What makes a girl...grown woman lame?

You know NT is/was something special when someone who has been banned for over 4 years, still LURKS and gets invested the damn site. THAT is why I agree with him and at the time, I could not physically make that known lol. I have nothing to prove, so get over it. A lady with a sense of humor just wants to finally participate and I'm gonna do as I damn well please, the troll comments won't stop me. 
Why couldn't you join in his protest? There's no wait period. If you lurked, you would know that. Were you in prison or something?
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Why couldn't you join in his protest? There's no wait period. If you lurked, you would know that. Were you in prison or something?
Some of us work full-time and have lives outside this board, you know? I saw the post when it was just 2-3 pages, by the time I had time and wanted to show my "support" it was locked. I am a working adult, I am not going to keep track of what's locked and what's not, I am just going to move on. Some things don't need to be said once 60+ other ppl say it. 
someone start a ninjahood saying thread....this **** had me laughing
I was thinking of editing this thread into one, but then one of you guys would say it was lame 
I see comments like these thrown around on NT and other communities that cater to mostly male interests, but it's never elaborated on. I am a woman (please no don't ask for pics- let's keep it focused) and I have known females that don't impress me, but I know exactly what they do that turns me off. Not hating on all of em cuz I know/knew some girls that are cool as hell...

Anyways, what do these females do that make them lame in your eyes? And no shots at my name, the song was/is still stuck in my head. Believe me, I been lurking NT for years now and I know how it works, so let's just keep this discussion focused. I always like to learn how the other gender thinks to improve my dealings with them (after all, I'd like to be a wife/mother one day myself and I want a strong relationship holding it all down)...


To keep it real for discussion's sake, I have always looked at successful woman outside of my life and within my upbringings as guidance. In terms of relationship, I liked how my ex used to buy lunch for me and waited for me, so that we could walk together to the car. I like it when she changes her style to a more conservative approach, so that she doesn't give a 'feast' to the other sausages out there.

I'll tell you what's lame though. I hate woman that constantly check on you, and hate woman that don't have character and morals. Most of the girls I've met are too into the MTV HOUSEWIFE, MTV SKANKY look. Fake eye lashes, penciled in eyebrows, and donut powder on the face turns me off.
Some of us work full-time and have lives outside this board, you know? I saw the post when it was just 2-3 pages, by the time I had time and wanted to show my "support" it was locked. I am a working adult, I am not going to keep track of what's locked and what's not, I am just going to move on. Some things don't need to be said once 60+ other ppl say it.
didn't know people here worked full time jobs or had real lives....thanks for that. you saw it at 3 pages which means you were on nt but didn't have time to post anything?! makes perfect sense....
didn't know people here worked full time jobs or had real lives....thanks for that. you saw it at 3 pages which means you were on nt but didn't have time to post anything?! makes perfect sense....
....who gives a f tho? you are really mad. what are you trying to prove here? 
  I am moving on from this pointless convo. 

RunningFishy- You don't know how much it saddens me to see women fall into this lifestyle and for what? I work with teen-aged girls sometimes and I really try to let them know. Just the other day, a teacher was telling me how a 4 year-old was told by her mother to "slap the girl in the face" because her classmate stuck her tongue out at her 
See I love this response. Reason I made this thread was because I was having a quarter-life crisis myself and feelin real stagnant. I read Misc too (lol) and one of 'em made a thread about most women being boring as ****. No internalized misogyny here tho because it's honestly true for a lot of females. A lot of us lack purpose beyond being a hole, it's the honest truth (and c'mon we already know this). Look at the way you talk about women here...your future wives and daughters (CRINGE). Anyways, I have a lot going for myself, but it's still not enough in my eyes. As I get older, I realize the more and more--the women I have to mostly communicate with (let's be real, you guys make it damn near impossible to have serious discussions with, without being harrassed) have little to nothing going for themselves beyond a degree, job, and family. That **** is exhausting to try and entertain, amiright? Both women and men suffer from this tho, but women really seem to lack the desire or courage to explore. Correction, there are not ENOUGH women and it's affecting everyone. That's when I questioned what was going on in my life and how i need to be a more interesting, experienced person in general. I don't rely on these narcissistic outlets that most ppl turn to and i never want to be. I hate that most women and younger seem to turn to that because that's all they become. Then they infect their daughters and sons with that shhh. 

Even the other day a friend of mine was saying on his fb status how it annoys him that when he talks to women he's interested in or just friendly flirting with them, they lack wit. I've experienced that myself and women are some of the funniest people ever...but you rarely see that in the women you probably date (best believe we go IN tho, when you are not around). I responded to you because that last line is what I've been trying to tackle lately. It happens to everybody tho...
naw, no they not. Y'all are not funny. How many funny women does anyone know here (in their personal lives)? What y'all think is funny, is slinging venom. That ain't funny most of the time.

I don't see the seriousness about your SN. It's just an SN, and we know where it's from. You gonna have to come thru with a pic for me to believe you're a woman tho.
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See I love this response. Reason I made this thread was because I was having a quarter-life crisis myself and feelin real stagnant. I read Misc too (lol) and one of 'em made a thread about most women being boring as ****. No internalized misogyny here tho because it's honestly true for a lot of females. A lot of us lack purpose beyond being a hole, it's the honest truth (and c'mon we already know this). Look at the way you talk about women here...your future wives and daughters (CRINGE). Anyways, I have a lot going for myself, but it's still not enough in my eyes. As I get older, I realize the more and more--the women I have to mostly communicate with (let's be real, you guys make it damn near impossible to have serious discussions with, without being harrassed) have little to nothing going for themselves beyond a degree, job, and family. That **** is exhausting to try and entertain, amiright? Both women and men suffer from this tho, but women really seem to lack the desire or courage to explore. Correction, there are not ENOUGH women and it's affecting everyone. That's when I questioned what was going on in my life and how i need to be a more interesting, experienced person in general. I don't rely on these narcissistic outlets that most ppl turn to and i never want to be. I hate that most women and younger seem to turn to that because that's all they become. Then they infect their daughters and sons with that shhh. 
I doubt this is legit, but just to add to the discussion, Maybe you need a new circle of friends OP.

There are plenty of women who have their **** together.

Just becasue you are going through your "quarter life crisis" (which speaks volumes on your current "female" frame of mind), doesn't mean you can speak for the entire female population.

Where do you get the idea women today don't have the "courage to explore"? What does that even mean.

It seems you are externalizing the internal struggle you are having with yourself. And trying to apply it to all of women.

Please do not speak to the current female state in your current mental state, bigbootyho..
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I doubt this is legit, but just to add to the discussion, Maybe you need a new circle of friends OP.

There are plenty of women who have their **** together.

Just becasue you are going through your "quarter life crisis" (which speaks volumes on your current "female" frame of mind), doesn't mean you can speak for the entire female population.

Where do you get the idea women today don't have the "courage to explore"? What does that even mean.

It seems you are externalizing the internal struggle you are having with yourself. And trying to apply it to all of women.

Please do not speak to the current female state in your current mental state, bigbootyho..
I'm back. For some reason some of my posts still aren't going through because of mods? I hope this gets through. I have been around enough women of ALL ages, to know this is the struggle we are born into. Men have theirs, we have ours. Actually this is a HUMAN issue in general...sure you have your sh*t together (or maybe you don't), but that appeal only goes so far. :lol: actually this reminds me exactly of Taraji's character in Think Like a Man when she finally went on that date with Morris Chestnut. Hopefully, you get what I'm trying to say. What else does a woman have to offer besides the "yambs"? Same with a man. This is why I asked the question in the first place. Because maybe YOU all don't bother to get to know these women, but I usually have to and honestly, sometimes it really saddens me that they choose to be so one dimensional. 

Sure I do. I'm moving on and hoping to meet more people willing to explore themselves/world beyond what is expected of them. And if you don't know what exploring means then Idg why you are even tryin to come at me for my age :lol: the f...? TO make it more clear to you: I've noticed many females (of all ages) throughout my life only "explore" when it revolves around someone else, rarely is it for THEMSELVES or even by themselves. Which is why when you get to know them after all the sex, you realize 'damn this chick is kinda boring' and you drop 'em. Don't tell me this isn't true, i'm basically paraphrasing what I've seen get posted here every damn month :lol: 

Like I said, this isa free for all. I'm not really here to discuss or defend in this post, I'm just curious. I'm amused at all the non-answers in here, only proving my points. But ima keep those to myself for now. 
See I love this response. Reason I made this thread was because I was having a quarter-life crisis myself and feelin real stagnant. I read Misc too (lol) and one of 'em made a thread about most women being boring as ****. No internalized misogyny here tho because it's honestly true for a lot of females. A lot of us lack purpose beyond being a hole, it's the honest truth (and c'mon we already know this). Look at the way you talk about women here...your future wives and daughters (CRINGE). Anyways, I have a lot going for myself, but it's still not enough in my eyes. As I get older, I realize the more and more--the women I have to mostly communicate with (let's be real, you guys make it damn near impossible to have serious discussions with, without being harrassed) have little to nothing going for themselves beyond a degree, job, and family. That **** is exhausting to try and entertain, amiright? Both women and men suffer from this tho, but women really seem to lack the desire or courage to explore. Correction, there are not ENOUGH women and it's affecting everyone. That's when I questioned what was going on in my life and how i need to be a more interesting, experienced person in general. I don't rely on these narcissistic outlets that most ppl turn to and i never want to be. I hate that most women and younger seem to turn to that because that's all they become. Then they infect their daughters and sons with that shhh. 

Even the other day a friend of mine was saying on his fb status how it annoys him that when he talks to women he's interested in or just friendly flirting with them, they lack wit. I've experienced that myself and women are some of the funniest people ever...but you rarely see that in the women you probably date (best believe we go IN tho, when you are not around). I responded to you because that last line is what I've been trying to tackle lately. It happens to everybody tho...

Women aren't witty, or clever, or interesting, or funny for the most part because they don't HAVE to be. One of your fellow females wrote a book about the reasons why, If you're really interested I suggest you check it out. Fellas too, def an eye opener.

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I have never met a woman that was genuine. Maybe because I never ****** her right. Thats usually the way to a woman's heart.

My issue with women and them being lame is always putting up a front and lying about tedious ****. A lot of the times only liking whats popular and if they are on something that is not popular they are forcing it. I don't know. Many women I meet don't have an open mind to certain things but I have to have an open mind to her nonsense. Older I get the more I can't stand being around women unless I'm ******g or her mouth putting in work. I'm clearly the problem because I don't even know what to look for.
naw, no they not. Y'all are not funny. How many funny women does anyone know here (in their personal lives)? What y'all think is funny, is slinging venom. That ain't funny most of the time.

they are rare, but women are funniez, sometimes, rarely.

to answer the question, what i think is lame is when a woman cannot extend her conversations beyond who she is messing with/talking to, what she looks like, GOSSIP, instagram pictures, petty stuff. female friends (any gender really) who don't have anything to talk about besides men and drugs and pop culture get the axe. life is too amazing to wallow in intellectual mire.

they be steady clappin when you talk about ******* and switches and **** and clothes and weed- let's talk about time travelin', rhyme javelin, something mind unravelin' get down.
- andre 3000
Yo, someone tell me why I could see this but when I opened in new tab it said post does not exist ?


its because u have windows

and u madde it lookworse with that windows 95 theme

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naw, no they not. Y'all are not funny. How many funny women does anyone know here (in their personal lives)? What y'all think is funny, is slinging venom. That ain't funny most of the time.
they are rare, but women are funniez, sometimes, rarely.

to answer the question, what i think is lame is when a woman cannot extend her conversations beyond who she is messing with/talking to, what she looks like, GOSSIP, instagram pictures, petty stuff. female friends (any gender really) who don't have anything to talk about besides men and drugs and pop culture get the axe. life is too amazing to wallow in intellectual mire.

they be steady clappin when you talk about ******* and switches and **** and clothes and weed- let's talk about time travelin', rhyme javelin, something mind unravelin' get down.
- andre 3000
Good job on using a pop culture lyric to contradict the point of statement you were trying to drive home. 
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