Where did you meet your gf ?

Originally Posted by ModernDarwin

I guess I'm the only one that met my girl at the bar/club?
Was a night out and I was solidly buzzed....and had just walked outside the bar to grab some air since it was humid and hot inside.  I was back inside and their is a set of lockers near the entrance/exit and there was a group of 5 girls standing there getting there stuff getting ready to go.

I was about to just walk by but then they turned around and one of them was gorgeous and i just had that halo on top of her head feeling and everything else just dissapeared.  Didn't even realize what I was doing, but just walked right up to her and said..

(had her phone in her hand): Are you trying to call me?

Her (confused): No??

Me: I'm moderndarwin. You should sometime 
 You are really beautiful (I actually meant it though, i was just drunkenly awestruck)

Her: Uh..

Me: Here, i'll make it easy.  (Took her phone and put my # in it).

Her: Uh, okay.

Me: Call my phone, so I can save your number.

Her: (Calls my phone)

Me: You going to stay to spend some time with me now, or are your friends going to be sad that I am stealing you for the night?

Her: Yeah, we have to go. Bye.

Really didn't think it would go anywhere or anything would happen from it.  Turned out she's a complete nerd, lives in a different city about 2 hours away.  I randomly had to go to her city for a wedding engagement ceremony the next weekend so we met up and had a great first date.  She bought me pizza at a fancy restaurant.  She started visiting me after that basically and now we have been going out for about 10 months.
that liquid courage can be unstoppable at times. strong work bro
Originally Posted by youngdoc

Originally Posted by ModernDarwin

I guess I'm the only one that met my girl at the bar/club?
Was a night out and I was solidly buzzed....and had just walked outside the bar to grab some air since it was humid and hot inside.  I was back inside and their is a set of lockers near the entrance/exit and there was a group of 5 girls standing there getting there stuff getting ready to go.

I was about to just walk by but then they turned around and one of them was gorgeous and i just had that halo on top of her head feeling and everything else just dissapeared.  Didn't even realize what I was doing, but just walked right up to her and said..

(had her phone in her hand): Are you trying to call me?

Her (confused): No??

Me: I'm moderndarwin. You should sometime 
 You are really beautiful (I actually meant it though, i was just drunkenly awestruck)

Her: Uh..

Me: Here, i'll make it easy.  (Took her phone and put my # in it).

Her: Uh, okay.

Me: Call my phone, so I can save your number.

Her: (Calls my phone)

Me: You going to stay to spend some time with me now, or are your friends going to be sad that I am stealing you for the night?

Her: Yeah, we have to go. Bye.

Really didn't think it would go anywhere or anything would happen from it.  Turned out she's a complete nerd, lives in a different city about 2 hours away.  I randomly had to go to her city for a wedding engagement ceremony the next weekend so we met up and had a great first date.  She bought me pizza at a fancy restaurant.  She started visiting me after that basically and now we have been going out for about 10 months.
that liquid courage can be unstoppable at times. strong work bro

word, that worked out pretty smooth.

um, im back in the same state i grew up in for a few months...so "i dont need new B!!!s i recycle O's"

but the last randoms i met was at work an in the club. girl in the club was absolutely gorgeous sp? i think i told that girl she was perfect 20 times in an hour period...drunk

We know a few of the same people and one day she told me happy birthday on my tweet feed a few years ago. We had never met and she asked me "we know so many of the same people, why haven't I met you?"

I told her "I don't know, probably because you've never been around when I'm around"

She was hella cute though, so I went ahead and got her number and we went out a week or so later.

She told me she would see me around sometimes but never said anything to me. She thought I was cute but always thought I had a girl or something (which depending on how far back it was, I did have a girl) so she fell back on getting to know me.

I personally had never noticed her but thought "+*$% it, I notice you now so we can get it crackin'".

We've been together for a couple years now.
Met my girl and the mother of my child on myspace kinda.

I seen her around town plenty of times but I never said anything to her until she requested to be my friend

this was in 07
1 is my old roommate's wife's sister the other side swiped my car and we exchanged info and after my car was taken care of I hit her to tell her she owed me a drink...it went from there.
Originally Posted by Truballa101

You're lookin for wifey in the club son?
You doin it wrong brodie. Go to the club, have a good time and maybe get quick yambs...THAT'S IT.

naw bro... i should have clarified...
i was looking for the JOs... they're hard to find...

especially a good, consistent one...
Here's the story of how I met my current GF (one month away from our 6 year anniversary)

I was a junior in college and I worked in Champs Sports..one day I saw this family come in (Her mother, her little brother, and her) to do some shoppin..well I automatically noticed her off the bat (I thought she was really hott
)..so I figure I should go help them just so I can b around her and chat it up
..they were in my store for over an hour while I was helpin her little brother figure out what shoes his mother wanted to buy him n whatnot..they bought quite a few things from Champs..they eventually leave the store and I continue to check her out..she had a nice backside and the frontside was great too
..(but I was a butt man back then..still am but that's besides the point..I came to appreciate her D chest

Fast forward about two days later..and I see her at my college..realize that she's a freshman..and I sort of did a double take cause I could have swore I seen this girl before..turns out she goes to my school and she lives on campus (at the time I was datin someone else in her dorm hall)..talked to her a few mins because we were in passin..and still couldn't take my eyes off of her..but we say our "see ya arounds" and go about our ways..

Continue to see her here n there on campus..every time I talked to her I would never ask her for her number or AOL IM so I can talk with her more..until one day a few months later I asked her for it and she gladly gave it to me..we continued to stay in contact but never dated because I always had a girlfriend..and I didn't stay single for very long at college..use to send her smiley faces on AIM just to let her know "yeah I'm thinkin bout you ;-)" type deals..

FINALLY I become single from one of my college gf's and I hit her up during the summer time of my junior year..she worked at a movie theater so one day I drive to her mom's house and we go to see a HORRIBLE movie (can't even remember the movie name now
) but it was one of those dumb horror movies..and then our movie ended and I took her back home and I told her thanks for a nice day n whatnot..and I told her I would keep in touch..two weeks later I'm with a different girl (not my current gf)..and I have no idea why I ever dated that girl..she was annoyin and I believe I only did it because I wanted to use her since she was older than me
..me and that girl dated for about a year until the end of my first senior year..(I had to stay extra to complete my student teaching and other core classes to graduate)..

FINALLY again I am single..and I hit her up just to chat n whatnot..and I ask her to hang out and we did..and this time we continued to hang out and we start to like each other and a month goes by of just hanging out and gettin to know each other and I asked her to b my gf on a fourth of july weekend of 2006 in Brooklyn at one of her friends houses from our school..and the rest is history..
Met my wifey at a party. But we just met never hung out. Then years later bumped into each other at a job site and then kept bumping into each other all over the city. Finally started just meeting up and the rest is history.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So none of you dudes are going to admit that you met your girl off of BlackPlanet?
Damn, some of us aren't that old fam. I'm turning 24 and I know for a fact that blackplanet was poppin' back in middle school 

I ain't been with no chick that long. BP the OG though... Had fools constantly asking me to do their pages
Current girl I'm dating, just had recently broken up with my ex in the beginning of dec, 2 weeks later went to a co-workers bday party at a bar, I saw her sitting next to my co-worker and started asking who she was, turns out she was recently hired, so a couple of beers in I go over and start hitting her up with drunkenness and of course I fail miserably, I see her at work and chat her up a little and still nothing except exchanging numbers. I ask her out she agrees then reschedules on me twice so I give up, turns out she was dating someone else at the time, so we stay friends then when i found out things went bad with the other dude I came and swooped in, we've been dating since mid march and she's an amazing girl I'm glad the other dude screwed up
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by Truballa101

You're lookin for wifey in the club son?
You doin it wrong brodie. Go to the club, have a good time and maybe get quick yambs...THAT'S IT.
naw bro... i should have clarified...
i was looking for the JOs... they're hard to find...

especially a good, consistent one...


Sophomore year in college in O Chem lab...

both my lab partners didnt show up so I was assigned to her group. I still remember our first convo "who the best rapper is, Pac or BIG."

After our final I finally built up the courage and asked her for a date... and the rest is history. 
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