Why am I persecuted for NOT accepting homosexuality..

Quick question: why are heterosexuals always concerned about homosexuals? Can't remember the last time I heard a homosexual complain or be disgusted by a heterosexual.
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

Wow. Please point or quote a single sentence in my original post where i said I want to go hurt a gay guy. Or I want them jailed? NOT once did i say that.

I never said you wanted to hurt gay people, I said sleepybluedemon's point is that no one gives a damn how you feel about homosexuality just as long as you're not trying to take rights away from them or persecute them for being the way they are. No one is asking you to go to gay pride parades. He thinks you are giving yourself way too much importance.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

Wow. Please point or quote a single sentence in my original post where i said I want to go hurt a gay guy. Or I want them jailed? NOT once did i say that.

I never said you wanted to hurt gay people, I said sleepybluedemon's point is that no one gives a damn how you feel about homosexuality just as long as you're not trying to take rights away from them or persecute them for being the way they are. No one is asking you to go to gay pride parades. He thinks you are giving yourself way too much importance.

I got you. So lock it up then, i think i just got in the mood from that Nigeria article. Carry on lol.
am i the only one that feels like homosexuality is a genetic disorder like lets say Asperger syndrome
and am i the only one who finds it annoying when people say gay instead of homosexual sense they are not the same meaning
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

I never understood why I have to accept it, or act like it doesn't bother me, or grasp the concept that if we don't give gays rights, we are a backwards society. This is not a hate thread, I appreciate every human being's life and their values. However at the same time, why are my values not being taken into account? Why do they need to teach my kids in Kindergarten about homosexuality? 
If i remember right, you'reEgyptian, right?
So in this country, you're considered Black. You just are.

50 years ago you would be hanged/dragged/quartered for even talking to a white lady.

Now remember this, literally 1,500 species have been shown to exhibit homosexuality...what makes humans any different?

When the population of gays is so small compared to heterosexuals, yet the media, news, and governments are trying to push it so hard and legitimize the rights its weird.

The population of black people has been at 12% for the last 20 years.

Should we get rid of civil rights?

BTW, you don't know the actual number of homosexuals because thats only the REPORTED number. What about all the gay politicians who get caught giving blowjobs in waffle house bathrooms?

Rights exist to protect minorities.

Thats why you have senators AND representatives.

You should study the history of the evolution of government before you attempt to issue conclusions on ethical issues.

I don't agree with the Westboro Baptist Church but I wasVEHEMENTLYdefend their right to protest anything and everything they want.

There is still rampant racism and yet we are holding a microscope on homosexual rights?

Its like you bringing up your favorite power ranger in a debate over the best sandwich meat.
These are two separate issues that are equally valid in their own right.

See, I don't mind an open society but when the media attention and channels like MTV purposefully shove images of homosexuality and acceptance into my mind, its bothersome.

What if every message board on the internet was about womens health and baby food?

Good thing its not.

If you don't like it, don't watch it.

No one is forcing you to do anything.

If you feel like you might get raped, thats another thing.

I also have to question what you mean by "open" society...if you could explain

If the people in charge of these giant media corporations are homosexual thats cool, but don't try to justify your actions by influencing the rest of the people, with the power that you have, that it is ok.

Start your own media corporation.

You're essentially contradicting yourself. These are private companies and you pay for their services.

thats ultimately what it comes down to.

Even if homosexuality is not a choice, it is a sexual act.

When did you choose to be straight?
Therefore it does not need to be blatantly in society.

Neither does heterosexuality.
I'd rather see movies where people don't have sex.

I think thats inappropriate.

Its like the furries, people who enjoy having sex dressed as teddy bears and what not, why do they not teach kids about that? or any other sort of sexual interaction that deviates from heterosexual acts?

Good question.
maybe its because being a furry or an S&M doesn't prevent you being granted tax benefits, emergency spousal support, or prevent you from being hired for certain jobs.

Im sorry if this thread offends any people on NT, its just I feel society has taken a path so quickly that it makes the civil rights movement look like kids stuff.

What if I said civil rights was less important than women getting the right to vote?
Its easier to make people trust your beliefs when you have the power and tools to enforce your ideas.

The irony...

Is it really that humans have advanced so much in thought in the past 10-15 years? or that we are told its ok.

If you must know....

...Thanks to the internet, yes. We have.

Pull up a seat and join us.

Unless you preferred things 15 years ago.




Plus its not like gay kids don't get bullied or anything.

OP, what would you do if you had a gay son or daughter? Serious question.

Is it the icky gay sex that bothers you? I mean you really haven't said WHAT you disagree with.

So ultimately, this is why i'm against marriage of all forms. Its a stupid and outdated concept. I'm against homosexual AND heterosexual marriage. Its indefensible beyond certain arguments and attempts to legitimize it...

Will I get married? I honestly may...but I really don't understand the need for it in society, but as it stands today, not granting marriage to a segment of the population is discriminatory.

Happy Holidays NT:

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

am i the only one that feels like homosexuality is a genetic disorder like lets say Asperger syndrome
and am i the only one who finds it annoying when people say gay instead of homosexual sense they are not the same meaning

I remember quite a few of your hatemonger posts as far as minorities go (whether race or sexual orientation related). So once this gets locked up, hopefully
Meth does you a favor and evaporates your account too.
Originally Posted by Kramer

Because in this day and age your not allowed to disagree with anything because that makes you a "hater".


There's nothing wrong with not accepting it, I don't.

But this is NT the one's that support it think the one's that don't support it are ignorant or there's something wrong with not accepting them in 2011. I could feel the same way for them accepting it.
Shoved down your throat? There's an inequality in this country in how people treat each other based on sexual orientation. It's important that that changes.

One of the best questions I've ever heard trying to counter an anti-gay argument is "When did you decide to be heterosexual?" It's like people really think that there was a day somebody sat down and consciously decided "well, I guess I'm going to start being sexually attracted to *insert gender* now"
I feel everyone is entitled to their opinion. I agree with the OP. Its like on this forum people will get attacked for not having a favorable opinion on homosexuality.
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

am i the only one that feels like homosexuality is a genetic disorder like lets say Asperger syndrome
and am i the only one who finds it annoying when people say gay instead of homosexual sense they are not the same meaning

Hmm people used to think being black was an aberration and a deviation from the "norm". Eugenics experiments would measure their skulls and use IQ tests to show that black people are intellectually inferior to whites.

I know gay people who are absolutely brilliant. Homosexuality doesn't keep anyone from thriving academically and socially. The only argument you could make is that they can't have children but 1. They adopt kids so called "superior heterosexual parents" abandon 2. With  reproductive technology/artificial insemination a lot of homosexual can have their own kids if they wanted to.

Homosexuality is no longer considered a psychiatric diagnosis because people figured out that the problem with homosexuals isn't inherent to their homosexuality, it has a lot to do with idiots who choose to make their lives miserable.
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

 If gay rights should be ignored because they represent a small population compared to heterosexuals, African Americans' rights being ignored in the past shouldn't have been a problem either right? Since they're just a small percentage of the US population compared to white people?

I dont even know what to say to that.
Son you do know there is a whole continent filled with black people right? 

Race =/= sexuality
Um, YOU said this, referring to the UNITED STATES:
"When the population of gays is so small compared to heterosexuals, yet the media, news, and governments are trying to push it so hard and legitimize the rights its weird. "

Clearly I was not talking about Africa, where they are doing the exact opposite of what you said.

Race=/=sexuality but both are important parts of a person's identity. I'm pretty sure someone who is ostracized by his peers for being gay feels the same pain as someone who is ostracized for being black/Mexican/etc.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

am i the only one that feels like homosexuality is a genetic disorder like lets say Asperger syndrome
and am i the only one who finds it annoying when people say gay instead of homosexual sense they are not the same meaning

I remember quite a few of your hatemonger posts as far as minorities go (whether race or sexual orientation related). So once this gets locked up, hopefully
Meth does you a favor and evaporates your account too.
really bruh? Like what and i have nothing against homosexual people at all or blacks or mexicans and i have an asian girlfriend.
because i feel like NT defends the colored person first for no reason doesnt make me a hatemonger.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Why is the KKK and neo-Nazi groups persecuted for not accepting racial equality?

I think because they act in hateful manners towards people and perform hate crimes. OP sounds like he just doesn't feel the need for him to accept homosexuality, nothing wrong there. Unless he's going out and making a scene about it or insulting people about it.
Originally Posted by oidreez

I feel everyone is entitled to their opinion. I agree with the OP. Its like on this forum people will get attacked for not having a favorable opinion on homosexuality.

Like I said, racists have the same arguments and their "views" although shared by many aren't exactly popular. People get attacked on this forum for being racist, and then the same people turn around and ask why they get attacked for their own prejudiced views. Hypocrisy should be a mortal sin.
Who's persecuting you, boo?

I get upset when morons like JD214 agree with Nigeria's recent judicial developments. That's beyond "not accepting homosexuality." That's beyond "disagreement." That's beyond "entitled to one's opinion." That's beyond whatever other euphemism for hate you would like to use.
what exactly do you all mean when you say you don't accept homosexuality?
i'm not try to be sarcastic or anything, but what does not accepting it entail?
Im just watching the people who pretend to be tolerant and go hard when it comes to defending the honor of homosexuals but degrade people who are religious.

Then you see dudes saying nobody care what OP thinks. As they clicked into the thread and replied

Lets be honest most of you wouldnt be taken seriously in real life either get off your wifi high horses
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

what exactly do you all mean when you say you don't accept homosexuality?
i'm not try to be sarcastic or anything, but what does not accepting it entail?
This is a very good question.

Does OP mean spread teh buttcheeks and literally "accept" homosexuality. 

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

am i the only one that feels like homosexuality is a genetic disorder like lets say Asperger syndrome
and am i the only one who finds it annoying when people say gay instead of homosexual sense they are not the same meaning

Hmm people used to think being black was an aberration and a deviation from the "norm". Eugenics experiments would measure their skulls and use IQ tests to show that black people are intellectually inferior to whites.

I know gay people who are absolutely brilliant. Homosexuality doesn't keep anyone from thriving academically and socially. The only argument you could make is that they can't have children but 1. They adopt kids so called "superior heterosexual parents" abandon 2. With  reproductive technology/artificial insemination a lot of homosexual can have their own kids if they wanted to.

Homosexuality is no longer considered a psychiatric diagnosis because people figured out that the problem with homosexuals isn't inherent to their homosexuality, it has a lot to do with idiots who choose to make their lives miserable.

I wish everybody realized that. It always seems like when there's a problem with something that's "not supposed to happen" or whatever, it's never actually
the people who it actually concerns that it's a problem for...it's always the people who have nothing to do with it who create the problem. I'm in an interracial
relationship. Do you know who has a problem with that? Apparently people who aren't in one. 
Here are my thoughts on the matter.

I don't think homosexuality is right but it does not affect me.

Homosexuals should have the right to get married. I don't have to like homosexuality but it is not in my right to step on another person's rights. If they want to get married, let them. Marriage is overrated anyway
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

am i the only one that feels like homosexuality is a genetic disorder like lets say Asperger syndrome
and am i the only one who finds it annoying when people say gay instead of homosexual sense they are not the same meaning

Hmm people used to think being black was an aberration and a deviation from the "norm". Eugenics experiments would measure their skulls and use IQ tests to show that black people are intellectually inferior to whites.

I know gay people who are absolutely brilliant. Homosexuality doesn't keep anyone from thriving academically and socially. The only argument you could make is that they can't have children but 1. They adopt kids so called "superior heterosexual parents" abandon 2. With  reproductive technology/artificial insemination a lot of homosexual can have their own kids if they wanted to.

Homosexuality is no longer considered a psychiatric diagnosis because people figured out that the problem with homosexuals isn't inherent to their homosexuality, it has a lot to do with idiots who choose to make their lives miserable.
as i understand everything you post but the definition for a genetic disorder is "A genetic disorder is a disease that is caused by an abnormality in an individual's DNA. Abnormalities can range from a small mutation in a single gene to the addition or subtraction of an entirechromosome or set of chromosomes." and what i was taught in school by a homosexual person was the people were born hommosexual and its in their DNA.
Like i said before i have nothing against homosexual people but form what i have been "taught" that is the way it sounds.
and by all means was i not trying to say homosexuals can't thrive academically or socially. i was just stating a viewpoint i had from which i was told
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

what exactly do you all mean when you say you don't accept homosexuality?
i'm not try to be sarcastic or anything, but what does not accepting it entail?
This is a very good question.

Does OP mean spread teh buttcheeks and literally "accept" homosexuality. 
*$! Anton?
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

am i the only one that feels like homosexuality is a genetic disorder like lets say Asperger syndrome
and am i the only one who finds it annoying when people say gay instead of homosexual sense they are not the same meaning

Hmm people used to think being black was an aberration and a deviation from the "norm". Eugenics experiments would measure their skulls and use IQ tests to show that black people are intellectually inferior to whites.

I know gay people who are absolutely brilliant. Homosexuality doesn't keep anyone from thriving academically and socially. The only argument you could make is that they can't have children but 1. They adopt kids so called "superior heterosexual parents" abandon 2. With  reproductive technology/artificial insemination a lot of homosexual can have their own kids if they wanted to.

Homosexuality is no longer considered a psychiatric diagnosis because people figured out that the problem with homosexuals isn't inherent to their homosexuality, it has a lot to do with idiots who choose to make their lives miserable.
as i understand everything you post but the definition for a genetic disorder is "A genetic disorder is a disease that is caused by an abnormality in an individual's DNA. Abnormalities can range from a small mutation in a single gene to the addition or subtraction of an entire chromosome or set of chromosomes." and what i was taught in school by a homosexual person was the people were born hommosexual and its in their DNA.
Like i said before i have nothing against homosexual people but form what i have been "taught" that is the way it sounds.
and by all means was i not trying to say homosexuals can't thrive academically or socially. i was just stating a viewpoint i had from which i was told

   The word "disorder" carries negative connotations. It's a variation of normal, not a disorder. An estimated 10 percent of the human population are homosexual, that cannot be explained by mutations alone there are theories and some evidence that homosexuality is actually selected for in nature because it may confer genetic fitness benefits to siblings and other family members. They theorize that if one sibling forgoes breeding and helps raise the offspring on the brother or sister their genes have a better chance of surviving into the next generation. Eusocialism and genetics is an example of how you can pass your genes into the next geenration with actually having your own children. I think there's a formula for genetic relatedness that explains it.
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