
Originally Posted by outkast9984

amare is an idiot....he is going to rot over there in new york....should have stayed in phoenix
i dont see how some of u can be so optimistic and hopeful. this summer has been awful for us. Signing Amare would have been great if it would have gotten us Lebron but since it didn't it sucks. Amare is not worth the money and with him as our number 1 option we are going nowhere (unless we get a playmaking PG). We honestly would have been better off with Lee but no let's just trade our best and most consistent player for the last couple of years away for a bunch of bums. Walsh put all the chips into signing someone big this offseason and he could not deliver. Nobody can be as bad or do as much damage as Isiah did but nothing much has changed since Walsh has been here. They need to stop trying for the homerun and just build this team up the right way. Its been the same crap for too long now.

You lost me at awful, but then you call our pickups bums..nothing much has changed?

You sir, are bugging.

at dudes even bringing up al harrington..i imagine the only reason he stayed a knick was because they couldn't find a deal for him or just preferred to have his deal come off the books

this thread has been moving so damn fast lately because of the insane amt of trolling *#*%@# have been doing

hopefully that'll stop now that we missed on lebron, but *#*%@#'ll probably still be coming in here with their snide remarks and oversized emoticons
Originally Posted by mrtramericanjr

would the knicks sign al harrington for a year , his scoring could help this team, off the bench
No thanks. Dude has the worst shot selection.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by abutta13

i dont see how some of u can be so optimistic and hopeful. this summer has been awful for us. Signing Amare would have been great if it would have gotten us Lebron but since it didn't it sucks. Amare is not worth the money and with him as our number 1 option we are going nowhere (unless we get a playmaking PG). We honestly would have been better off with Lee but no let's just trade our best and most consistent player for the last couple of years away for a bunch of bums. Walsh put all the chips into signing someone big this offseason and he could not deliver. Nobody can be as bad or do as much damage as Isiah did but nothing much has changed since Walsh has been here. They need to stop trying for the homerun and just build this team up the right way. Its been the same crap for too long now.

Calm down. While we didn't get exactly what we hoped for there is no doubt at all that we've improved. Signing Amare was certainly an improvement. The only useless part of that Warriors trade in my opinion was Turiaf, but quite frankly, I'd rather have him on the floor than Curry any day of the week.
If you actually think we would have been better off with Lee instead of Randolph and Azubuike it has to only be because you know what David Lee is and haven't seen much of either of those players. Randolph could be something special, and with the young guys we already have I'm pretty sure this should count as building the team up for the future and not right now. These are good, young players. 

We do still need a PG though. That's undeniable. 

Give him  back please
Originally Posted by throwback1718

I hate this whole thing more because over the next 5 + years we know that it would be hard for most other teams in the League to have a chance...

My girl was just so upset with him even more because in the interview he played that humble role and she feels its such a phony act.
As much as we can all say we should look to the future and forget this... Im gonna be honest and say that its really upsetting to say the least
My main problem all along. Especially for the Knicks, who are pretty much starting from scratch.
i love what gilbert said, spit right back in their face dan, big F YOU right back atcha. we all know they are going back to the lottery, but they can be good again. they dont deserve lebron, they deserve better than him.

randolph.. thats a crazy long lineup. every time i seen randolph play, i was impressed. dude has BIG TIME potential. we will love turiaf, hes one of those role players that every title team has to have. i like toney, but we gotta make a move for a pg, mostly for amare

im more proud than ever to be a knick fan. GO NY
Let's get Luke ridnour and make the best of this season. I'm happy with 42 wins next season and a 7th seed. I'm not greedy
I was surprisingly calm after a few minutes of the news, to pull a page from Lebron's book, I'll postpone my Official Statement until tomorrow - mid morning/early afternoon... true Knick fans/haters who want to laugh at us/any other bystanders stay tuned...
Originally Posted by CrAzYFLiPxNyC

Originally Posted by throwback1718

I hate this whole thing more because over the next 5 + years we know that it would be hard for most other teams in the League to have a chance...

My girl was just so upset with him even more because in the interview he played that humble role and she feels its such a phony act.
As much as we can all say we should look to the future and forget this... Im gonna be honest and say that its really upsetting to say the least
My main problem all along. Especially for the Knicks, who are pretty much starting from scratch.

With a Yankee  sig
Originally Posted by MeloVP

the *%+!! casperjr comin in here posting a big %@% smiley face


as if the bulls aint GIVE AWAY kirk hinrich and the 17th pick to clear space for lebron

you missed out too %%@*%$%, so take that !+%$ back to the drawing board

yes lebron would have been an amazing addition, but we just came up like a muhh off that trade

and i know we're not done..this team is going places man..going places
why am i laughing? how about cuz you fools was the gutter of the league for 2 years begging and praying he would come do i need to go on?

yea we gave away kirk and a pick but should you really be talking about giving something away with everything yall gave away? didnt think so

yea you came up enjoy that 8 seed if that

aww yea the anger/saltiness  in your post i feel it which leads me back to this

Exactly dude thinks they came up on some sort of deal. You guys got it worse trying to clear cap space and no one besides Boozer. Dude would be the last pick and only got him as a last ditch effort. Thought they were landing Lebron or Wade or both and ended with Boozer. At least we got Amare and some good young talent. Basically gave Kirk away for nothing.
shut yo salty %+% up acting like yall didnt sign amare for the same reasons and on top of that signing him to the max %%@!+ rebound like a lil girl we got boozer cuz we needed some low post play

now get up off your knees go get something to eat and drink before you get back on them begging and praying for melo to come but hey look on the bright side you wont be down there no longer then a year before he heads some where other then NY

cocky %+% %@@+*%
Keep it moving, we both took the L. No need to be in here egging people on b. You stated your case, let it go.
James Dolan opening words low key #%#$* on LeBron. Something like "It takes courage, character, and true leadership to make the first leap." To think this happened before Bron's announcement.

I guess the Knicks knew all along word to D'antoni on a plane to Vegas.
i kind of wish you guys sign Melo and Parker next year. it will most definitly be unfair those next 5 years with them just plowing over the league.

i only see my Lakers beating them.
I see Parker coming here regardless (trade or FA signing). He seems to really want to be apart of the Knicks and he probably doesn't like the situation he's in in SA with George Hill.

Melo's the one I'm worried about. He's not cut from the same terry cloth as LeBron but I hope he hasn't influenced him in a negative way against the Knicks or Melo possibly doesn't look at the Knicks in a favorable position just cuz of the players we currently have.
Luck FeBron.

Ginger, Mary Anne and Gilligan down in South Beach unite to make the Legion of Doom. It's crazy understanding how other people see the Yankees from the outside. In one night, a lot of my 'dislike' for certain teams has taken a backseat. This is the only team I wish terrible things for.

In a weird way, I think I dislike 'Decision' way much more than I did Isaiah.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by CrAzYFLiPxNyC

Originally Posted by throwback1718

I hate this whole thing more because over the next 5 + years we know that it would be hard for most other teams in the League to have a chance...

My girl was just so upset with him even more because in the interview he played that humble role and she feels its such a phony act.
As much as we can all say we should look to the future and forget this... Im gonna be honest and say that its really upsetting to say the least
My main problem all along. Especially for the Knicks, who are pretty much starting from scratch.

With a Yankee  sig

During their main "payroll stacking" in the past 10 years, how many championships have the Yankees won? Has it even seemed like we dominated the league during such a period? Please tell me. I think you know more than I do.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by CrAzYFLiPxNyC

Originally Posted by throwback1718

I hate this whole thing more because over the next 5 + years we know that it would be hard for most other teams in the League to have a chance...

My girl was just so upset with him even more because in the interview he played that humble role and she feels its such a phony act.
As much as we can all say we should look to the future and forget this... Im gonna be honest and say that its really upsetting to say the least
My main problem all along. Especially for the Knicks, who are pretty much starting from scratch.

With a Yankee  sig

During their main "payroll stacking" in the past 10 years, how many championships have the Yankees won? Has it even seemed like we dominated the league during such a period? Please tell me. I think you know more than I do.
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