8 Deadly shootings - Atlanta - Looks like Asians were targeted.

More j cole less jrepp
Yeah, it was said that JRepp has a right to be comfortable here, and that the thread on Karen behavior was offensive to certain members as well. The micro aggressions shown by a jrepp and the Karen crew, are directly connected to the increase of white supremacist christian violence against minorities and Black people.
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So why are people attacking asians now? I keep hearing it recently and am genuinely interested why this is popping up all of the sudden? Is this really a new trend or is this something that has been happening and the media is chosing to focus on it for the time being? Maybe its just me being out of the loop but this seems like its coming out of nowhere.
This is nothing new. It's just the media putting attention on whatever they can get these days since trump is not in office to give them easy material to work with
Bill Maher spoke his mind tonight, saying that you all are making everything about race, and that you still do not know if this was racially motivated. He feels that this was fueled through religion. His guest Nick Gillespie said that asians are accepted in america because they were willing to work hard and make something of themselves, even though they have had a hard time in this country.

You see, this was exactly what I was addressing in my post, of which was deleted.

This is what Black people have to battle with everyday for the past four hundred years, and others fall for the okey doke.

Acceptance. Be quiet, do not make everything about race.

im failing to see the point of bringing up Nick Gillespie and him trying to prop up the model minority myth. idgaf what nick gillespie says, he’s just repeating the same rhetoric this country has been saying for the last 75 years. he can say it to the 30% of southeast asian americans who are living in poverty. but we get it, american media continues to perpetuate that ideology. yes, there are asian people who are invested in that myth and the idea of “we pulled ourselves up from the bootstraps.” but those folks exist in every racial community.

can you be clear with this statement: “others fall for the okey doke.” what are you trying to express with this?
im failing to see the point of bringing up Nick Gillespie and him trying to prop up the model minority myth. idgaf what nick gillespie says, he’s just repeating the same rhetoric this country has been saying for the last 75 years. he can say it to the 30% of southeast asian americans who are living in poverty. but we get it, american media continues to perpetuate that ideology. yes, there are asian people who are invested in that myth and the idea of “we pulled ourselves up from the bootstraps.” but those folks exist in every racial community.

can you be clear with this statement: “others fall for the okey doke.” what are you trying to express with this?
Nick Gillespie is a white man, and he is listened to, and both he and Maher got a round of applause.
Others continue to think that if you do NOT buy into the struggle against white supremacy, that you’ll be rewarded with acceptance by white society, then allowed a modicum of white privilege. Utilizing the ninjahood model of success is an example of such.
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The top rated porn is more degrading than sexual in nature. And frustrated males are consuming a lot of this toxic content far too often. If it isn't racist it's incestuous and demoralizing. But on average the porn industry caters to the white male gaze.
Cuz they can’t get P.
Seems like nuanced conversations from a certain demographic are not accepted here.
Why nuanced

which demographic

who doesn’t want them

where is here
Why nuanced

which demographic

who doesn’t want them

where is here
Even in this thread there have been threats to see people out of this thread for not staying on topic.

A thread on the media push to blame the black community was shut down without incident because " I could see where it was going."

Until it gets there don't shut the thread down.
Even in this thread there have been threats to see people out of this thread for not staying on topic.

A thread on the media push to blame the black community was shut down without incident because " I could see where it was going."

Until it gets there don't shut the thread down.

I think this thread is about the actual event. Speaking about anything else will get your posts deleted or the thread locked.

A good discussion on the related topic you're trying to talk about is happening in the black culture thread right now.

Im not telling you what you do, just saying...the discussion IS being had on NT, just not in here.
I think this thread is about the actual event. Speaking about anything else will get your posts deleted or the thread locked.

A good discussion on the related topic you're trying to talk about is happening in the black culture thread right now.

Im not telling you what you do, just saying...the discussion IS being had on NT, just not in here.
Interesting. A discussion on asian violence is happening in the Black culture thread.
Just a reminder to those who came into the Ahmaud Aubrey thread, then asked questions like, why was he not wearing jogging clothes? Why was he running into other people’s property? Why did he try and fight back? This is why many of the Black posters were telling non Black members that ALL white people are indeed racist, due to the system that supports them. You should not presume that all white people are not racist, simply because you don’t want to make everything about race. Well, discussion on this thread about white supremacy and the effects of, are warranted when they up and kill minorities who do not see how being white automatically makes white people a threat, in a system of white supremacy. That business probably never thought that something like this would happen to them, even though women have been dealing with misogyny, for hundreds and thousands of years before racism was even thought of by white people in america.
Interesting. A discussion on asian violence is happening in the Black culture thread.
I can stop if you want. That thread is super important and I don’t want to derail if I did.

This feels like a stick to shoes type of policing
So why are people attacking asians now? I keep hearing it recently and am genuinely interested why this is popping up all of the sudden? Is this really a new trend or is this something that has been happening and the media is chosing to focus on it for the time being? Maybe its just me being out of the loop but this seems like its coming out of nowhere.

You must have not been paying attention. This violence has been on the rise since covid19 hit, fueled by our prior regime.
Side note:
Wish we could change some of these terms.
We all know what they mean but I believe the word structure in of themselves has a subconscious negative impact because of the 2nd and 3rd definitions these words carry or the acutual words themselves in isolation:

They call us Minorities when we are the Major force in creating the style, culture , and intelligecutal property this country (and the world) feeds off of. Terming our social identity based population is false when our national and global impact drastically eclipses our numerical representation. There is NOTHING minor about us.

We all know what White Supremacy is as a concept, as something protected and the driver of motive in this country. But that phraseology in a vaccum is false. Wish we would call it White Insecurity, White Fear, or White ***boy-ism. That is the root cause of their actions. Not that they believe they are supreme (if they were they wouldnt need to supress and oppress, they would just naturally rise the top), but they are scared they contribute nothing uniquely substantial to society and will become obsolete. Feel like that phrase low-key gasses them somewhat: We are fighting white supremacy ( the supremacy of whites.) Whites and supreme should never be together unless its off-whites wit a tee.

I could go on but Ima chill.
I can stop if you want. That thread is super important and I don’t want to derail if I did.

This feels like a stick to shoes type of policing
No. Because when someone Black goes into the asian culture thread to discuss this issue from a pro Black perspective? They will be called a clown. The Black culture thread was created due to people not being allowed to discuss Black issues on niketalk. There were moderators in place that would ignore the Black posters when they’d report racist language. However, if there were any forms if aggression that were thought as being offensive to asians? It was quickly dealt with and deleted. Yet, the Black posters were simply making everything about race. That was why the Black culture thread was created, and also why I made the unapologetically Black thread. Ninjahood got away with making some incredibly disparaging remarks on this site for a decade. Also from my understanding, there were also other supposedly Black posters, who’d denounce Black people, simply in order to make asian friends, just so they could get asian exclusive sneakers, then possibly be introduced to asian women. sugafree sugafree has more info about that. But to make it plain, there are many here, who do not want to see any Black discussions at all. This is a fact.
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