What makes a girl...grown woman lame?

Wisepharaoh excellent post as always for the most part. Some of the lamest dudes on here are to blame, asking for a chicks info when someone posts a pic as if they are going to do anything but sweat them or stalk them. Women will have a need to change when men don't act like doormats for their p.
the state of the current generation of western/American females is just deplorable IMO..women don't even cook anymore..it really is disheartening that I probably will never find a suitable person to start a family with....because all these women care about is themselves and all this material BS.
they don't understand anything going on. even girls i thought would be different from the rest of em proved to me that i was very naive for even thinking that

my only hope at this point is picking up a woman from another country and a more traditional background who will truly appreciate what a ***** has to offer. cause these ducks over here are some **** thirsty air heads....this culture is almost completely zombified

straight up...id rather be alone....
my advice to you is to teach them if you have the patience. realize that a lot of these womens did not receive positive attention growing up from the ones that matter the most. the women that really matter for you, are the ones that are open to listening and not on the defense all the damn time. that is how you weed them out brother. invest in those that have the will to listen (and engage too) cuz one day they will teach you a thing or two for once!  i wish you the best cuz on it disturbs me too.
To sum up what I am saying is this, ya'll better learn to put on your big boy pants, before some chick takes you for all your loot and confidence, leaving you swagless and hopeless, the two very things that you need in order to repel those women that can smell a 'simp a mile away in the first place.

Very true
Only listening to top 40 songs...and being 4'11 and petite and wearing size 11 asics goin to the club
There's nothing I hate more than a girl that always expects to be catered to or paid for because she's a female. It's funny seeing girls move to NYC (simping Mecca of the world). Go out all the time and never have to pay for a drink or anything. Then when they move back to their little hometown they barely know how to function cause they forgot how to actually pay for ****

If they say men are suppose to be the providers and pay for the woman, then why the F shouldn't a woman's salary be lower than a man's!!

Tricks crying about equality and won't last a day in a man's shoes
Mini vent starting now.
Why do all females play games? Every time I'm with a girl that I like she on some bs.
Serious question. Is there a such thing as I faithful girl?
Messed of with this chick last year. We started getting serious and we were about to get together. Found out she had a bf. this trick was straight up about to have 2 bfs. Sad thing is she is still with dude. He don't even know about me. Smh. Claiming she loves him but she was smashing me and who knows who else at the time. She on fb, twitter, n Instagram hugged up with him and saying she loves him but she texts me saying she wants to see me. Smh
I wouldn't hook up with another mans girl. At least not knowingly. So many females are out here doing stuff like this. I got so many stories. Smh. My trust is messed up. End rant
Sorry if I was off topic.
WISEPHAROAH came through, he always does. Thats my favorite NTer of all-time. Again thanks to all the real responses. 
Hey is this that girl that did arts and crafts with some dude?

She brought materials to the crib when a dude clearly just wanted to smash

I know someone remembers this

nah that girl was a bama tho... from what i remember, we are not even the same skin tone. maybe i'll share my picture one day again, but its gonna be on my time. right now IDC. 

yall can discuss religion and yambs all day, but when someone asks you to speak on these women you cry about everyday.. it's a troll? Okay. :lol:

where are you from?
Greed is what makes most females lame to me. Its the fact that they expect a lot without even considering that in order to receive, they have to do an equal amount of giving. A lot of women act like ***** is coated in gold and hard to find. Some others pass theirs around like a joint in a cypher. Whether they fall into either category, a lot of women think that once they give it up, they've done all they will ever need to do to hold your undying loyalty. -_-

The other thing that makes a woman lame to me is a double standard. The same ones crying unfair, inequality, etc. will be some of the same ones expecting a man to pay for everything and do all the work. That **** is annoying because they swear up and down that they're "independent." -_- Then these same lame women have the nerve to live off of their man's money while they barely take care of their kids and get dicked down from another dude.

No lies or exaggerations, since my divorce I've met three different women who were "separated" from their s/o. Each had two kids and a man who worked. Out of those three women, only one had a job. The other two were "students" with no goals to ever graduate or do anything for themselves. One of them was an NTer's girl (I found out later) and had the nerve to clown dude all the time even though he was taking care of her and her kids while she lived at her mother's house. She even bragged that she couldn't cook and didn't do anything in exchange for the security he provided her. She was pretty, sexy and absolutely full of herself. I would post pics, but I know she got back together with the guy and I'm not trying to ruin his life.

Out of these three women, they all wanted a serious relationship with me, as if I would ever take them seriously. smh When I cut our relationships short, they actually seemed shocked that I didn't want to keep things going with them. Sad thing is, it wouldn't take much now for me to smash if I didn't delete their numbers. All it would take is a little attention and it would be a go. All they had to offer was sex, but they were all in the hunt for a "better" situation. Greed... If they had just kept things stable at home and did their parts, I'm sure that their lives would have been a lot better and the needs they thought they had wouldn't exist.
I'm just gonna connect the name tag to the lanyard and go to work...

Speaking from a younger dude perspective, women are at an all time high in lameness.  Especially women 18-20.  I know shortys who can roll a nice one but she doesn't know how to make some pasta.  Basic life ****.  Always complaining about how she needs a man, but they got nothing to show.  9's and 10's who are getting by because of their looks, ZERO intelligence or life skills.  We aint saying **** either cause all we want is the yambs. The good ones are getting harder and harder to find now cause all the girls who we're good at a point are realizing that they weren't getting anywhere with their "wife-material" mentality.
The females who gold dig and dont do anything productive with their lives. The superficial ones especially are lame. I know this girl who has no job, 24 y.o, lives with her parents still, and has no high school diploma or drivers license. She's spoonfed by her parents and for some reason they keep feeding her scrub ***. Shes pretty and keeps trying to get into modeling but no one will book her. She just got her boobs done but she thinks her face and body will get her everywhere in life. How much of a lame could you be?... thats a huge turn off!
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