Amanda Bynes hood now?




wood wife
Sigh, your viewpoint is coming across as someone who has no idea how the entertainment business or life in general works. You don't get these opportunities and capitalize on them if you're just a "cute face". 

She was a professional actor since the age of 7. She worked herself from "Figure it out" and "All that" before landing her own show "Amanda Show" at the age of 11... This was before Drake and Josh, iCarly and all that BS that's on now... From there she was a lead on "What I like about you" and after that made 10 movies which she was the lead on most of them. The last movie that she made that she had a major role in was "Easy A" and that was 4 years ago. 
you do realize all those movies with the exception of hairspray did little to nothing.... and as much as you guys love nicklelodeon... again it was a nickelodeon show.... outside of kids she wasn't a major player well known household name... hell even icarly is was bigger then her in any point of her career seeing icarly had a video game series, clothing brand and was a well known household name..... all that nor the Amanda show was either of these...

then she had a low rating sitcom on what upn on of the lowest rated tv stations.... in what I like about you....

and the two movies that she did do that weren't flops or had moderate success ie... hairspray and easy a did ok... and she wasn't a lead role in either of those....

she hasn't won any real awards outside of kids/nick awards.... has been on what 2 or 3 shows maybe 10 movies with 2 of them being moderate success...

She did not transition from childhood actress to a successful actress... she isn't wasn't a very talented actress and yall letting nostalgia and childhood memories cloud truth.... But then again half the folks on here think my brother and me was some all time great classic sitcom...

Um and as far as just having a cute face lol please.... Kate upton is staring in a major billing movie... and it damn sure isn't because of her acting... hell Jennifer Anniston in most part has played the same typical love interest, romantic comedy role for damn near 2 or 3 decades....

hell beyonce got roles in major films... and again it wasn't cause of her acting...

she was a child star...who was beloved who rode that coat tail till the wheels fell off... you acting like she was some top teir actress getting scripts to play in top billing movies... or play in a myriad of different genres of movies...

she was a fun loving likeable child who played/starred in a kids tv show that many of you guys loved.... and took piece work in movies throughout her late teens and early 20's....

Lets not say she some great talent, and some remarkable actress... shes no Sandra bullock ah nuttin... hell she isn't even a Dakota fanning... hell I wouldn't even say she is a top ten as far as kid actors/actresses turned into adults...

hell I wouldn't be surprised if you googled her the first page will be all about her decline/dropoff and few if anything about any acting work she has done outside of her childhood nick stuff...

She needs to gone ahead an make a playboy already.... we are all ready and waiting...
amanda tweaking again y'all

I really want to rescue her
She did not transition from childhood actress to a successful actress... she isn't wasn't a very talented actress and yall letting nostalgia and childhood memories cloud truth.... But then again half the folks on here think my brother and me was some all time great classic sitcom...
 goo punch was epic  & u had the cool dr money haircut 
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what's up with these comedian? she really needs help before she hurts herself.

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The funniest people I know seem to be the ones surrounded by darkness. And that’s probably why they’re the funniest. The deeper the pit, the more humor you need to dig yourself out of it.

- Jim Norton
see at first I thought she was really going through something and I sort of felt bad for her

then she straightened up and the moment she's no longer under conservatorship she 

turns it back on.  whole thing seems like one big act
Drugs and strangely about 5 lbs in the face.

Probably just the pills/drugs puffing up her face somehow.
amanda tweaking again y'all

I really want to rescue her
Honestly, given she's bipolar schizophrenic I'm pretty sure somebody will save her at some point and keep her on her meds for the most part.

Just need to remain stable. Look at Brittney (not the same condition but she definitely had mental breakdown.
see at first I thought she was really going through something and I sort of felt bad for her
then she straightened up and the moment she's no longer under conservatorship she 
turns it back on.  whole thing seems like one big act
Damn :lol: It's called relapse bruh.

She was out of the spotlight for a very long time. This thread was back in March. She wanted that attention that bad she would've turned it up in the summer, no?
^ that could be the case, or it could just as well be an act

i'm not sure what part the summer plays, is there an off season for celebrity antics?
For the type of foolery she was on yeah. It'd make more sense. Hell just back in late August she could've made some wild comments about the celbs nudes leaking or post her own.

Right now, with what caused this thread to get bumped isn't her antics but reports that she's doing drugs again and her parents not knowing where she is. Aint like she came back on twitter begging Wu Tang to murder her with their black penises. I mean technically she's still out of the spotlight since she aint doing ****.

To me there actually has to be something seriously wrong with her cuz the type of attention she's getting for relapsing doesn't benefit her like the stuff that started this. She's taking a fall worse than Lindsay Lohan.
She did not transition from childhood actress to a successful actress... she isn't wasn't a very talented actress and yall letting nostalgia and childhood memories cloud truth.... But then again half the folks on here think my brother and me was some all time great classic sitcom...
 goo punch was epic  & u had the cool dr money haircut 
Nickelodeon and Disney are the illuminati, I forgot the fat dudes name but he was sexually abusing these chicks
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