You ever been in a fight? Walk away from a fight? What's your style?

I've been in two as an adult. Got my *** whooped the first time. Beat the breaks off dude next time around (different people). Dudes nose ripped off on one side.
I haven't gotten into an adult fight but if it came down to it, I'd have to rush the guy and hope for a take down. Screw squaring up
Not as an adult. Getting into scraps as a grown man is silly to me. Like, why tho? Just walk away. In the age of social media, it's almost a must.
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I haven't been in a fight since 9th grade

Dude was a little wrestler and tried to shoot my legs but I was a lot bigger than him so I just picked him up and gave him a messy *** powerbomb
Never walked away from a fight as a teenager. As an adult, only been in a bar brawl, and me and a couple of my homeboys got jumped one time. Havent had a fight as an adult, and with what i carry and what i got going on in life right now, if i have to fight i will. But people dont ever wild out on me cuz i dont look like food.
Never been in a fight as an adult, and even when I did as a teenager, it was because a drunk dude attacked me first. Got way too much sense and too much to lose these days. I'm only around civilized people 99% of the time anyway, so the situation rarely comes up
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Back in 11th grade my parents made me go to summer school to correct a D- grade I had gotten. Summer school was for the hooligans... they let all the continuation school kids and kids from other schools enroll. I hung around with some Mexicans who were in a gang, they wore red everyday. We only had one short break anyway, just snacks were sold. But apparently it was enough to get targeted. There was a rival crew of white + one fat black dude who thought they were crippin'. So one day I'm sitting in class after our break, just getting in a quick doodle, and this goose neck white dude with terrible acne and a royal blue plain tee walks into my classroom, I look up and he open hand slaps me across the face. I was like wth? That **** stung bad too. Cold white hand and ****. But I didn't know if I should get up and fight him. So I just sat there and let it pass. Dude slapped me and just stood over me waiting for my move. How do you fight someone you don't know or care about who slaps you while you're sitting in a desk? Couldn't eem feel mad... all I was thinking was I hope the redness goes away before school let's out.
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Back in 11th grade my parents made me go to summer school to correct a D- grade I had gotten. Summer school was for the hooligans... they let all the continuation school kids and kids from other schools enroll. I hung around with some Mexicans who were in a gang, they wore red everyday. We only had one short break anyway, just snacks were sold. But apparently it was enough to get targeted. There was a rival crew of white + one fat black dude who thought they were crippin'. So one day I'm sitting in class after our break, just getting in a quick doodle, and this goose neck white dude with terrible acne and a royal blue plain tee walks into my classroom, I look up and he open hand slaps me across the face. I was like wth? That **** stung bad too. Cold white hand and ****. But I didn't know if I should get up and fight him. So I just sat there and let it pass. Dude slapped me and just stood over me waiting for my move. How do you fight someone you don't know or care about who slaps you while you're sitting in a desk? Couldn't eem feel mad... all I was thinking was I hope the redness goes away before school let's out.
You didn't do anything????
Back in 11th grade my parents made me go to summer school to correct a D- grade I had gotten. Summer school was for the hooligans... they let all the continuation school kids and kids from other schools enroll. I hung around with some Mexicans who were in a gang, they wore red everyday. We only had one short break anyway, just snacks were sold. But apparently it was enough to get targeted. There was a rival crew of white + one fat black dude who thought they were crippin'. So one day I'm sitting in class after our break, just getting in a quick doodle, and this goose neck white dude with terrible acne and a royal blue plain tee walks into my classroom, I look up and he open hand slaps me across the face. I was like wth? That **** stung bad too. Cold white hand and ****. But I didn't know if I should get up and fight him. So I just sat there and let it pass. Dude slapped me and just stood over me waiting for my move. How do you fight someone you don't know or care about who slaps you while you're sitting in a desk? Couldn't eem feel mad... all I was thinking was I hope the redness goes away before school let's out.

I bet you were looking forward the whole time he was peering down at you.
Back in HS. Broke someone's ankle. Not proud of it, but the scumbag got what he deserved.
Did you put dude in an ankle lock? We need details.
dumbest fight of my life was on new years eve in back in 2010...fought this dude that I was cool with over some bbq meatballs

I beat that ***** ***
Back in the summer of 13th grade my parents made me go to summer school to correct a D- grade I had gotten so I could finally graduate. Summer school was for the hooligans... they let all the continuation school kids and kids from other schools enroll. I hung around with some whites + 1 fat black dude who were in a gang, and we wore blue everyday. We only had one short break anyway, just snacks were sold. But apparently it was enough to get targeted. There was a rival crew of mexicans who thought they were bloods. So one day, I took my break to put pimple cream on my face and I remember I had on a royal blue plain tee. I walk into class after and some kid was just doodling away and when he looked up, I just slapped him across the face. He was like wth? I bet that **** stung bad too since I had a Cold white hand and ****. I could tell he didn't know if he should get up and fight me or not. But he just sat there and let it pass. I slapped him and just stood over him waiting for his move. How do you not fight someone you don't know or care about who slaps you while you're sitting at your desk? Couldn't eem feel mad... all I was thinking was I hope the stinging in my hand goes away before school let's out.
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Quite frequently. Not a tough guy but dudes test me a lot. It ain't worth it tho, but you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes.
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