A few 'FYI' things about Nike and Nike products.........

Originally Posted by thagreatj

Just start ignorin it. I am not gettin involved, just offerin you advice.

How long do you think the retro "craze" will last? as long as "america" continues it or what?

will there ever be an advance ordering system. when you guys do limited/online releases, two things happen. YOu either make too many or too little. I think if you gave peeps a pic of the shoe, we can say give me a sz 11, yall then make that many of each desired, then you wont have to worry bout over/under producing. i know that is a long shot....but would that happen outside of NIkeid?

We do have an advanced ordering system, where orders are placed months in advance and the domestic retailers gain a certain percent discount for doing so.It's called the 'Futures Program'.

As far as the "retro craze", only the retail market will dictate its direction. Only time will tell.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

And more avoiding questions.


You think no one has noticed your refusal to see your OWN errors, and your pompous attitude towards those that attempt to correct you? You REALLY think people aren't seeing that?
I already pointed out MULTIPLE quotes from others earlier in this thread that showed that they see your dismissive, irresponsible ways.

But this is all made up, like a Disney movie?


You're making me think that maybe this place would be WORLDS better without you.
Maybe a lock wouldn't be the solution; maybe something else would be.

Man up, son.

Stop talking to me like I'm 12, stop avoiding questions about your tone, stop claiming to represent Nike without their permission (did they give you permission to make this thread? I know you won't answer that.
), and stop trolling.
Even better yet, just ban me. Your posts are sickening and a failing attempt to redeem yourself on this board. Listen to yourself: "Man upson....Stop talking to me like I'm 12"...??? You can't be serious about being an administrator can you??? Really a good show of maturity andprofessionalism on your part.

Like I said before, it says a lot. Check your mail, I'll overnight the trophy if all this means that much to you. Of course, you'll have anotherretaliation immediately after this. Would anyone like to bet on it?
Originally Posted by MenofOregon

Originally Posted by thagreatj

Just start ignorin it. I am not gettin involved, just offerin you advice.

How long do you think the retro "craze" will last? as long as "america" continues it or what?

will there ever be an advance ordering system. when you guys do limited/online releases, two things happen. YOu either make too many or too little. I think if you gave peeps a pic of the shoe, we can say give me a sz 11, yall then make that many of each desired, then you wont have to worry bout over/under producing. i know that is a long shot....but would that happen outside of NIkeid?

We do have an advanced ordering system, where orders are placed months in advance and the domestic retailers gain a certain percent discount for doing so. It's called the 'Futures Program'.

As far as the "retro craze", only the retail market will dictate its direction. Only time will tell.
But on a more individual bases. I already no prices would prolly be through the roof but....some exceptions could be made.
I'm locking this now, and I'll be personally keeping my eye on you.

If I see that you continue to belittle people by blaming them for things when you're not changing the disrespectful, dismissive trolling that you have donein this thread, you will be banned.

I know that was a long sentence for you, but break it down in parts.

Here, I'll do it for you:
You blame people, but you don't think you do anything wrong.
When people complain about the tone you have on this board, you blame other people some more.
You're disrespectful.
When people point out your disrespect, you blame other people.
You do 1 good thing and 5 bad things, and you hide behind the 1 good things.
When someone brings that up to you, you blame other people for different thing.

If I see that continue, you will be banned.

I don't appreciate disrespectful, dismissive, condescending trolls that think that they can get away with things because they have some little tidbit ofinfo.

Yeah, it would be very difficult to do that on an individual basis because of the amount of production and the time needed to fill certain orders. There wouldbe chaos in the factories, which would eventually spread through the entire ordering process. Unfortunately, costs would rise because the workload wouldincrease in order to meet the deadlines.
Not to rub salt in the wound, here, but I wanted to add a couple of points to this thread simply because I think none of us wish to see a repeat occurrence ofwhat's taken place here.

First, we should ALL be aware of the fact that INTENT does not equal EFFECT. You may not INTEND to make a racist statement, for example. That doesn'tmean your comments can't be construed as offensive or serve to perpetuate racism - and even recent history offers us a litany of examples to this point. Now, if you happen to be in Don Imus' shoes you might say "I didn't MEAN it that way! You're all CRAZY! You hypocrites just want to findsomeone to vilify! Blah, blah, blah...." but how respectful is that?

That you can't even acknowledge the very POSSIBILITY that your statements might be interpreted as condescending is, itself, condescending. It onlyAMPLIFIES the "I'm right, you're all wrong. I know everything, you know nothing." vibe that some people picked up on in this thread.

If I'm standing on your foot, I can't tell you that you're WRONG for pointing that out because I don't feel any pain.

there was actually a huge article explaining the negative effects that gas used (cant remember the exact name...sf6?) was contributing to the green house effect and that was there reasoning. it was a great and informative article.

I think there were actually issues with selling the product in Europe as a result of the contents of the"air unit." Ironically enough, the "correct" terminology is, itself, a misnomer for this very reason: the "units"aren't filled with air.

It's a marketing term, people. Thus, I have difficulty presenting it as though a marketing term somehowrepresents the incontrovertible word of god and that anyone who uses an equally valid descriptor that doesn't happen to coincide with Nike's marketingagenda is somehow "ignorant" or "uninformed."
Wow HOVKid, that means that you don't really know the story behind the delay of the release of the Air Max 360 do you?

Nobody's perfect. You didn't know the story behind Tuned Air, after all. That's fine, I wouldn't want to assumethat you've been with the company that long.

Personally, I think you may want to drop the habit of prefacing so many posts with "we at Nike."

I can say this with absolute certainty: you do NOT speak for everyoneat Nike. Further, that you're under their employ does not AUTHORIZE you to purport to speak on the COMPANY'S behalf. Look at some of the responsesyou've generated and tell me that's the sort of impression Nike WANTS to make on its customers. You can tell me that you didn't INTEND to becondescending, but you can't tell others how to feel. You've no corner on the definition of reality. Simply because "we at Nike," by whichyou mean you, don't think you were condescending doesn't make it so. Many of our users felt your tone was condescending, and I don'tthink your "I'm right; you're all idiots" reaction has done anything to alter that perception. Clearly, humility isn't part of thetraining process these days. C'est la vie.
Just because the folks here like Nike shoes doesn't mean we deify Nike employees. It's no more a"thrill" for me to converse with a Nike employee than any other human being.

I'm not embarrassed to admit that I'm partial to Popeye's chicken. That said, if a Popeye's employee - and itdoesn't matter if they're the global marketing manager or assistant fry cook - were ever to post "We at Popeye's don't call them chickentenders. Chicken tenders derive their name from the tenderloin. Our chickenstrips do not contain chicken tenderloin; they're 100% breast meat. It would be an insult to the dedicatedexecutive chefs at Popeye's and our commitment to quality to refer to our premium chicken strips by any other name. If you're going to refer to ourpremium chicken strips, use the correct technical term. Further, PLEASE stop calling our catfish basket a "fish box." Again, Popeye's servesNew Orleans style CATFISH in a BASKET. It is NOT generic "fish" in a "box." I would literally double over laughing.

Let's all try to keep this in perspective. The flea circus that is this thread is EASILY and by far the most trivial thing in my life at the moment. They're only sneakers, folks, let's not forget that.
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