Air Jordan XIII - Flint colorway to drop November 2010 (via

Originally Posted by Sour Diesel

Yeah, I want a different pair. You guys don't think a store that I didn't buy them from would let me swap right shoes on a new pair, do you?

Could always take it back to a Niketown and see if they have them in stock and they should exchange for you. If you go to any other store, you "could" buy a new pair, swap, and then return, but I doubt they'd let you just swap without a money transaction. (And technically that's return fraud).
Originally Posted by Sour Diesel

Yeah, I want a different pair. You guys don't think a store that I didn't buy them from would let me swap right shoes on a new pair, do you?

good like finding a store that still has a pair you could swap let alone your size.
Originally Posted by Zero 0123

Could always take it back to a Niketown and see if they have them in stock and they should exchange for you. If you go to any other store, you "could" buy a new pair, swap, and then return, but I doubt they'd let you just swap without a money transaction. (And technically that's return fraud).

Thanks for the timely response man. I'm in Virginia, so the Niketown option is out of the question unfortunately
And the other option sounds like it'd work pretty well, but due to poor planning, I don't even have enough loot to buy another pair right now. Guess I'll just ride to town with these and stop by a few places to show them, see if any friends are working and if they could possibly swap them. Thanks again Zero, and I hope your pair is up to par.
@Snowman I'm pretty sure that Jordan didn't ever wear these on the court, unless he wore them with the Wizards, but I've never seen a picture of that.
Originally Posted by Sour Diesel

@Snowman I'm pretty sure that Jordan didn't ever wear these on the court, unless he wore them with the Wizards, but I've never seen a picture of that.

me and my buddy were shootin the breeze about this yesterday so i wanted to prove him wrong. maybe he wore them in the all star game? maybe.....
Originally Posted by Snowman626

can somebody please get me a picture of Jordan wearing these on court in game?

He never wore these on the court, so you will not find a pic. 
But how about Richard Hamilton?? 

man, i don't understand how its okay to rock 2010 flints w/o 3M but its not okay to rock fakes..hmmm...
back in the day thats how we could tell you were rockin' fakes..the only thing 2010s are missing is a messed up halogram...
Originally Posted by chandiesel

man, i don't understand how its okay to rock 2010 flints w/o 3M but its not okay to rock fakes..hmmm...
back in the day thats how we could tell you were rockin' fakes..the only thing 2010s are missing is a messed up halogram...

If that's the case, why is it okay to wear 2000 infrareds because they didn't have 3m either. I guess those those are almost fakes as well.
Originally Posted by dtb00201

Originally Posted by chandiesel

man, i don't understand how its okay to rock 2010 flints w/o 3M but its not okay to rock fakes..hmmm...
back in the day thats how we could tell you were rockin' fakes..the only thing 2010s are missing is a messed up halogram...

If that's the case, why is it okay to wear 2000 infrareds because they didn't have 3m either. I guess those those are almost fakes as well.

 yeah they are if you are trying to go that route with me but obviously youre not getting my point.(not trying to get in to an online battle make such a big deal when folks rock fakes (thats my point) but people buy retros that mimick fakes and thats okay (thats my point and question)..
do you see what im trying to ask here
Yeah, but your "wow these new Jordans are just like fakes" argument has been done to death, literally, thousands of times. At the end of the day, yes, they're missing an element that was a lot of people's favorite aspect, but they aren't fakes, and they're as true to the original as we're going to get currently. As much as we wish it was, this isn't "back in the day" like you stated. Things have changed and this was the only option for a readily available Flint 13. What I don't understand is why it even bothers you that other people are buying/wearing/enjoying these. If you don't, then don't, leave it at that...
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

I can sorta believe it, but I still can't believe these flew off the shelves the way they did.

Same here my dude, I really thought these would of sat for 2-3 weeks, there goes to show how much love there is for this shoe, or how many hypebeast are out there.
didn't think I would be feeling them without the 3M but I'm very pleased with the quality of these to be honest...
^^ If anything, I would think the hypebeasts were going after BIN 7's and the other super limited releases. Nothing hypebeast about these Flints... they're just an all time classic that has always been well received. Really, the entire lineup of 13's is looking pretty good, and I wouldn't be shocked if they all sold well. It's a shame JB didn't take this route last year with the 12's, they could've given us some stuff we've been thirsting for (Playoffs, Obsidians, Leather Flu Games)
These still sitting on the shelves where i roam at 
 All sizes too 
 ,i just know i have plenty of time to scoop for myself and get christmas shopping out the way ,but honestly im looking forward to the playoff 13 imma pass on the alt's! Christmas shopping starts wednesday for me
Originally Posted by Sour Diesel

Ok, here's a pic of the toeboxes so you guys can see what I'm talking about. As you can see, the left shoe is normal, tumbled leather, but the right is much smoother, almost like it didn't go through the tumbling process. I'm mostly frustrated because I've seen this same thing on 2 pairs of 12s I own. Isn't this borderline b-grade? I'm debating what to do, but at this point I don't know if I'll be able to easily find a clean pair of size 11s. Ugh.

Edit: @Zero, I foolishly used Overnight Shipping. I wasn't aware that Nike weren't considering Friday a business day (don't know how that's possible, seeing as it's a HUGE one)... I might call back and try to get some money credited for the shipping

My 2004s look almost identical to these on the toebox.
Finally went in and ordered my pairs from Swoosh since they re-up'd on the size 11's.

First actual Jordan purchase from my actual funds since 2007. Couldn't help it. I actually liked these when I saw them in person.
Originally Posted by Error on page

@ theAdimac*** the shoe looking nice isnt the problem becuz its just the shell. jb's not going to do to much to change the shoe in fear of it not selling. but just like you hear people say older players are a shell of themselvs, so are shoes. and what goes into Js isnt what it used to be(see paint cracking, creasing easy or cheap leather). but im not going to sit hear and explain this stuff to someone who wants an inferior product and that makes excuse for jb.

and when i said there wouldnt be a stylish shoe line if people followed your ideas. i meant in general cuz people that create jordans also make nike shoes. and jb only seperated from nike ( to a degree) around the xii i think. so until that point it wasnt a jordan brand and if im not mistaken didnt the same person that created air units create or at least help with the first Js sooooooo.........

and lastly it aint about keeping it moving. i like jordans and grew up on them and want to see them back to the way they use to be. i dont wear them cuz their a fad. i think u got it backwards og heads are fighting for the greater good of the product quality and arent just hype beast who will except anything. im a real fan. and to me, getting the word out about bad product and to not listen to conformist people like you, ( who care less about the quality and in turn make excuse as to why you should except less of a product costing $160+) is better than just "keeping it moving". cuz with your way everybody loses, my way everbody wins.

im sorry for insulting you, i am. but once people like you stop buying jordans then watch the line take a turn for the better. even if it is people who just agree with og heads, whats wrong with that. id rather follow a og head than your logic. atleast i know they care about future jb release and not just hyped ones. even if they dont know what they are talking about. atleast they are on the right side. the side your not on.
I see what your saying. Im done with our little argument. I guess on this one we are going to have to agree to disagree. Your never gonna convince me that the 3m is a huge part of the shoe and Im not gonna convince you other wise. I have zero complaints about the quality of the shoes. The leather on these is real nice, no excess glue. just a well put together shoe. You have a nice day.

and lol at the guy going around worrying about spelling and grammar... get a life 
Hey wait sorry for the doule post guys think if they still have them by the end of the week would we be able to use 50 off?
nobody is mad that people are enjoying the new flints

saying that it's appreciated that the stronger 3m was left off is where everyone disagrees

just sounded like people were trying to justify why they bought them instead of just enjoying them for what they are
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