infect their daughters and sons with that shhh. 

Even the other day a friend of mine was saying on his fb status how it annoys him that when he talks to women he's interested in or just friendly flirting with them, they lack wit. I've experienced that myself and women are some of the funniest people ever...but you rarely see that in the women you probably date (best believe we go IN tho, when you are not around). I responded to you because that last line is what I've been trying to tackle lately. It happens to everybody tho...
i'm no troll. ive posted my pic before (backfired a lil bit) and i've already been banned from this site, but i'm gonna play the game right this time. i've waited to many years to get my "voice" back lol. i promise you i'm a grown woman and i even support ninjahood's stance on TAN, so I've been entertained by NT for just as long (maybe longer) than you have.how bout you just answer the freakin question tho... 
can't speak on other women but this thread and the highlighted text makes you lame. and the consensus is that you're a dude. go back to your regular screen name and chill out.  

^what ninjahood said...repped
can't speak on other women but this thread and the highlighted text makes you lame. and the consensus is that you're a dude. go back to your regular screen name and chill out.  

^what ninjahood said...repped
You know NT is/was something special when someone who has been banned for over 4 years, still LURKS and gets invested the damn site. THAT is why I agree with him and at the time, I could not physically make that known lol. I have nothing to prove, so get over it. A lady with a sense of humor just wants to finally participate and I'm gonna do as I damn well please, the troll comments won't stop me. 
what are you stonefacing me fo? answer the question or keep it moving. here is a thread where you are being asked to vent all your frustrations about women in. YES women lurk this site ... we know about your boy's club. I'm just curious and open to hear, no deflections will be heard from my side. 

Some of this defensive "don't tell me anything , irrational attitude.
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