A Look back at Bill Cosby's "Poundcake" Speech

Originally Posted by AF92

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko


I like how the white kids come in and say "100% agree" "agree 100%"

100% agree

How do u know they are? I'm not white and I agree with Bill to a small extent. However, then again, I do feel like "*%$! Bill Cosby!"
Originally Posted by AF92

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko


I like how the white kids come in and say "100% agree" "agree 100%"

100% agree

How do u know they are? I'm not white and I agree with Bill to a small extent. However, then again, I do feel like "*%$! Bill Cosby!"
At the end of the day, no country in the world allows more opportunity for their citizens than the USA.  I don't care if you're black, white, mexican, asian, etc. you have NO excuses.  Anybody that is complaining has a false sense of entitlement.
At the end of the day, no country in the world allows more opportunity for their citizens than the USA.  I don't care if you're black, white, mexican, asian, etc. you have NO excuses.  Anybody that is complaining has a false sense of entitlement.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Well thank god the white people are off the hook.

No but he has a point about the impact of parenting and what not.
He has point? Bad parenting is the root of pretty much all evil in this society, yet not a single politician is ever willing to address it. You can throw all the money in the world at education, police, government, whatever...and it means nothing if daddy peaces out as soon as mommy craps out a kid and the kid isn't raised in a manner that won't lead to being harmful to society later on.

And parents go unpunished in our society, unless they're beating the crap out of their own kids. If their kid beats the crap out of another kid, then the parent should be punished for unleashing a monster on the world. I mean, if a dog goes out and mauls someone, does the owner not get in trouble? Well, you raise your kid to be a good citizen and you don't have to worry about anything. If you raise them horribly, they're going to go out and be harmful to society. If minors commit crimes, then parents should be held accountable.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Well thank god the white people are off the hook.

No but he has a point about the impact of parenting and what not.
He has point? Bad parenting is the root of pretty much all evil in this society, yet not a single politician is ever willing to address it. You can throw all the money in the world at education, police, government, whatever...and it means nothing if daddy peaces out as soon as mommy craps out a kid and the kid isn't raised in a manner that won't lead to being harmful to society later on.

And parents go unpunished in our society, unless they're beating the crap out of their own kids. If their kid beats the crap out of another kid, then the parent should be punished for unleashing a monster on the world. I mean, if a dog goes out and mauls someone, does the owner not get in trouble? Well, you raise your kid to be a good citizen and you don't have to worry about anything. If you raise them horribly, they're going to go out and be harmful to society. If minors commit crimes, then parents should be held accountable.
Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Yea I completely understand that. I was just asking where you got that low 9.9% figure from, because everything else has it at way higher.

9.9 is a nationwide figure... yours are from major cities.

How about instead of arguing which percentage is right, let's look at the facts here: What makes suburban/rural black people so much damn smarter than inner-city black people? I think we need to address this problem first, because if the nationwide percentage is 9.9% and in nearly every major city the rate is 50% for us, then that means the people outside of the inner city are doing something RIGHT!

I think we need to deal with the issues in the inner-city and not put this blanket "black youth are ignorant, thick-headed rapscallions" over every single black person in the US. Just by these statistics, we know where the problem is. You guys have no idea how angry it makes me when people "co-sign" this without realizing that these statistics mean a hell of a lot. Do you see how far the gap is? Something is VERY WRONG. And it can't just be the students or the parenting. It has to be more. Inner-city education reform. Some of these kids are in school more than they see their actual parents. Nuff sed.
Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Yea I completely understand that. I was just asking where you got that low 9.9% figure from, because everything else has it at way higher.

9.9 is a nationwide figure... yours are from major cities.

How about instead of arguing which percentage is right, let's look at the facts here: What makes suburban/rural black people so much damn smarter than inner-city black people? I think we need to address this problem first, because if the nationwide percentage is 9.9% and in nearly every major city the rate is 50% for us, then that means the people outside of the inner city are doing something RIGHT!

I think we need to deal with the issues in the inner-city and not put this blanket "black youth are ignorant, thick-headed rapscallions" over every single black person in the US. Just by these statistics, we know where the problem is. You guys have no idea how angry it makes me when people "co-sign" this without realizing that these statistics mean a hell of a lot. Do you see how far the gap is? Something is VERY WRONG. And it can't just be the students or the parenting. It has to be more. Inner-city education reform. Some of these kids are in school more than they see their actual parents. Nuff sed.
I didn't have a huge problem with what he said, I had more of a problem with the forum. Cosby and people of his ilk say that %*@$ to people like themselves. Its always middle to upper class black people talking down about lower class black people, they like to preach to the choir but most of them dont do %*@$ to help except throw a couple dollars at the problem
I didn't have a huge problem with what he said, I had more of a problem with the forum. Cosby and people of his ilk say that %*@$ to people like themselves. Its always middle to upper class black people talking down about lower class black people, they like to preach to the choir but most of them dont do %*@$ to help except throw a couple dollars at the problem
This speech basically served as a vehicle for subtly racist white people to use via the "well a black person said it, so he must be right" logic.

It's like some white folks honestly are waiting for the smallest piece of black negativity to hold against black people.
This speech basically served as a vehicle for subtly racist white people to use via the "well a black person said it, so he must be right" logic.

It's like some white folks honestly are waiting for the smallest piece of black negativity to hold against black people.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

It's easy to blam the youth and the parents, but what could/would you do if you were enslaved for generations and "set free" with barely any idea about who you are and what you are to be doing in this world? What about families that have pretty much always been low income families and never had anyone to excel and make it in corporate America? The enslavement was more than physical, it was also mental and a mental issue is a tough thing to deal with.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

It's easy to blam the youth and the parents, but what could/would you do if you were enslaved for generations and "set free" with barely any idea about who you are and what you are to be doing in this world? What about families that have pretty much always been low income families and never had anyone to excel and make it in corporate America? The enslavement was more than physical, it was also mental and a mental issue is a tough thing to deal with.
i never understood why people(black and white) always wanna to speak out on whats going on with the poor, lower class blacks...when its the same exact thing going on with lower class and poor white and latino people....poor whites get ignored overall and thats not a good thing either...
i never understood why people(black and white) always wanna to speak out on whats going on with the poor, lower class blacks...when its the same exact thing going on with lower class and poor white and latino people....poor whites get ignored overall and thats not a good thing either...
Originally Posted by BTK

I remember first hearing it years ago, and was a bit bothered on his comments. As I got older, I'm starting to realize he's being 100% rational and not quite ranting as I had originally felt. What do you guys think (Please read it)

- you were an idiot then.
- an no ive never 100% agreed with Bill due to the fact that Bill (I also include Oprah) hasnt done anything to solve these issues. and im not talking about the money he donates to Fisk and other schools like it.
- IMO i  dont wanna hear anyone on a soapbox that has had the means to make a change, chose not to, and now wants to stand on a soapbox pointing fingers.

Originally Posted by BTK

I remember first hearing it years ago, and was a bit bothered on his comments. As I got older, I'm starting to realize he's being 100% rational and not quite ranting as I had originally felt. What do you guys think (Please read it)

- you were an idiot then.
- an no ive never 100% agreed with Bill due to the fact that Bill (I also include Oprah) hasnt done anything to solve these issues. and im not talking about the money he donates to Fisk and other schools like it.
- IMO i  dont wanna hear anyone on a soapbox that has had the means to make a change, chose not to, and now wants to stand on a soapbox pointing fingers.

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

 I give you logical reasoning, yall give me a "MAN, GET THAT %#*$ OUT OF HERE" ....... Sooo......
I didn't think your response warranted much more than that, really.

Did you notice that the majority of the people who "agreed 100%" before your initial response were black? Did you also take notice that the 5-7 people thereafter that quoted you saying they agreed with Bill were also black? I have a problem with the lack of accountability when it comes to problems that plague the black community. We have been free as a people for centuries, man. Why are you still talking about "what if your people were suddenly set free in the world with no idea how to survive?" If we didn't know how to back then, we damn sure should know by now.

Do you not understand that this is a defining reason why so many Black Americans (with slave blood) are behind in so many aspects? Are you seriously going to say that doesnt play a key factor and physical and mental opression and supression of an entire group of people wouldnt leave some kind of evident scarring? Seriously?

Give me your logical explaination and I'll listen. Otherwise, you're just saying "preach on reverend!"
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