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Got a no caller ID call at 8:13. I wouldnt think theyd call that late and have a no caller id number, but i really hope i didnt miss the call
Good luck this week everyone. Hope I can just get A pair. anything but green for me
Seems to be a display glitch, I entered for the 9s this past weekend and 1 store showed but still reserved at a store I selected that wasn't displayed.
I have this issue also so I selected just one but after reading this I'm just going to select both of em, worse case I just go to both lol. 
Does anybody know what's the production numbers m on these because so far they seem more available than the belugas
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Does anybody know what's the production numbers m on these because so far they seem more available than the belugas

3-5000 each colorway. Beluga v2 were 13k pairs (according to yeezymafia so take it with a grain of salt)
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Yep, going to Wednesday's show at the Honda Center, hope if he does something, he cancels instead of wasting people's time and ending after 1/2 hour.
atvyjose concerts where he performs for less than a half hour or cancels are people getting their money back?
For those of you who are waiting for the apps to update on Platinum/Gold VIP status -

My accounts on FTL and FA changed to Platinum/Gold status just now, and my reservations just changed to give me the 6 min headstart. So it looks like the VIP status isn't locked in at the start of the reservation. I didn't have the Platinum/Gold status when I put in my reservations on Friday morning, but I made some purchases Friday afternoon to eventually get me the status.

FYI, I had to fiddle around with the app to get the 6 min headstart to update. For some reason, it didn't automatically switch to 6 min after it said my status changed. Here is what I had to do:

1) Un-check 2 out of the 3 stores on my store locations list
2) Log out of my account
3) Log back into my account
4) Now you will see the headstart change add the 2 min for Platinum/Gold VIP status (in my case it switched to 6 min)
5) Re-check the 2 store locations that I had un-checked in Step #1

Repeat these steps for each shoe

Hope this works for some other people

THIS worked for me for my FA app but not FL .. repped thanks man !!
*Heads up* Just checked this morning and noticed an additional store was added for my champs app. I'm going to assume its a new store since I never been there before lol.  Chances increased a lot I hope with the late add.
got a call from finishline yesterday at 5:20 pm. cooked a 10.5 green. shady thing is they said they would call Monday so im guessing they tried to pull a quick one on me hoping i wouldnt pick up. talked to the store manager earlier in the week and he said they got around 200 pairs total (prob a good maj will be back doored). first time getting a pair of yeezy's for retail and it feels good. good luck guys.
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