Where are they now? NT's fallen soldiers

Anyone know what happened to scshift? I remember him not getting into the college he wanted to go to but havent really heard from him since :nerd:
Anyone know what happened to scshift? I remember him not getting into the college he wanted to go to but havent really heard from him since
I was thinking about this yesterday for some reason, hope dudes ok. That thread wasnt cool at all
Anyone know what happened to scshift? I remember him not getting into the college he wanted to go to but havent really heard from him since
I was thinking about this yesterday for some reason, hope dudes ok. That thread wasnt cool at all
He started posting after that thread, seemed ok to me. Havent seen him since the move though
where is Haze at?
I think he posts under a different sn now
He still around

he was a cool dude in the lakers threads, though 

He was very anti-Democrat/anti-Obama and very ignorant.

He got ethered so many times in the General section that he calling everyone dumb and left NT. He was found on the Sean Hannity forums and NT trolled that site

He came back but got ethered so many more times more that he quit for good. His last message (back in late 2008 early 2009) was something like "**** you guys, I'm going to Law School, Obama will destroy America in 4 years, I'll be back in 2012 to laugh at all the liberals" :lol:

I figured dude offed himself election night
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