You ever been in a fight? Walk away from a fight? What's your style?

I was filming a fight scene and I punched the guy in the face by accident he missed his mark and his face ended up swollen. In my trailer the actor tried to fight me but my body guard handled him.
i get in their face and give them a kiss on the lips and say, "it's all love, blood"
Fighting was a regular thing in middle school and in high school for me. Back then there were no camera phones and nobody was running to grab gun just because they took an L.

I'm a good striker, but ground control and chokeholds were always my go to. I blessed more than a few people that put hands on me with unconsciousness.

I never got in a fight as an adult. The closest it I ever came to fighting was me headbutting a guy in the mouth for running up and trying to attack me during a basketball game.

I have a family now, and I have no problem saying nothing and walking away.
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dumbest fight of my life was on new years eve in back in 2010...fought this dude that I was cool with over some bbq meatballs :rofl:

I beat that ***** ***

Lmfao some ish me and my ****** would get into

Except we fought over doritos. My man asked for 1 so I gave him 1. Then he's like ***** cmon stop being stingy. I'm like man u asked for 1 stop complaining
I fought my right hand man's back in the day over if a move was a travel or not. Thru the hands, jammed my finger too, then we went in my crib and played 2k3. Whole time we walking he walking behind me and we talking **** to each other :lol:. Dumbest most pointless **** ever but when people around and u a teenager pride is a mfer.
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Last real fist fight I had was when I fought the teachers aid in high school. I was a sophomore and he was a senior. Dude punched me when my back was turned because his pride was hurt about me being stronger than him even though he was way bigger than me . I turned around and beat his ***. Picked him up and slammed him to the ground and started breaking his face open with punches and elbows. It was on a football field during class time so the classrooms that had a view saw it all. Never been a violent dude but was some ***** **** that I had to take care of.

For those of you that got beat up really bad, what was the aftermath? Did it make you question yourself or did you just shake it off and keep it moving?
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i feel like the lines "You know the type, loud as a motorbike/But wouldn't bust a grape in a fruit fight" are probably written about me...
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Got gout on my right knuckle. Stay thinking that if I get into it today, it's going to be a headbutt on a mf if he test. Stay ready
Just like others haven't been in any fights as an adult and really none as a teen either. I hit 6 foot freshman year and most of the dudes at my school was barely touching 5'10 so I didn't look like an easy win.

Closest thing to fight I've been recently is my lil cousin was about to go fight some dude so I rode with the fam to make sure it wasn't gon be no sneakin' or jumpin'. These some lil high school kids so I'm legit there just to make sure lil homie ain't get molly whopped. A few fights happen and in the mix of it all one of them young dudes straight jaws this lil girl. Ain't knock her out but she was hurt.

FF about 30 mins we in these lil apartments in this lil standoff and I guess ol girl moms came up there and was yellin' tryna figure out who hit her daughter. By now the other lil crew done ran up they numbers so it's like 20+ teeny boppers standin' on the other side of the parking lot and it's about 5-7 guys on my side just standin' outside securing our side. So they lil group get to movin' towards us, and I'm still standing there. Got my hands behind my back chillin'. Didn't think these lil bums would really do anything. WRONG.

As the walk closer one of them lil dudes haul off and punch me in my jaw. But he prob weighed 124 lbs holding 2 cinderblocks and I'm 6'3 250lbs so I just took a step back and just ate the punch. Them lil cats was just lookin' at me and when I seen they faces I just started laughin'. All of them lil boys started all walkin' back at the same time and the whole time I'm laughin' hard AF. Ish is still funny to me when I think about. Wasn't about to fight no lil kid, ain't no win in that. And it was a whole bushel of them kids, I'm big but I'm a realist and this ain't no movie.
i get in their face and give them a kiss on the lips and say, "it's all love, blood"

This reminded me of that one NTer that said if someone does something to him he's gonna do some Ayo stuff. I know that's hella vague, but I can't for the life of me remember the quote. Just remember it had me in tears lol
Last real fist fight I had was when I fought the teachers aid in high school. I was a sophomore and he was a senior. Dude punched me when my back was turned because his pride was hurt about me being stronger than him even though he was way bigger than me . I turned around and beat his ***. Picked him up and slammed him to the ground and started breaking his face open with punches and elbows. It was on a football field during class time so the classrooms that had a view saw it all. Never been a violent dude but was some ***** **** that I had to take care of.

For those of you that got beat up really bad, what was the aftermath? Did it make you question yourself or did you just shake it off and keep it moving?
Stopped drinking for a year after my drunk *** got choked out. Made me realize being drunk/high not the best for combat.
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Stopped drinking for a year after my drunk *** got choked out. Made me realize being drunk/high not the best for combat.

Being drunk is bad for coordination & judgement but great for pain, You feel nothing till the next day but when that next day hits. :x
I have lost a tooth and another time had to get 30 stitches from drunken brawls and felt nothing. I have since quit drinking though and have not fought once so there is a corallation with drinking and fights for sure. >D
It's not the alcohol it's definitely the adrenaline.

I've had fights where I didn't even think I got touched then found out otherwise later lol.
i have probably been in around 100 or so fist fights in my life. last one was last summer. dude was my size(6 feet 170 ish) slept homie with 1 punch. 
Did you put dude in an ankle lock? We need details.
Did you put dude in an ankle lock? We need details.

Ken Shamrock?

lol, I guess you could say the lock was similar to that, but I twisted the ankle the other way.

Anyway, it happened at a house party during summer break that my cousin was hosting. One of the people at the party, tried to snitch on my cousin for flirting with a girl. So the girl's ex-bf shows up with his boy and yelling began. My cousin and the ex fight and the dude's boy tried swinging at him with this ruler length rod he pulled from his pocket (that's what she said) from behind, so I tackled him. Threw a couple knees to his face and went for ankle. I basically pinned his right leg down and proceeded to twist his foot and it snapped.

Fighting stopped and the ex, carried his boy back into the car, AND the girl left with them. :smh:

Fast forward to the beginning of my senior year, word got around on what happened and people thought I was time bomb, because no one expected that from me:rolleyes

I'm not a great fighter, so I had to do something that would end the fight quick. The ankle snap did it.

I'll be honest, I really felt guilty for what I did. I heard that the guy never regained full mobility in his ankle.:frown:
dumbest fight of my life was on new years eve in back in 2010...fought this dude that I was cool with over some bbq meatballs :rofl:

I beat that ***** ***

those ***** are not no joke tho and looking back it was probably the principle
Yes, I have been a fight. I have never fought as an adult only from elementary to high school.

You know how people say you never forget your first time having sex? It's the same situation with your first fight. You just never forget these kinds of things.

I was 7 and I was at a summer camp with a whole bunch of Salvadoreans and Guatemalans. I lived in the projects during that time and we lived in East Boston which is a highly Hispanic populated area.

Okay, I remember I had a backpack that is very similar to those Sanrio characters like Hello Kitty and Keroppi. I just remember this fat Hispanic kid with a huge gut calling me "Chino, Chino, Chino". Yes, I know Chino means Chinese in Spanish but the way he was saying was obvious that he was being racist. On top of that, he was making fun of my backpack. I remember telling him to stop calling me Chino. Then, he goes "what? do you want to fight me about this"? Without even a hesitation, I say "yes".

I have no clue but we had an open space and it was me and him. All the counselors for some reason just wasn't there. We start pushing each other a couple of times and he pushed me really hard that I fell down. When he saw me fall, he lunged at me. Somehow, I was able to get on my knees and I put him in a headlock and started uppercutting him with my right hand. I had at least 5 punches in when a counselor tackled me off of him.

Look, I will NEVER condone violence and walking away is the right choice. It's just sometimes there are times where you have to stand and fight. Now, I sound like an NRA bumper sticker.
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Pushed a fat kid in the stomach when I was in middle school for making my best friend cry I remember, he cried and I didn't get in trouble :pimp:

Almost punched a coworker a little while back for doing something really dumb and disrespectful to me. He took it really far and might've been drinking, I thought about it for a hard second, but didn't do a thing..he's like 45-55, I don't even know. I would've regretted getting in a fight with someone 20+ years older than me

I talked to him an hour later and he was saying I deserved it, and felt absolutely no remorse, I was really about to lose it on him. A lot of other people were around though, so nothing would've happened I'm sure and I would've gotten fired. The day after he came up to me apologizing and I told him to go away. I don't think I've said a word to him and this is someone I see everyday at work, he'll do a 180 if he sees me. I think if he does something dumb again it's instantly on, though. I'll be sure to bump this thread and say what happened
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havent been in a fight damn near a decade lol cuz even if u take the W u gotta think what homie finna b on lol smh guys dont like to lose 
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