You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

What about corporate responsibility?
doesn't matter unless of course the subject of the discrimination is black people. Then we'd have Al and Jessie doing the media rounds, threatening boycotts, and everyone spamming social media timelines. Any other group, **** your plight, we had it worse.
I guess my biggest problem with the appreciation day is watching how much enjoyment the droves that showed up have in keeping people from being happy. That's what it really comes down to for me. These people mug for the camera just to show the joy they are getting from aligning with a man whose priorities including excluding people. That's messed up. I don't understand how shameless people can be in their steadfast bigotry. They clamor for the opportunity to show their intolerance. It's one thing to hold these views privately, it's another to want to shout them to show just how second-class they feel homosexuals are. Sad, that.
I guess my biggest problem with the appreciation day is watching how much enjoyment the droves that showed up have in keeping people from being happy.
that's the thing though, those people don't see it that way.

Its like the crazy *** Westborough Church, it's what the believe. You can raise hell all you want, but thats not going to change anything.

If you want to change, you need to aim higher.

Putting your sights on the people who showed up on appreciation day or whatever is no better or effective than what the Occupy movement did. 
that's the thing though, those people don't see it that way.

Its like the crazy *** Westborough Church, it's what the believe. You can raise hell all you want, but thats not going to change anything.

If you want to change, you need to aim higher.

Putting your sights on the people who showed up on appreciation day or whatever is no better or effective than what the Occupy movement did. 
My sights aren't on these people, per se. I am saying it's what makes me the saddest \ angry. It's the pride they show in keeping people from being happy.
again, they do not look at it as oppression; even if it is blatantly wrong. Just as we believe in equality.
For those that do support equal rights, we can take comfort in knowing we're definitely on the right side of history. That does not mean we just sit idly by and watch the cogs turn but that should be motivation to keep voting through local and state elections and educating those that still hold antiquated views. I truly believe that, with the progress we've made, and continue to make, in technology and having a more educated populace, we will see equal rights within my generations lifetime. It's really a matter of when, not if.

Also, a point I'd like to make... it can't just be me but I've been noticing that those that are anti-gay are WAY more obsessive over sex than those for equality. The anti-gay side is all about making a big deal about sodomy and how "immoral" gay sex is. I'm beginning to think they focus on this because it shapes their argument in a way that makes gays into animals and not human beings. They want to exoticize gays. They completely ignore the fact that these are consenting adults that are in love just like their heterosexual counterparts. They shy away from acknowledging that two same sex people can love one another and want to be with each other. Instead, the focus is on sex and how evil and gross it is. When you think of it that way, it's incredibly silly and childish, no?

Those that are against equality... this isn't a competition. You're building a wall of sand to keep the tides back. This is going to happen eventually, like it or not. I suggest, seriously, looking into WHY you're against this. If it's because you think it goes against your Christian beliefs, I implore you to consider the other parts of the Bible those "anti-gay" verses are from and ask yourself why you don't follow all those other rules. This isn't some liberal Jedi mind trick. It's all there in your own book. I'm not even going to go into the question of belief, that's another argument. I'm just asking you to consider why go so hard on this point and ignore all the other points? All the "frivolous" stuff like eating pork and wearing clothes of mixed fibers and shellfish and women's periods and adultery and divorce and etc.
For those that do support equal rights, we can take comfort in knowing we're definitely on the right side of history. That does not mean we just sit idly by and watch the cogs turn but that should be motivation to keep voting through local and state elections and educating those that still hold antiquated views. I truly believe that, with the progress we've made, and continue to make, in technology and having a more educated populace, we will see equal rights within my generations lifetime. It's really a matter of when, not if.
Also, a point I'd like to make... it can't just be me but I've been noticing that those that are anti-gay are WAY more obsessive over sex than those for equality. The anti-gay side is all about making a big deal about sodomy and how "immoral" gay sex is. I'm beginning to think they focus on this because it shapes their argument in a way that makes gays into animals and not human beings. They want to exoticize gays. They completely ignore the fact that these are consenting adults that are in love just like their heterosexual counterparts. They shy away from acknowledging that two same sex people can love one another and want to be with each other. Instead, the focus is on sex and how evil and gross it is. When you think of it that way, it's incredibly silly and childish, no?

I've been thinking this for a while but I never really go into it in these posts. I see it as a parallel to those old racist posters of the "exotic, sex crazed Negro" coming to steal all the white womenz.

the things I just saw in Google Images trying to find one of those posters though :smh: :lol:
Chick-Fil-A should have kept quiet on their views. But they benefited from the move and the executive heads are in meetings chalking it up as a win. Maybe they knew they would get all this attention which equals money.
Gay rights activists and other supporters of marriage equality plan a national “Kiss In” at Chick-fil-A restaurants Friday to protest the fast-food chain owners' opposition to same-sex unions.

This is getting absurd.

Nothing will sway a person's mind about their opposition to gay marriage like gays coming to their workplace to do PDA stuff.
This is getting absurd.
Nothing will sway a person's mind about their opposition to gay marriage like gays coming to their workplace to do PDA stuff.

I just finished reading this article. :lol:

Nobody cares as much as the media portrays.
Gay rights activists and other supporters of marriage equality plan a national “Kiss In” at Chick-fil-A restaurants Friday to protest the fast-food chain owners' opposition to same-sex unions.
This is getting absurd.

Nothing will sway a person's mind about their opposition to gay marriage like gays coming to their workplace to do PDA stuff.
PDA stuff?

Does that change how straight you are?
i just realized how this worked in a short sighted business standpoint.

aug 1 marks the start of Q4 of the fiscal year.

Guess who started it off w a bang $$$$

Whether it was intentional or not IDK.

In the long run I feel, while they attempted to maintain a sense of integrity.

They displayed poor business integrity and ethic.

Thank god I dont eat fast food.
Idiot thought he was doing it and got fired as the CFO of a medical device manufacturing company as a result.

This is what happens when you take these obnoxious internet rants into the real world.

Funniest part is that he thought those college kids were doing a sit in, when they were just going inside to order some delicious chicken sandwiches. :rofl:

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CSR isn't exclusive to public entities.
Business ethics, Jack.

What? Chick Fil A didnt violate any Business ethics or CSR

Them being a private company means they speak as a single entity protected by the first amendment.

Had they been a public company with thousands of investors they represent then maybe you have a case for CSR.

Still no biz ethics were violated. A CEO of private company expressed his views.

I'm confused by this "kiss in" thing the media is reporting. The LA Times linked to the GLAAD website citing them as a source but the website has nothing about a 'kiss in'. There's a tumblr floating around out there but I can't really find anything official. This definitely seems like something the media is blowing up to try to match the Chick-fil-A appreciation day.
What? Chick Fil A didnt violate any Business ethics or CSR
Them being a private company means they speak as a single entity protected by the first amendment.
Had they been a public company with thousands of investors they represent then maybe you have a case for CSR.
Still no biz ethics were violated. A CEO of private company expressed his views.

I'm not sure you fully understand what CSR means.
Mayors have no right to say that chick-fil-a isn't welcome in their town. Being anti-gay marriage isnt about intolerence. Its about a religious view. And due to religious freedom chick-fil-a has the right to spread it views without punishment.
Mayors have no right to say that chick-fil-a isn't welcome in their town. Being anti-gay marriage isnt about intolerence. Its about a religious view. And due to religious freedom chick-fil-a has the right to spread it views without punishment.

Wrong. Just because your intolerance is a "religious view" doesn't mean you get a free pass. People don't seem to understand that the freedom to worship who or what you want doesn't give you free reign to do anything you want and is not excluded from criticism. Mayors, as the voice of a city, can totally say whether or not they'd welcome a Chick-fil-A. That's their right as a citizen, to voice their opinion. It's hardly a punishment.
A Mayor attempting to ban a law abiding corporation from his city is a lot more questionable than CFA's actions.

The only thing Jon Stewart finds more ridiculous than Wednesday's "Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day" is how the mayors of major U.S. cities are using it to violate the Bill of Rights. You know, the one that lets people think whatever they want?

On Thursday night's "Daily Show," Stewart criticized an open letter from Boston mayor Tom Menino calling for a ban on Chick-fil-A franchises that prompted Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel and San Francisco mayor Edwin Lee to follow suit.

Although he may not agree with Chick-Fil-A's selective reading of Leviticus, Stewart was concerned that these politicians' passion for the civil rights issues at hand was clouding their ability to remember the first amendment:

"[I'm] pretty sure you can’t outlaw a company with perfectly legal business practices because you find their CEO’s views repellant," Stewart joked. "Not sure which amendment covers that, but it’s probably in the top 1."

Take off the blinders, please.
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Mayors have no right to say that chick-fil-a isn't welcome in their town. Being anti-gay marriage isnt about intolerence. Its about a religious view. And due to religious freedom chick-fil-a has the right to spread it views without punishment.
Wrong. Just because your intolerance is a "religious view" doesn't mean you get a free pass. People don't seem to understand that the freedom to worship who or what you want doesn't give you free reign to do anything you want and is not excluded from criticism. Mayors, as the voice of a city, can totally say whether or not they'd welcome a Chick-fil-A. That's their right as a citizen, to voice their opinion. It's hardly a punishment.
If a city is capable of banning a company (or even a person) from their city because the government doesn't agree with them, then we're in deeper trouble than we realize.

Although most of us may not agree w/ the KKK, Westborough, or Nation of Islam, as long as they are abiding by the laws of the land then they are protected by the Constitution.
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