"6 Signs You've Fallen In The Friend Zone" vol. NT Simps Enter

Mar 8, 2001
from http://www.verysmartbrothas.com/http://www.verysmartbrothas.com/ which is a funny website

1. you're "dating", and she makes any reference whatsoever to anybody else she might be seeing.

even if it's "unintentional" (which it never is), most women aren't going to let a guy she's interested in know that she's seeing other people, for fear that it might scare him away. she might imply that she's "busy", but if she's into a cat, it stays the ambiguous "busy" instead of the ball-shrinkingly unambiguous "damn…do you realize this is my second date this week?? you're lucky you caught me".

2. you all havent been physical before, but she makes any reference whatsoever to sex she's had before

basically, if you're sitting around shooting the $%*+ and she's telling you about "that time a couple years ago in the movie theater, with the bus driver, the basketball trophy, and the stopwatch", consider yourself neutered. her "freeness" of the tongue if proof that she now officially looks at you as a "friend", not a "potential sex partner". the next time you see her, you might as well just leave you balls in your glove compartment. if you're not going to use them, they should at least be somewhere safe

3. you go over her crib to "chill" or watch a flick, and she looks as if she just completed a decathlon.

***if she greets you at her door like this, just hand her your nuts so they can go in her purse***

if you haven't slept with a woman yet, and she allows you to see her at her hair-curlered, scuffed timberlanded, dirty-t-shirted weekend worst, the chances of her ever seeing you in a sexual manner is about the same as the likelihood that ann coulter's adams apple isn't bigger than her balls.

as neurotic about their appearance as most women are, (unless she's still in college) there's no way in hell she's gonna allow a guy she's actually interested to see her at her "worst" before they actually sleep together.

4. any compliment about her looks or her potential as a mate is responded to with the same lazy "thanks" you'd get after loaning a co-worker a broken pencil

to expound:

guy complimenting "interested" woman: "you're killing that dress tonight"

interested reply, accompanied with eye contact, a smile, a slight blush, and a undetectable tingle of the vagina: "thanks"

guy complimenting "uninterested" woman: "you're killing that dress tonight"

uninterested reply, accompanied with a forced and somewhat condescending return compliment, to ease the awkwardness she's feeling: "awwww, thanks hun. your socks are really nice too. they really compliment your knuckles"

5. she either refers to you by one of the killer b's ("buddy" or "brother") or uses this phrase ("he's like a **fill in the blank** to me") at any time when describing you.

just the thought of hearing this from a woman i'm interested in gives me cold sweats and hot flashes. i think i'm just gonna move on


6. she tells you she's not interested in or ready to be in a relationship…

which is her polite way of saying she's not interested in or ready to be in a relationship, with YOU...and she probably never will be. if a woman actually says these words to you, believe her. its the realest thing she'll ever say

questions? comments? concerns?
As soon as I find out that a girl isn't interested in smashing and wants to friendzone, I dead it. I'm not about to waste my time trying to catch apiece.

uninterested reply, accompanied with a forced and somewhat condescending return compliment, to ease the awkwardness she's feeling: "awwww, thanks hun. your socks are really nice too. they really compliment your knuckles"
Originally Posted by nnarum

As soon as I find out that a girl isn't interested in smashing and wants to friendzone, I dead it. I'm not about to waste my time trying to catch a piece.
Originally Posted by nnarum

As soon as I find out that a girl isn't interested in smashing and wants to friendzone, I dead it. I'm not about to waste my time trying to catch a piece.

I'd dead the cat-and-mouse games, but I wouldn't completely stop talking to her. Women can be useful in other ways. Her friends? Hookups?
6. she tells you she's not interested in or ready to be in a relationship…

…which is her polite way of saying she's not interested in or ready to be in a relationship, with YOU...and she probably never will be. if a woman actually says these words to you, believe her. its the realest thing she'll ever say

I dunno about this one. It can go either way.
Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

from http://www.verysmartbrothas.com/http://www.verysmartbrothas.com/http://www.verysmartbrothas.com/ which is a funny website

2. you all havent been physical before, but she makes any reference whatsoever to sex she's had before

basically, if you're sitting around shooting the $%*+ and she's telling you about "that time a couple years ago in the movie theater, with the bus driver, the basketball trophy, and the stopwatch", consider yourself neutered. her "freeness" of the tongue if proof that she now officially looks at you as a "friend", not a "potential sex partner". the next time you see her, you might as well just leave you balls in your glove compartment. if you're not going to use them, they should at least be somewhere safe

this is far from true. a lot of females will open up sexually just to let u know they are down. her "freeness" of tongue can be proof she wants the d
Originally Posted by Super T1ght

Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

from http://www.verysmartbrothas.com/http://www.verysmartbrothas.com/http://www.verysmartbrothas.com/http://www.verysmartbrothas.com/ which is a funny website

2. you all havent been physical before, but she makes any reference whatsoever to sex she's had before

basically, if you're sitting around shooting the $%*+ and she's telling you about "that time a couple years ago in the movie theater, with the bus driver, the basketball trophy, and the stopwatch", consider yourself neutered. her "freeness" of the tongue if proof that she now officially looks at you as a "friend", not a "potential sex partner". the next time you see her, you might as well just leave you balls in your glove compartment. if you're not going to use them, they should at least be somewhere safe

this is far from true. a lot of females will open up sexually just to let u know they are down. her "freeness" of tongue can be proof she wants the d

RIGHT, when a females tells you about her sex life....that dont meant she doesnt want to have sex with you
Ha, this girl i used to do all these, and i knew i was in the friend zone..

Then one day she hits me with the "i really like you i want to be with you blah blah.." randomly while we are chillin..

i was like
, i thought i was in thefriend zone. needless to say, it didn't last
I've had a girl kiss me all the time in public and tell everyone I was her "BOO" and I was in the friend zone with her. Everyone thought we was acouple but we weren't. That chick wouldn't let me smash if her life depended on it.

This was back in high school. I'm pretty sure I can hit know, but she has been ghost for a while.
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