8 Deadly shootings - Atlanta - Looks like Asians were targeted.

whos the MAGA dude who responded
I disagree with that premise, as it does not make sense. Also, I do not recall you stating such, so pardon me. The fact that Black people are not the minority in this world, renders your premise to be false.
It’s proven to be the coalition that white people in this country are most fearful of and have gone at length to prevent any semblance of it occurring. White supremacy isn’t about numbers. The mere fact that white supremacy exists in a world/country where they are not the majority and are shrinking in numbers tells you everything you need to know. So citing that isn’t the most helpful to your approach, IMO.
It’s proven to be the coalition that white people in this country are most fearful of and have gone at length to prevent any semblance of it occurring. White supremacy isn’t about numbers. The mere fact that white supremacy exists in a world/country where they are not the majority and are shrinking in numbers tells you everything you need to know. So citing that isn’t the most helpful to your approach, IMO.
White supremacy is indeed on the ropes, and that is what is troubling for them. This is why they are acting as they are, because they see their privilege on the wane. White supremacy is indeed its own worse enemy, and white people are fighting amongst themselves right now.

If the Black/African diaspora were in one accord, we could take advantage of the discourse being had right now in american politics.

I love what Ghana is doing right now. There is also nothing wrong in leaving this country, then starting anew.

Let this place die a miserable death.
KHUFU KHUFU i hear your point but again, you underestimate the strength of anti-Blackness and white supremacy if you think that Black Americans advocating for Liberia will produce nearly the same result as Jewish Americans advocating for Israel.
The idea has merit in light of the weight that sovereign nations can exercise on internal American affairs. An example is how the Chinese empress saved the first Chinatown in San Francisco from being taken away from Chinese immigrants by the city legislature in 1906, using the same tactics that were used in the Deep South to snatch black farms and give them to white Southerners.

Mr. KEVIN STARR (Historian): The most horrible moment of all I that regard was in the early 1870's in Los Angeles, when some 14 Chinese were lynched by a mob. Fortunately, that never happened in San Francisco, because even though there were anti-Chinese riots in the 1870's in San Francisco, the Chinese served notice that they would meet anybody who came into their part of the city with rifles.

GONZALES: What they were defending was largely a community without wives and children. Immigration laws of the day prevented Chinese men from bringing their families to America. Even before the quake, Chinatown was viewed as a crowded slum, writhe with disease, prostitution, and opium. But historian Kevin Starr says it had a great location that many city leaders envied.

Mr. STARR: By 1906, on the verge of the earthquake, it suddenly dawned on establishment San Francisco that the prime real estate of the city, at the absolute epicenter of the city, with its commanding views, was Chinatown.

GONZALES: After the quake left the community in ruins, city leaders were inspired to try to move Chinatown to the southern outskirts of the city. The plans were presented at a meeting between the city's relocation committee, the Chinatown family associations, and the Chinese Consulate.

Ms. JUDY YOUNG (Historian): And the Consul General said the Empress Dowager is not happy about Chinatown being relocated. We intend to rebuild the Chinese consulate in the heart of Chinatown, where it was.

GONZALES: Historian Judy Young says Chinese merchants threatened to leave San Francisco altogether, forcing city leaders to realize...

Ms. YOUNG: ...that they would lose a lot of tax revenue. And Seattle and Los Angeles and other port cities were more than happy to consider allowing the Chinese to move there, with the eye on China trade.

GONZALES: San Francisco relented, and a year later, construction began on the new Chinatown, exactly where it had been before the quake.

With that said, Liberia has its own complicated history with racial strife, which culminated in the civil war of the 1990s, so I find that President Sirleaf is not the best spokesperson for the idea and Liberia is not the best country to spearhead the idea.
Honest question, do you follow a variety of folks from the Asian community? I know more SE Asians than I do Eastern or Southern ones, so I see condemnation of white supremacy often. There's different types of Asians that don't even fw other types, so it's tough to box all of them into one. With all that being said, there's a limited amount of congress people that are of Asian descent and it's not fair to assume that they represent the views of all Asians.

One thing I will agree with you though is that the Asians with huge followings/influence aren't speaking enough on it and that's a damn shame.

To answer your initial question I would have to know what a “variety” in your opinion is. Either way I was referring to House of Representatives Judy Chu from California who said nothing about white supremacy in relation to the attacks on the Asian community. Also when asked about Trump and the messages Trump set against the Asian community with his rhetoric said nothing in response.

As it pertains to Niketalk it seems the tone is a little different this week with the attacker being a suspected white supremacist versus how it was a few weeks ago when it was BELIEVED that the black community was committed random acts of violence against those in the Asian community.
deuce king deuce king when you said you didn't hear enough condemnation from the Asian community against white supremacy, I was curious as to what this community consisted of from your POV. You're definitely right about Asian government reps like Chu and the few Asian American folks that have bigger influence not doing enough to condemn white supremacy, but I'm just trying to suggest that the Asian community consists of folks from different classes and type of Asians (Southeast Asians, Eastern Asians, Southern Asians, PI's, etc).

For the Asians suggesting it's the Black community that has committed most of the recent attacks, based on some of the few media-reported ones, they need to FOH and address their anti-blackness because history shows who's mainly been attacking the Asian community for the past century + and who's actually been allies and advocates for Asian immigrants, especially from the 60's onward.
Black people get scapegoated for being violent when the vast majority of violence is from white people. A massive part of this has been due to media bias over DECADES. Until recently, other than a few exceptions, black people have mostly been portrayed as criminals in media that the entire world consumes. News highlight crime in majority black areas while ignoring most of the violence and foolishness that goes on throughout most of white america. Media puts out “what about Chicago??” When if you look at the highest gun violence death rates per state, the top ten are ALL majority white. Seriously, Alaska and Montana are two of the states you’re most likely to die from gun violence; how many black people do you know that live in those states :lol:

I mean this is stating the obvious to me, but this is what white people do throughout the world, so it’s frustrating to see non black people of color falling for it when they should have hundreds of years of experience. The British Empire turned my mother’s country into so many states/groups that are all racist against each other to this day, and the country has gone from a once prosperous civilization to a complete mess with everyone blaming each and trying to kill each other 24/7 instead of coming together with solutions. I just don’t understand how people don’t see this $@@$ but I guess most humans are idiots.
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Hate crimes against Asian Americans have skyrocketed in the past twelve months. While investigations remain ongoing, it seems self-evident that this atrocity was an act of White Supremacist terror targeting Asian women.

As such, this is a cause that should galvanize everyone targeted by, or in opposition to, White Christian Nationalist terror. Every decent person should, at minimum, have sympathy for all those whose lives have been irreversibly harmed by such cowardly violence.

Choosing to redirect focus at this moment to any lingering grievances you might have with individual Asian Americans who’ve acted in support of a racist status quo is akin to the conservative obsession over property damage in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, or going into the thread about the mass murder at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church to say, “I won’t shed any tears for this because some of you cheered on Christopher Dorner!”

We banned people from those threads who disrespectfully attempted to steal focus. We’ll do the same here.

If you’re not interested in discussing this crime, or the wave of violence against Asian Americans of which it is part, you are in the wrong place.

Our staff will help you find the exit if that’s the case.
Hate crimes against Asian Americans have skyrocketed in the past twelve months. While investigations remain ongoing, it seems self-evident that this atrocity was an act of White Supremacist terror targeting Asian women.

As such, this is a cause that should galvanize everyone targeted by, or in opposition to, White Christian Nationalist terror. Every decent person should, at minimum, have sympathy for all those whose lives have been irreversibly harmed by such cowardly violence.

Choosing to redirect focus at this moment to any lingering grievances you might have with individual Asian Americans who’ve acted in support of a racist status quo is akin to the conservative obsession over property damage in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, or going into the thread about the mass murder at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church to say, “I won’t shed any tears for this because some of you cheered on Christopher Dorner!”

We banned people from those threads who disrespectfully attempted to steal focus. We’ll do the same here.

If you’re not interested in discussing this crime, or the wave of violence against Asian Americans of which it is part, you are in the wrong place.

Our staff will help you find the exit if that’s the case.

I wonder if dwalk31 dwalk31 is prepared to finally call Donald trump a racist instead of:

“I could see how some would come to that conclusion“

but being provided with half a century of evidence was sufficient previously


... ing

Just added to the hatred that was already lit up inside these low lives. Mass murder, attacking women and the elderly.

I actually would not be mad if all the attacks were against gangsters and tough guys. Seriously, wanna prove you're tough, attack a guy who would kill you for $$ in a heartbeat.
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