What makes a girl...grown woman lame?

Obviously if you're over 40 years old, with 6 kids, and you still live in poverty. *******ish qualities that characterize you like having a limit on the words you use, having a 90% based slang vernacular, and either dropped out highschool to take care of your kids, or just didn't really care to pursue and education. Just about sums that up.
Women aren't witty, or clever, or interesting, or funny for the most part because they don't HAVE to be. One of your fellow females wrote a book about the reasons why, If you're really interested I suggest you check it out. Fellas too, def an eye opener.
Its true. That's a scary lookin cover tho
[ATTACHMENT=796]manipulated man.bmp (450k. bmp file)[/ATTACHMENT]

^ Yo, true conversations that book RUINED me. I tell my homies all the time to read that book because even before I read it I used to always complain to them that the main reason I stopped really caring about women is they seriously are BORING AS **** AND THEIR PERSONALITIES ARE TRASH. There are definetly some intelligent charismatic women with great convo tho. They are just extremely hard to run in to and they aren't always sexually attractive. The author of "Manipulated Man" did have some views I felt were a little too extreme tho.Been saying since I was 18 that women are basically just children.
O.P. to answe your question about what makes a female lame.

1. Overly emotional chicks- I understand you can be moved or be hurt every now and again but the constant whining and water works is annoying as hell and dramatic.

2. Chameleon behavior- I really hate how chicks will change their philosophies,interest, behavior and even slang to mirror a dude they are dating. It's corny and shows a lack of independent thought.

3. Chicks that front about being independent- Lets keep it real. Most women have **** because their father,grandfather, brother,uncle,sugar daddy or boyfriend put them on some how some way. There are very few women that flat out grinded hard and made it completely on there way without some dude catering or assisting to them in some way, women just aren't built to be killers like men are.

4.Females that are fake- Females that pretended they didnt know you when you were broke(even tho your momma is her moms bestfriend) but swear up and down you're their best friend when you get bread. This typically cracks me up cuz there are times that I can vividly remember certain birds acting like they didnt know me when I was the broke ***** in the club with the cheap dress shirt 3 sizes too big with black tims on. Fast forward and now she wants the D because your shirt is made by Givenchy.

5.Chicks that try to act like they don't let a lot of ****** run up in them and they absolutely do- If I got a dollar for everytime a female pretended to be a good girl and really was a nasty slurp my nut off the tip of my **** baby eater I'd be laying on the beach in Morocco. This is the main reason why I'm very selective with who I actually kiss and have intercourse with.

6.Chicks that brag about famous ****** they've dated- ***** I don't care if Drake invited you come chill with him at his hotel or Game asked you for your number. Is that **** supposed to make me
insecure or some ****???!! Them ****** are just trying to get in them guts just like me!

7.Females that pretend to be "different"- I hate when females talk about how much they really just want a nice respectful honest man and they are different but the moment they meet said guy they pass him up because his line of work leaves much to be desired financially.Ultimately all women care about is if you can provide, it's nature, don't front like it doesn't matter to you when it does.

8.Girls that always talk about their friends behind their backs- Why are you telling me that your friend is a ***** or that such and such has the clap? I didn't request or signify that I was interested in acquiring such knowledge so why are you informing me?

9. Females that talk about celebrity gossip- This **** is just flat out beneath me and doesn't matter in my life. I don't care about other peoples love lives, spending habits or drama.

10.Girls that are victims- Yea baby life is pretty hard for everybody but why do you think you're so important that the whole world wants to pick on you?

11. Girls that still live with their parents but won't talk to guys that do- Why are men frowned upon if they still live with there parents after 22 but a 35 year year old chick can live with hers and nobody even bats an eye?
Hey is this that girl that did arts and crafts with some dude?

She brought materials to the crib when a dude clearly just wanted to smash

I know someone remembers this

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WISEPHAROAH came through, he always does. Thats my favorite NTer of all-time. Again thanks to all the real responses. 
Hey is this that girl that did arts and crafts with some dude?
She brought materials to the crib when a dude clearly just wanted to smash
I know someone remembers this
nah that girl was a bama tho... from what i remember, we are not even the same skin tone. maybe i'll share my picture one day again, but its gonna be on my time. right now IDC. 

yall can discuss religion and yambs all day, but when someone asks you to speak on these women you cry about everyday.. it's a troll? Okay. 
[ATTACHMENT=796]manipulated man.bmp (450k. bmp file)[/ATTACHMENT]
Been saying since I was 18 that women are basically just children.

There was an article on here posted about a year ago saying that women are no different mentally than a teenager. It basically said women mature earlier in life (around when they first hit puberty) and are taught nurturing skills. By the time they are 18 they will have most to all of the skills they will need so mental development stops. Men on the other hand mature later in life; around the onset of adulthood (no dambs are given prior) but we continue maturing until we peak around 40.

For the life of me I cant find the article online anymore. Anyone remember what Im talking about or have a link?
Paging DC? It might have been you that posted the link originally; or a link to a forum that referenced the article....

No se
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the state of the current generation of western/American females is just deplorable IMO..women don't even cook anymore..it really is disheartening that I probably will never find a suitable person to start a family with....because all these women care about is themselves and all this material BS.

they don't understand anything going on. even girls i thought would be different from the rest of em proved to me that i was very naive for even thinking that :smh:

my only hope at this point is picking up a woman from another country and a more traditional background who will truly appreciate what a ***** has to offer. cause these ducks over here are some **** thirsty air heads....this culture is almost completely zombified :x

straight up...id rather be alone....
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^ Yo, true conversations that book RUINED me. I tell my homies all the time to read that book because even before I read it I used to always complain to them that the main reason I stopped really caring about women is they seriously are BORING AS **** AND THEIR PERSONALITIES ARE TRASH. There are definetly some intelligent charismatic women with great convo tho. They are just extremely hard to run in to and they aren't always sexually attractive. The author of "Manipulated Man" did have some views I felt were a little too extreme tho.Been saying since I was 18 that women are basically just children.
O.P. to answe your question about what makes a female lame.
1. Overly emotional chicks- I understand you can be moved or be hurt every now and again but the constant whining and water works is annoying as hell and dramatic.
2. Chameleon behavior- I really hate how chicks will change their philosophies,interest, behavior and even slang to mirror a dude they are dating. It's corny and shows a lack of independent thought.
3. Chicks that front about being independent- Lets keep it real. Most women have **** because their father,grandfather, brother,uncle,sugar daddy or boyfriend put them on some how some way. There are very few women that flat out grinded hard and made it completely on there way without some dude catering or assisting to them in some way, women just aren't built to be killers like men are.
4.Females that are fake- Females that pretended they didnt know you when you were broke(even tho your momma is her moms bestfriend) but swear up and down you're their best friend when you get bread. This typically cracks me up cuz there are times that I can vividly remember certain birds acting like they didnt know me when I was the broke ***** in the club with the cheap dress shirt 3 sizes too big with black tims on. Fast forward and now she wants the D because your shirt is made by Givenchy.
5.Chicks that try to act like they don't let a lot of ****** run up in them and they absolutely do- If I got a dollar for everytime a female pretended to be a good girl and really was a nasty slurp my nut off the tip of my **** baby eater I'd be laying on the beach in Morocco. This is the main reason why I'm very selective with who I actually kiss and have intercourse with.
6.Chicks that brag about famous ****** they've dated- ***** I don't care if Drake invited you come chill with him at his hotel or Game asked you for your number. Is that **** supposed to make me
insecure or some ****???!! Them ****** are just trying to get in them guts just like me!
7.Females that pretend to be "different"- I hate when females talk about how much they really just want a nice respectful honest man and they are different but the moment they meet said guy they pass him up because his line of work leaves much to be desired financially.Ultimately all women care about is if you can provide, it's nature, don't front like it doesn't matter to you when it does.
8.Girls that always talk about their friends behind their backs- Why are you telling me that your friend is a ***** or that such and such has the clap? I didn't request or signify that I was interested in acquiring such knowledge so why are you informing me?
9. Females that talk about celebrity gossip- This **** is just flat out beneath me and doesn't matter in my life. I don't care about other peoples love lives, spending habits or drama.
10.Girls that are victims- Yea baby life is pretty hard for everybody but why do you think you're so important that the whole world wants to pick on you?
11. Girls that still live with their parents but won't talk to guys that do- Why are men frowned upon if they still live with there parents after 22 but a 35 year year old chick can live with hers and nobody even bats an eye?
In sum, what you are talking about are the women who have a black belt in emotional blackmail.

I read many posts, many of the threads here on Nike Talk, and what I find fascinating are the Women appreciation threads. Cats around here sweat the most shady of chicks, those that they hope would accept payment for services rendered. The amount of simpin' that goes on around here is downright pathetic, which speaks to a social conditioning that many of these cats have obviously been bathed in. Their culture, or lack thereof, and perspectives on women are quite screwed up. 

I could type up a sermon straightening all this out, but I am certain that some of the replies that would follow, would lead me to saying something that would get me banned again.

To sum up what I am saying is this, ya'll better learn to put on your big boy pants, before some chick takes you for all your loot and confidence, leaving you swagless and hopeless, the two very things that you need in order to repel those women that can smell a 'simp a mile away in the first place.

Y'all need to understand that a Woman with CHARACTER, is someone that is the strong dime piece. Example, Michelle Obama. Many of you may not find her attractive, but that sort of woman is the one who would not siphon off what makes you, you, then actually enhancing everything that you are about, or want to be about.

Everything else is for stickin' and movin', and their feelings about your decision to only stick and move, are not your problem.
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