WRESTLEMANIA WEEK: 4/3 Breaking News: Multi-Time WWE Champ Retires from WWE

didnt get a chance to check into the thread last night. Build up to the event wasnt great but the mania itself was pretty damn good. Interesting to see where wwe goes from here a lot of options. I am a little skeptical based on the booking leading up to mania but if mania is any indication of things to come I am optimistic. Hopefully we will get an idea of the direction they are going tonight on raw. I expect many suprises but I am expected Rollins and Orton to fight for the belt at some point since Orton beat rollins .
didnt get a chance to check into the thread last night. Build up to the event wasnt great but the mania itself was pretty damn good. Interesting to see where wwe goes from here a lot of options. I am a little skeptical based on the booking leading up to mania but if mania is any indication of things to come I am optimistic. Hopefully we will get an idea of the direction they are going tonight on raw. I expect many suprises but I am expected Rollins and Orton to fight for the belt at some point since Orton beat rollins .
Don't get your hopes up lol. Wrestlemania 30 and the raw after were one of the best.. All the new stars like cesaro and dean getting strong booking. Then db started feuding with Kane and got stripped of the title. Cesaro got randomly buried and bray jobbes to cwna, Ambrose's momentum ruined. It all went downhill from there
I really love the idea of Brock being the one chasing the belt now and devouring everyone in his path to Rollins...Let him wash everybody at MITB and give him the briefcase.
Firing up the Taker/Bray match after I pick my son up from school in a couple minutes..I don't know whether to be excited or not..I hope it's a good match..

I got on late yesterday, did we do an NTWT PPV?..If so can someone link me so I don't have to scour every page..

[COLOR=#red]If I recall they are coming out with a Rock line as well. Keep an eye out.[/COLOR]

is that who made it? those are nice but I don't see it

good looks, I didn't see the edit

[COLOR=#red]Yea that's who made the shirt. He has quite a few of his that he wears... read awhile ago he would have his own line. [/COLOR]

Preciate that link. About to cop that Gracie tank top.
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