2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

I've seen people wearing them on previous versions of the lobsters. So yeah, I'm sure some folks will, to "flex"

Rainy salty Saturday wear
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Glad to see some people were able to cop. Sorry to the regulars that missed. Seams to be the same thing every release now. And it sucks because I like that I can get them online but bots kill us. innovation is key. someone will come up with a way around them eventually
Assuming best time to cop these on resale will be midweek when these SNKRS pairs hit doorsteps? These went from a want to a need as more pictures came out and I saw those salmon laces on them. Hoping to not get totally gouged for my size 13.
This is a tough release man. A LOT of shops did raffles. I think Nike directed most of the shops to handle the release that way.

If you didn’t hit don’t sweat resell will under $200 soon. Diamond release was proof of that
Exactly. If the Pigeons and the Diamonds have seen major drops on the resell market, so will the Lobsters. Keep in mind the Diamond name and the Pigeon are like the pinnacle of SB hype.
I'll be sick if these drop anywhere near those other two. I drove 2 hours and stood in 20 degree weather for an hour end twenty minutes to secure my pair. Glad I got them tho. They feel great. Gonna post pics with the salmon laces in a few.
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